Installing testflight



Steps to install Testflight

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Step-by-Step tutor ia l for ins ta l l ing TestF l ight for Organizer iOS Beta

Installing TestFlightfor Beta App

Step 1

Go to:

Step 2

Enter Login Credentials - for this beta program, we’ve setup an account for you.

Enter the following credentials: Username: Pw: betauser

Step 3

Select “Connect Device”

Step 4

Select “Install”

Step 5

Select “Install Now”

Step 6

Select “Done”

Step 7

One Step 7 is complete, and your device has been registered, notify us by emailing We will register your device so your device can receive app updates.

We will email you back upon successful registration. Afterwards you may then proceed to step 8.

Step 8

Select “View All Apps”

Step 9

Select “INSTALL”You will only have one application option.

Step 10

Select “Install”

Step 10

Wait for install to complete, afterwards, you can login using app’s credentials provided.
