I.M. Bored: A Legacy in 10 Generations - Gen 8 Part 1



The kids g

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And we’re now turning it over to chapter 8. With luck, it will be 5 more updates and I am done with this legacy. Wooo!!!

Aren’t you excited? I know I am!

We’d left off with this lovely little thing…

Who’s head was it over?

Big O…

*Cancels Slap action*

Yes, Booth flirted with Vash who accepted the flirt in front of his husband and mother and then heart-farted his husband. Amusingly Willow is pissed with Booth more than Big O is. In fact, Big O didn’t even get furious with anyone.

“I’m sorry, love, I didn’t mean anything by it. It’s the coding. I don’t even like red heads.”

“It does not change that you were unfaithful.”

“I know I’m sorry, forgive me.”

“I will think about it.”


“Somewhere where there aren’t any ghosts.”

“Big O?”


“Have you thought about it?”

“I have.”


“How could you do that? In front of me and your family? He’s your daughter’s fiancee. The brother of her children.”

“I know. But it’s the coding. For better or worse I am a romance sim.”

“And that’s supposed to make it okay?”

“No. But it does explain why it happened.”

“You’ve got to rise above your coding. I’m a servo. All I’m supposed to do is do chores and run amok. But that is what I am, it isn’t who I am. You can be more than just a romance sim.”

“How do you propose I do that?”

“I don’t know. Figure it out. You’re the one who has to live with your actions and the consequences thereof.”

“So are you saying you won’t forgive me for my discretions?”

“I didn’t say that.”

“So you’ll forgive me?”

“I said I’d think about it.”


“I forgive you just this once. But do it again and you will regret it.”

“I think I can live with that.”

“Vash… How dare you get a second chance. I will make you pay. You all will pay!”

“But what about me!!! I want attention!”

Ayla was right it was time to get to paying attention to the most important members of the family, the toddlers!

There was the obligatory teaching the children not to howl like Great Grandma.

How to stare creepily at the camera lessons.

And how to make funny pictures tutoring sessions.

These lessons were interspersed with ones on ‘How to stalk your spouse.’

And how to wander about the house in skimpy clothing.

And of course, the toddlers gave the adults a refresher course on how to be cuter than a rack of buttons.

“Now that the toddler picspam is over, how about some quality time with my wife?”

“What’s gotten into you?”

“Why? Can’t a man grope his wife?”

“He can. Just that’s normally my gig.”

“Oh Scot…”

“Sorry Wills, I didn’t plan on dying on our way to the hottub it just happned.”

“Scot? I suddenly feel this eerie prescence behind me.”

“Can you stop scaring my wife?”


“Come on girls, I hate it when no one comes out to mourn.”

“Scot? Come out, come out where ever you are? Baby wants to woohoo in a hot tub! Scot? Scot?”

“I’ll just wait for him here until he gets too cold to keep hiding on me.”

Willow, even the dog thinks you’re delusional.

“Oh my plumbbob, he’s gone. My Scot’s gone! What am I going to do?”

While inside Penelope was teaching Annie how to sing her nursery rhyme.

Then she got up and started bawling.

Then stopped, then bawled again.

“My granpa’s dead!”

I don’t think that Annie really cares all that much.

Although she did care about finally learning about how not to pee her pants.

This just in, Vegeta is plotting your death. That is all.

Upstairs, Vash and Big O continued with their reconcilation.

Which included gossiping about the guy Vash cheated with.

And flamey thought bubbles. I like to call this one, “I will kill you if you ever cheat on me again.”

“I see those bolts, you will stay away from my husband.”

“Look, I’m just here to clean the toilets.”


“Saiyajin’s can eat anything! Nom!”

“But crayons is icky!”

“Tastes like green.”

“Green has a flavor?”


“So we all has a flavor ‘cept, Annie?”


“Blue has a flavor too…”

“But not as good as green.”

“How you know?”

“Saiyajins eat everything.”


And now Big O has his lifetime want and I can ignore him a little more. He now wants to be a visionary. So cruel of Eaxis to make it so that servos can go to college. So he will have to be content with being a Media Magnate and writing scathing editorials about the man keeping the robot down.

And as it does, it was soon time for another birthday.

Vegeta and Jill grew up to look a lot like Scot, Vash, and Penelope.

While Ayla and Annie look a lot like their other mother, Bones.

“Wooo!!! Babylon 5 is haunting! Woooo!!!”

“But they moved my grave!”


“I shall contort into odd shapes before scaring people.”

“I like the hair!”


“Charlene? Is that you?”

“La la la! Not paying attention to the ghost.”

“Pay attention to your elders!”

“Sorry Grandpa!”

“Ressurrect me!!!”


“Resurrect me!”


“I mean it resurrect me!”

“I’m guessing you’re kind of lacking in charisma…”

“Ressurect me, now!”

“Got it. Go away.”

“Tell your mom to resurrect me!”


“Ressurect me! Oh and nice shirt!”


The rest of the night was spent playing dodge the angry dormie ghost on a rampage. Big O was happily outside but the rest of the family was playing musical beds.

“How much sleep did you get, Ayla?”

“Not enough… I am so tired I could sleep standing up.”

“So, showers then?”

“Sounds good to me.”

“Grandpa, if I’m the heiress does this mean that I have to live here with the ghosts for the rest of the challenge?”

“Yes, it does?”

“Does it ever get any easier?”

“No, it doesn’t. Are you going to make your move now?”

“I suppose.”

“A word of advice, don’t bother cheating on the first move. I’ll catch you.”

“You’ve played this game before with a mean sim, huh?”

“My mom.”


Everyone got showered and dressed while Penelope went out to resurrect all of the eaten sims to find that she could only resurrect her family and one lone townie. The angry dormie was nowhere to be found.

I am guessing I will have to resurrect her at college so until we send someone there, we are S.O.L..

Still we managed to get one hapless town resurrected then kicked off of the lot.

Inside, the kids were playing myshuno. Something that I have never actually done before.


“Hit! Uh, I think what are we supposed to be doing?”

“Connect four! No, that’s not right.”

“Bingo! Uh, Myshuno!”

“Wooo!!! Jill’s got a Myshuno! She’s the winner.”

“What’s a myshuno?”

“I demand a recount!”

“I demand some instructions.”

“That too!”

Since we had this extra cowplant milk that we weren’t using, Vash decided to partake of it since his spouse was immortal and all.

And then it was that time again, time to say goodbye to another family member.


“About time, what took you so long? Got lost in a grass skirt?”

“Um… no?”

“Hmph, well get a move on. I don’t have all day.”

“Who are you to order death, mortal?”

“Put that thing away you’re going to get us all killed.”

“Oh, just come on…”

“I would if you’d get out of my way.”



Willow and Scot Bored. You were one of my most boring but stable couples.

Willow lived to be 83 days old and left money to 36 sims.Scot lived to be 81 days old and left money to 34 sims.

They were definitely a force and Willow managed to die with all badges and got all hobby plaques. While Scot did whatever was needed without whining or complaining. He loved his wife. He loved his kids. He loved all of his descendents and gladly took on the role of ghost butt-monkey for the family’s good. You’ll be missed, guys.

Even the kids missed their great grand parents.

Since now with them being dead, the title of ghost butt-monkey seemed to pass on to poor Jill here.

Which is why we end up with late night family bonding bowling sessions. It’s safer on the edge of the lot.

Then it was time for the obligatory headmaster visit. He loved the grilled cheese. Gave us 47 points for it plus an extra 39 points for the conversation.

A quick tour of the kitchen got us more than the 4 points that we needed.

And the quads were in. Which is a very good thing since most of them are high playful.

Explain how a sim who’s never slept can think of a bed as his? He’s woohooed on both beds along with several couches and hot tubs. This makes no sense…

Nor does playing Myshuno by yourself. But I am pleased to see that the game is at least getting some use.

As are the cowplants outside. Say hello to our newest unresurrectable ghost, Alexander. Sigh… I’ll definitely have to send a spare to college just to rez the stinkers.

“Look! A Ghost!”

“Nice try there are always ghosts.”

“Look! A Ghost werewolf.”

“Gramma Willow!”

“Works every time.”

Except it wasn’t really a lie. That night Willow came out and said hello to her son.

Followed by Tamsin the Terrible.

Who then went upstairs to scare the kids.


I don’t think Penelope’s the only one wishing for a good night’s sleep. I am pretty sure Vegeta here just gave up after being scared out of all of the beds he tried.

Still life went on, Children were scared of wolves.

Gaming enthusiasm was increased.

And one of the kids dropped whatever they were doing to go give their mom a hug.

Not that I blame them, Penelope is really quite involved with her kids. She constantly wants to play or talk with them. She isn’t a bad mother or heiress.

And soon it was that time again…

“You mean I can has cake?”

“You can has.”

“Aunt Bones, can you stop flirting with the dormie and watch your kids grow up?”

“Sorry, too busy being lost in her eyes.”

“Oh boy.”

The kids were all lined up for the festivities.

Annie made her wish first – she is a Romance/Popularity sim with a LTW of being a Media Magnate.

Then we have Vegeta who is a Pleasure/Popularity sim who wants to be a Professional Party Guest.

Then we have Ayla who is a Family/Popularity sim who wants to Max Seven Skills, I think. It was something weird, I remember that.

Finally we have who is likely our heiress unless I change my mind, Jill McBain Bored. She is currently a Knowledge/Fortune sim which is going to be changed as soon as her aspiration drops to Grilled Cheese/Knowledge. I want the platstone.

All Jill really wants is to not pee herself at a potty. Way to go Alexander!

So there you have it, the teens are here. Jill is likely our heiress unless someone else does something really awesome or gets a better well drop when they age up.

Annie Walker has been elected to go to college to rez the ghosts at the three day warning – she isn’t in the running for heir/heiress anyway on account of her skin.

That’s it. The next chapter’s teens and hopefully the introduction of the well drops.

So have fun. Be excellent to each other and as always Happy Simming!