How to save more money


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Top 10 solutions how to save more money

Want to save more?

Here are some


Decide for yourself in which spheres of your life it’s easier for you to cut back on spending, this way saving money won’t make you unhappy.

Give up smoking, drinking alcohol, etc. Those habits are expensive and destructive to health. Therefore, with giving them up you will save money on your health as well, because you will become healthier.

There are a lot of unique clothes that would cost you very little in second-hand stores and markets. You can save a lot of money this way and look great and different every day.

The less energy you will spend the more money you will save. Energy-efficient appliances, LEDs and CFLs will help you to save a lot of electricity and money for it.

Deactivate cable channels that you don’t watch. If you watch TV too rarely, then ditch the cable and sell your TV-set, you can watch most of the shows on YouTube anyway.

Buy winter clothes in spring and summer clothes in autumn, they will be much cheaper than if you buy them in season. The same with some other items. For example, a bike will be cheaper during winter than in spring or summer.

When you are hungry it's harder to understand what you really have to buy. Always go to a grocery store on a full stomach, so you won't buy anything you don't need.

Also, don't buy too much food with short storage duration. So nothing will go to garbage because of being spoiled and you will save some money.

10. Delete credit card numbers from online accounts

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This way with each new purchase you will need to write them again and it can stop you from buying something you don't really need.
