How to make a small fabric christmas tree hanger



Home made craft project for Christmas

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How to make a small fabric Christmas Tree using Suffolk puffs

by Misha Jepsonmishasview/facebook page

Warning,These are not toys, and should not be

given to children due to choking hazard

You will need fabric, thread, sewing needle, pen and scissorspre-cut circle templates in various sizes ,8 seems like a good number

3 Beads and either ribbon, chord or thread to hang it up

This seems like a good arrangement to use fabric

Place templates on wrong side of fabric (non patterned side)

Draw around templates

Cut out each circle from fabric

You will need a long needle and thread

Use strong thread or double it

Tie knot in end of thread, and starting on wrong side of fabric start to sew using running stitch a little way in from the edge

Adjust size of stitch depending on size of circleThe bigger the circle the longer the stitch can be

When you are near the start, turn the fabric so the right side is now facing you

Pull the thread tight and the fabric will ruff up

Pull both ends of the thread tight and tie a strong knot to keep them together

It will look like this

Now straighten the fabric so it becomes a circle again

Do the same for all circles

Thread ribbon, chord or thread through a1 or 2 beads

Then thread through centre of all puffs ensuring ruff side will be on the top

Start with largest puff, and keep adding layers

The smallest and final puff can be placed upside down to form a neat top

Add a smaller bead to the top and form a loop to hang it up, with a knot, also put a knot at the bottom of the 2 beads
