How To Install An Abundance Mentality & Prove There’s Enough


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Did you know that all your thoughts and your actions embed themselves into your

subconscious and become part of your character?

Here’s WHY that’s so important.

Right now you’ve got 2,000,000 bits of information coming into your brain, all of which are being

filtered through what you already believe about the world, and then your mind brings to your

conscious attention 4-7 bits that verify that what you believe is true – while deleting everything


So if you’re constantly worried about money, if you sweat every time you look at price tags, if your

hand trembles every time you pull out your credit card to buy something – that is the filter your

subconscious will use to scan your reality.

And here’s the tricky part:

It will continuously show you reasons why what you believe is true! – Meaning there’s not enough

for you. – Even if what you believe is complete BS!

If you believe that there’s not enough for you, every time you go and try to make money, your

mind will produce automatic unconscious responses that will sabotage your efforts – and

again prove what you believe.


There is a way to turn this mechanism to your advantage…

There is a way to show to your mind that regardless of your past or your present, there is

enough for you….

There is a way to replace lack-mentality with an abundance mentality…


Simple. Give a fixed percentage of your income away. 10% is good to start with.

Here’s why it works:

Your mind has a built-in survival mechanism that literally will not let you give away what you need to


So by the act of giving a percentage of your income away, you’re showing your mind that YOU BELIEVE that there is more than enough for you.

And once your subconscious accepts that new filter, it will start bringing different things (out of the

2 MILLION!!!) to your attention that you never could have noticed before!

You’ll start seeing new things, you’ll start getting new ideas, you’ll feel differently, act differently.

It works even if your money beliefs are messed up!

For some reason some people believe that money is evil (?!?!)

Well, with this system, the more you make, the more you can give away because you’re

operating on a fixed percentage.

Have more => Give more => Do more GOOD

But what if you don’t have too much to give?

Then start with a fixed percentage anyway and figure out a way to make more, so you can give


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It’s YOUR time!

– Łukasz Łokieć

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