How to Get a Girl to Like You and Get "FEELINGS" For You


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How to Get a Girl to Like You and Get


To get the result you want with a girl, you need to learn EXACTLY what needs to happen in her mind during that KEY moment she starts to get "feelings" for you.

If you don’t learn the SKILL of triggering these feelings, she will NEVER see you as more than just a friend.

So it’s very important to figure this stuff out…

First, let’s think about what YOU go through whenever you start to REALLY like a girl.

Think of the last time you REALLY fell for a girl...

What was the sign that you knew you really liked her?

The sign that 95% of men and women get when they realize they "like" someone is when they just can't stop thinking about them.

And then...

you find yourself talking about her with your friends...

you put a ton of time and effort planning what to say next time you speak to her...

your day-to-day actions are motivated by her…

you simply CAN’T get her out of your mind…

If this is you…. right now… it’s called having a “Psychic Tension” …that is going on in your mind

This psychic tension forces you to send her texts, give her calls, and walk around the place she is usually at to accidentally "bump" into her… and hopefully start a conversation that "scores" some points.

Rings a bell, huh?

You become like a “smart missile” magnetically drawn towards her…

…and then when you finally talk to her, or see her again... the psychic tension gets RESOLVED... and you get RELIEF!

Until the psychic tension starts building up again and you start the VICIOUS CYCLE all over again!

Ok. So you just learned how this psychic tension is happening to you, and you completely KNOW the POWER it has over your feelings...

Now, imagine the power you would have, and the results you could get if you triggered this SAME psychic tension in a girl's mind. Do you understand?

By thinking about your own current and past psychic tensions, you can figure out how to make HER get this psychic tension...

And the SOLUTION to making a girl get “feelings” for you… is to FLIP IT AROUND… and create a Psychic Tension in your GIRL’S mind…

How to Create a "Psychic Tension" in Your Girl's Mind

To make your girl get "feelings“ for you, you first have to create the "psychic tension" in her mind.

And as my friends Rob and Bobby discovered, there are 12 specific attraction weapons you can use over and over again to create that psychic tension.

They also figured out a specific sequence to use these weapons... a sequence they called "The Scrambler."

This is sort of like playing hard to get, but playing hard to get the RIGHT way.

Most guys completely mess up “playing hard to get” and do it all WRONG – this shows you the right way to do it.

==> Check Out the Scrambler Here
