How to Format a Computer WindowsXP



How to Format a Computer-Windows-XP Step by Step...............

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How to Format a Computer

Your Windows XP PC is corrupted and you

want to format your Windows XP Or maybe you

want to install a fresh copy of Windows XP with

Service Pack 3 and you do not know how to do

this. If you don't want to make any mistakes during

formatting and want to get the job done fast, read

on after the jump for more detailed instructions.

Created by Md Aftab-( 1 7/7/2014

1) Get Windows XP installation CD.

You usually get it with your pc, if you buy windows. If you don't have, Buy a CD from Microsoft. You will need the key for installation.

2 Created by Md Aftab-( 7/7/2014

2) Start your pc and press key F2, F12 or delete key (Depends on your PC model).

Your PC Bios settings will be displayed. Find boot menu. In boot device priority select CD-ROM as first boot device.

3 Created by Md Aftab-( 7/7/2014

3) Insert your Windows XP cd and restart your pc.

Your pc will boot from CD and windows installation will start. Press enter at this screen.

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4) Accept License agreement by pressing F8 key.

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5) Select hard drive partition for installation of XP.

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6) If you want, you may create separate partition at this screen by pressing 'C' key and defining the size of partition.

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7) Now select your desired partition for installation of Windows XP and press enter.

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8) Choose to format the partition. Choose NTFS quick.

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9) Setup will format the partition.

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10) After formatting, Setup will start copying files on to the hard disk.

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11) After copying of files, setup will start installing Windows. You can see the progress in the progress bar on left pane.

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12) Select desired language and regional settings, when prompted by setup.

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13) Enter windows key. This usually comes with windows installation disk, written behind the pack. You can also buy a key online from Microsoft.

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14) Type a name for your computer. If you need, you can also type a password to login or else you can leave it empty.

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15) Select time and date settings and time zone according to your country.

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16) Provide network settings for networking pc's or select typical settings and press enter

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17) Setup will install devices and register components.

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18) After completion setup will do a cleanup of files and will restart your pc automatically. At this stage you can remove CD from drive..

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19) Click ok, When windows prompt you to improve your screen.

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