How To EFT: The basics



EFT is used to eliminate emotional and physical pain in the body and mind. This presentation allows you to experience the benefits of EFT while learning the technique

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How To EFT

The Basics

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EFT is used to neutralizeand eliminate emotionaland physical pain in thebody and mind.



Reminder Phrase

Short Version of the EFT Tapping Sequence

DisclaimerEFT provides impressive results for most people, but there is no guarantee that it will achieve your goals or be as painless as it is for others. Please accept full responsibility for your use of EFT and any negative reaction you might have as a result of using it.

Find Something You’re Angry About

Rate Your Discomfort On a Scale From 0 to 10

0 = It doesn’t bother me at all10 = I’m absolutely miserable

•Now Take A Deep Breath

•Rate Your Discomfort Level Again

•Notice whether your discomfort has lessened

For More Information on how to….
