How to Create Attraction With a Girl You Like


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How to Create Attraction
With a Girl You Like

By: Frankie Cola

A Big Picture View of How to Trigger Attraction in Women... and Behaviors That Build and Destroy Attraction

There's a beautiful, friendly girl you get along great with but you want to take things to the next level...

You want her to see you as someone she can get romantic or sexual with

How do you make this happen?

As you think about it and try to figure this out, you try looking for "proof" that she feels attraction for you...

For a quick way to test for here to take the friend zone "test"

When I first started on this path of "creating more attraction with women" I ran into a huge roadblock

My attempts at creating attraction with women kept failing.

I realized it was a big mistake I was making...

The Big Mistake

You see, men typically make this mistake:

They think of the qualities that get them attracted to women... and then they try to show those qualities to women in an attempt to attract them.

Qualities like, being sweet, good-looking, "nice"... all of those qualities that get us attracted to a girl.

However, that's NOT the way it REALLY works...

You see, your genetic looks, bank account, clothes you wear, matters somewhat to women.

However, these qualities get blown out of the water compared to the things that REALLY get her feeling emotional and attracted to you.

In fact, what REALLY MATTERS is how you get her emotional and feeling attracted with your masculine character, body language, tone of voice things that depend on you having a SOLID "inner-game" and self-image.

Here's what's even worse: Men try to use "logic" to convince and impress a woman to like them with their logical minds.

But it's misguided. A girl doesn't logically think of your qualities and then decide whether to get feelings for you or not.

No, feelings of attraction have to be TRIGGERED.

And it's because of this very important aspect of Attraction:

"Attraction is Not a Choice"

Let me ask you something...

What happens when you see a hot girl walking in front of you on the sidewalk and you can see the shape of her curvaceous body... the flow of her hair and hear the sound of her sexy voice?

That's right... you are immediately attracted to her... whether you planned to or not. You don't have a choice in the matter.

You get turned on automatically. Like a light-switch. Because this sexy human female TRIGGERED attraction in you.

Women DO NOT choose to feel attraction for you.You trigger it, and they can't help but to feel it.


Here's What This Means For You...

You can start triggering attraction in a woman, TODAY... but only if you know what to do.

Behaviors that Create Attraction


Behaviors That DESTROY Attraction

Here's something you might have not thought of before that hopefully gives you a better "big picture" view of attraction...

Behaviors that destroy attraction all come out of one "inner-game" type of thinking that you have called a Scarcity Mindset

So all unattractive behavior flows out of viewing a world of scarcity.

Here's what I mean...

If you've ever been obsessed with "that ONE girl" you've had the scarcity of ONEitis... because you didn't feel like you had other options of girls.

If you've ever felt needy with a girl then you've had scarcity of positive emotions. You depended on this girl to give you good-feelings.

If you've ever felt jealousy with a girl then you've also had the scarcity of thinking she's the only girl for you.

The scarcity made you desperate... and the emotions coming from it made you do really really unattractive things that MURDER attraction and turns off the girl you're trying to get.

Instead... you want an opposite kind of mindset called... an Abundance Mindset.

You see, an abundance mindset is the ROOT of behaviors that create ATTRACTION.

You are a man with options. A man with resources.A man who is indifferent and who doesn't feel needy about losing a girl.

Have you ever struggled getting girls and then whenyou finally got a girlfriend all the girls who seemeddisinterested suddenly seemed to feel attraction for you?

You're like, where were these girls when I was single?!!

It's because you having a girlfriend made you feel more abundant and the behavior you projected with that abundance made more attractive.

As soon as you become that Abundant Man. You start suddenly seeing girls flocking to you...

Here's What To Do Next:

Train your mind to start seeing an abundant world.

Start talking to more girls (have more sources of girls in your life)

Start going out with more friends (and different friends you haven't gone out before)

Here is a simple and innocent move that will instantly tell you if you're in the friend zone, or if she's waiting for you to kiss her...

Click Here to Find Out the Move (It's FREE)

Simple Trick Tells You if a Girl Wants You to Kiss Her
