How to build campaign awareness




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The web is already a jungle of ideas, campaigns, articles and so forth and you may ask yourself: How am I going to reach my audience with my campaign when too much are already on the web?

Here are seven (7) tips on how build

awareness for your campaign.

1.There are two types of audience:

1. Target audience are the people you are reaching out to buy your products or see the campaign.

2. Supporter audience are the people who are going to syndicate and to shout out your campaign so that the targeted audience may be able to see it.

2. Segment your Audience.

2. Segment your Audience.

Segmenting audience means breaking down your audience into different characteristics and interests so that you can narrow your audience to get quality results.

3. Understand your supporter audience.

3. Understand your supporter audience.Though you may have a couple of friends on Facebook but if half of those share your post, your post could quickly reach thousands of audience.

4. Refine your messaging and provide call to action:

Use emoticons Using emoticons in building your awareness thru posts creates an expression of your post thus captivating more audience weather targeted or supporters.Plus, you’ll get another search results in twitter.

Use facts and statistics.

If there are supporting facts and statistics with your post many audience will believe you and it shows that you are really sincere and honest on your campaign.

Create a problem that audience will care and define a solution.When you are delivering messages to you audience make sure that it interest that it will make them share your posts. Define a solution with that problem to them.

Provide call to action.Call to Action is an essential part of your post, it will describe what you want your users do. Creating this can assure you that audience my probably share, like, etc, on you post or campaign.

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6. Gather information.

6. Gather information.Gather information to people who went and used the pages on your site. You may want to use Google Analytics, Crazy Egg, or back tweets, etc.

7. Choose the right technology to reach your audience.

7. Choose the right technology to reach your audience. Are most of your audience wired or lack of internet access? – These are one of the questions you need to ask in gettig the right tools of technology to reach your audience, some may use interest and some may use SMS.