Hard truths



Helping parents deal with hard truths during their kid's recovery.

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Hard TruthsSteps On The Road To (Their)


Victoria Kamm Wildly Passionate Parent Advocate

My Child Is Not Against Me

We take everything personally. The fact is our kids are simply for themselves.

Control Success

The more control I seek the less successful I will be. It only causes my kid to be less controlled.

I Am Not A Victim

So many of us have been victimized by our children. Shame on them. Being a victim is something we do to ourselves. Shame on us.

My Dreams Aren’t My Child’s Dreams

Even when they sound alike. The last thing your kids need to hear is they aren’t fulfilling your dreams.

Nothing Is A Guarantee

When you’re looking for a silver bullet anything will do: Treatment, therapy, a specialized court program, tough love. It leaves out the buy-in from your kids.

That’s How I Was Raised

Raise your kids like you were raised? Ain’t nobody got time for that! Our kids are raised in a vastly different world. You may not like it but you will have to deal with it.

Feeling Defensive?

If any of these hard truths make you feel defensive pay close attention. They are the ones you most need to work on.

Victoria KammI am a Wildly Passionate Parent Advocate for

parents of kids in the Juvenile Justice system. I speak, write and facilitate groups to help parents

make it through a very difficult time. Want to know more?

Email victoria@victoriakamm.com Call 567.225.0877 Monday through Friday.
