Google Image Search: Find images with usage right



Often we think about usage right of images before using them in webpage or any other documents. We face trouble to find the copy right or usage right of an image. Google image search introduced a feature to find images under usage right category. Protect and Access is creating useful tutorial regarding pc , internet use, social media etc and hope it is bringing some value to your computing.

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Google Search: Filter images according to their usage rights

This presentation will show you how to filter

images in Google search according to usage right.

Let’s type “icecream image” in Image Search

Click “ Search tool”

Click “Usage rights” down arrow

By default images are not filtered by license

Labeled for reuse with modification – These

images can be reused by modification.

Labeled for reuse: You could use these images without modification

You could use these images with modification but only for non

commercial use

Labeled for noncommercial reuse: Use these images without modification but only for non commercial use

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