Google Authorship Markup | How to Enable it!


DESCRIPTION | Google Authorship Markup, you've all heard of it if you follow SEO and Google's developments. Still wondering how to apply and enable the google authorship tag? Setting it up for your own website should be the easier part. After that, you will have to contact all the external websites where you already have submitted contnet and kindly ask them to include your rel author tag in your author bio. Read why it is so important to acquire and how to get it. Author Rank will be soon a massive Google Rankings Factor and setting up Google Authorship MarkUp for your authored content is the best you can do right now to start building your authority and credibility. Optimize your overall web presence and enjoy the advantages of doing so :).

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Google Authorship MarkUp

• What is it• Why You Need it• How to Enable it

1. What is it

Google Authorship is an integrated feature of Google+ Social Network.

It verifies you as the content author of your published posts over the web.

It helps define your overall authority and relevance in your niche.

2. Why You Need it

1. It makes your posts stand out in Google’s search engine results.

G+ Profile Link

# of People that have you in their G+ Circles..

Headshot Pic

2. Increases the Click Through Rate for your results as they are more visual, appealing and entertaining to attract the Click.

3. Protects your authorship to your content in case it is stolen and does not give real author attribution.

3. How to Enable it

1. In your About page on your Google + profile, add the home page of the website/blog you have contributed to at the “Contributor to” section (edit it).

2. At the end of all the posts you have contributed, include a by “Your Full Name” signature.

Link your full name to your Google+ Profile like this:

Make sure your full name is exactly the same as it is on your G+ profile.

3. Upload a recognizable, high resolution, nice headshot picture of yourself on your Google+ profile. This will appear on the search results.

4. Test how it shows. Go to

Google’s Structure data Testing Tool and paste your published post’s URL : , hit the red button! (Means “Preview”)

It has been tested that Google Authorship MarkUp increases your Click Through Rate by


Apart from that, it is building your credibility, authority and relevance that will result in you getting higher rankings on Google…

Happy Verifying!

Clicking on the Google+ Icon Above will take you to my Google+ profile. Let’s Connect on Giant Google+!

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Joanna Vaiou
