Gathering your tribe: Yogacoach Level 2



Building your tribe is the cornerstone of modern marketing. In this presentation, Mark Breadner's Yogacoachers (level 2 trainees) looked at how to find their voice, define their ideal client and specifically determine their key benefits to this group. Then we examined how to use social media, particularly Facebook, to effectively market our businesses, and email marketing to tie it all together and move leads into committed 'tribal members' and, eventually, clients.

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Gathering your tribe

YogacoachLevel 2

People do not buy what you do they buy why you do it.~ Simon Sinek, ethnographer

What do you do?

Why do you do what you do?

How will people benefit from doing business with you?

“What’s in it for me?”

If your business is built on relationships, make relationships your business.

It costs

5 or 6 times more

to acquire new clients than retain old

clients (Beyond Customer

Service, Crisp)

Discount and I will love you right now.

Inspire me with insights, ideas and personal service

and I will love you forever.

Content curation: RSS Feeds

Content curation: Google alerts

Content curation: Facebook

Content curation: Twitter

Your ideal client

• is ready for what you have to offer.• makes a decision based on desire and not fear.• will benefit the most from what you’re

offering.• values what you offer more than what it costs.• shares your business’s values.• looks to you as an authority, expert, artist,


Your communications plan

What deeper value are you really offering people?

What issues do you see arising over and over again?

What questions do you get asked by clients all the time?

How do you think or do differently?

What are any major obstacles/objections that must be overcome for your people to purchase from you?

Every month, more than

250 million people engage with Facebook on external websites

1. Optimise your Facebook page design

Cover image: 851px by 315pxProfile image: 180px by 180px

App thumbnail images: 111 by 74px.

2. Decide on your strategy

Jan–Mar: increase fans

Apr–Jul: competition for email sign-ups

Aug–Nov: FB to be my 2nd largest website referrer

* Give days a theme (Monday manifesto, flexible Friday)*

3. Write a schedule of content

Images are the #1 thing most shared on Facebook.

Wednesdays are the days when people are most likely to share content (

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Monday theme (such as ‘Sankalpa: set your week up right’)

Repost an image

Link to blog post with comment and image from post

Post an article on yoga

Entertaining content, such as video

Post an article on yoga

Post an article on yoga

Repost an image

Repost an image

Ask a question

4. Include an easy ‘call to action’

5. Think about the response you want before you ask (& make it easy for people!)

- Question of the day/poll of the day (one-word answers) - hot tip/quick tip - did you know? - guess the caption - fill in the blank

6. Tease people to entice them to click

7. Know what your audience finds fun

8. Ask for feedback on your business

a) Shows you care about your fansb) Feedback can be invaluable and helps you test changes

before you make themc) Creates excitement and curiosity about upcoming events

and changes.

9. Be original with your promotions

a) Try something different

b) Get fans involved in creating content for your promotion

c) Keep the ask on par with the prize

Email marketing – growing your database

1. Offer a smart incentive in return for an email sign-up2. Make it mandatory for clients signing up online3. Put your E-news sign-up on every page (top right)4. Consider a pop-up window with your sign-up incentive5. On your Facebook page6. Manually collect – where people sit7. In your email footer8. In your E-News itself9. At check-out10.Networking events11.Turn your incentive into an ad

Secret email supercharge: Auto-responders

“Your CD has been gently taken from our CD Baby shelves with sterilized

contamination-free gloves and placed onto a satin pillow.

A team of 50 employees inspected your CD and polished it to make sure it was in the best possible condition before mailing.

Our packing specialist from Japan lit a candle and a hush fell over the crowd as he put your CD into the best gold-lined box that money can buy.

We all had a wonderful celebration afterwards and the whole party marched down the street to the post office where the entire town of Portland waved “Bon Voyage!” to your package, on its way to you, in our private CD Baby jet on this day, Friday, June 6th.

I hope you had a wonderful time shopping at CD Baby. We sure did. Your picture is on our wall as “Customer of the Year.” We’re all exhausted but can’t wait for you to come back to CDBABY.COM!!

Exercise: email incentive

In groups of two, introduce your ideal client to your partner.

Consider: what would be useful, relevant and make life easier for them? (Be specific in order to attract your ideal clients).

What could you give away in exchange for an email address?

Essential email elements1. Be interesting!2. Subject line, subject line, subject line3. Personalise your emails (‘Hello Bunny!’) 4. Use images (and use ‘image alt tags’)5. Host your content on your website and link each

newsletter item6. Don’t be shy about calls to action!

(‘book now’, ‘call’, ‘read more’, ‘click here’)7. Use an occasional plain text email for a targeted call to

action8. Your full business address and contact details9. An unsubscribe link10.An ‘update your preferences’ link.

Exercise: Email newsletter topics


Don’t forget:

1.Your high-value items2.Promotions3.Your holidays4.Your busy periods5.Your quiet periods6.Other events

Message BEFORE medium

Keep your target client at the heart of all you do.

Think “Yes, AND…” and “Yes, BUT” when seeking to add to debate. Remember, what’s the value at the center of my business?

Don’t opinion-surf

Don’t ask all and sundry for their opinion.

Seek opinions of those who you respect.

Review & AnalyseEvery week

Every month

Every 3 months

Every 6 months Every year

Ideas are worthless

Implementation is everything
