Everybody Loves Bertie, Chapter 15: Don't I Know You?


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To recap: This is my attempt at a Polyamory Project Challenge, created by princedeej28. The point of the challenge is to romance more than one Sim and earn enough points to make Hugh Hefner jealous. Last time, I chose Plot over Points. We will have to see how well that pans out. At any rate, Vanessa has acquired an imaginary friend with long floppy ears who goes by the name of Frank. Corey and Bertie have patched up their differences to care for her. This may get depressing.

Vanessa has her good days and her bad ones. On her good days, she still goes to work. Or at least, Bertie drives her around the block a few times. Sometimes they “go to work” several times a day. Frank always waves goodbye.

Bertie has started growing strawberries again, regardless of my feelings on the subject.

I don’t really see any way around it. Vanessa has a tendency to come over and pick fights. Aggressiveness is part of the natural progression of things, but it’s very hard to deal with when it’s aimed at you. Bertie makes liberal use of the juicer.

At first, Bertie and Corey tried to go on with life as normal, but that didn’t work too well. BERTIE: Mmmmm… Mmfff. (pulling back) No, Cowey, sowwy. She’s about to do that thing again. COREY: (groans) Oh, no. Not that thing with the – BERTIE: Yes. (running past him) No no, Vanessa! Put it down, okay? Corey also needs to use the juicer on a fairly regular basis.

The household has developed a schedule of care for Vanessa. Bertie and Corey are more or less on watches, as they used to use on ships: four hours on, four hours off, with the dog watch* to allow for dinner and for rotating shifts. Often, they can get Zenon or Beverly to help out with the dog watch so that they can have dinner together. *The “dog watch” is a half shift: two hours instead of four. Using a dog watch means that the same person isn’t doing, say, midnight to four every single day.

Beverly is usually their go-to backup caregiver, since Zenon find it difficult.

COREY: Beverly, I hate to ask this, but – BEVERLY: Do you and Bertie want your break early today? COREY: Yeah. BEVERLY: Sure, no problem.

BERTIE: Squeeeeee! An eawly bweak! And both of us at the same time! I know just what I want to do!

BERTIE: Whoa whoa wait a minute! Just wet me get my bweath back! COREY: I don’t know if I should do that. BERTIE: I’m not cheating, I pwomise! COREY: No, no. It’s just that I was thinking that maybe we could put these pillows back now.

COREY: And then I was thinking that, as long as we were in the bedroom, we could find a better way to make use of our time.

BERTIE: Mistew McCwewwan, I wike the way you think!

Inappropriate? Debatable, I suppose. But when you’re a caregiver, you have to take care of yourself, too.

The family comes to visit Vanessa fairly regularly. It’s not a lot of fun for the kids; Cecil spends most of the time outside, and Josephine plays chess with her mother. Mothers probably aren’t supposed to cheat their children at chess, but that’s Buttercup for you.

Albert is the one who spends the most time with Vanessa. VANESSA: Hi, I’m Vanessa. Do I know you? ALBERT: I’m Albert, Mom. VANESSA: Albert? You’re an accountant, right? ALBERT: That’s me. VANESSA: Hmmmm. Do you have any brothers or sisters? ALBERT: No, I don’t. VANESSA: So you’re an only child. ALBERT: That’s right.

VANESSA: I have a son named Albert who’s an only child. He works as an accountant too. Are you him? ALBERT: Yes, Mom, that’s me. I’m your son Albert. VANESSA: Well, how about that. (perking up and calling to Bertie) Hey, Bertie! He’s your son too. BERTIE: He suwe is. How about that? Albert sometimes has to make an emergency trip to the bathroom after these conversations. He always comes out with red, puffy eyes.

Vanessa seems to enjoy the visits, though. VANESSA: I had some nice visitors today, Frank. I think it was today. FRANK: VANESSA: My cousin Jeff, I think. A man younger than me, anyway. He was awfully familiar. FRANK: VANESSA: Yes, I know. But we had a nice visit. FRANK: VANESSA: What did I do when? FRANK: VANESSA: With what visitors? I don’t know what you’re talking about. Hey, will you juggle for me again?

Early on, Vanessa liked to paint. The results weren’t anything to write home about, but she enjoyed it and it kept her from going around and picking fights. Eventually, she lost the ability to handle most of the brushes. Her painting came to an end when Corey caught her about to eat a tube of cadmium red; she thought it was cake frosting.

After that, she spent a lot of time on the piano, eventually maxing out Creativity through sheer number of hours on the bench. Her songs became less and less complicated, and she ended with a repertoire of three songs: “Heart and Soul,” “Chopsticks,” and the one you play using only the black keys that drives everyone around you nuts after about five minutes.

When she lost even those songs, Vanessa would lounge on the couch and listen to Bertie play. She would do this in preference to anything else, including sleeping, bathing, or using the toilet. She can’t have much longer. And on that downer of a note, I will leave you.

Credit where credit is due: the part about “putting the pillows away” came from reader Mzyra, author of The Ryman Legacy. Check it out. Score for this round Assorted romantic interactions x 4: 20 Woohoo x 1: 30 TOTAL: 50 Score as of last round: 570 GRAND TOTAL: 620 Relationship standings (Daily/Lifetime) Bertie > Corey: 98/100. Best friends. Married. Bertie > Vanessa: 24/36. Corey > Bertie: 98/100. Best friends. Married. Corey > Vanessa: 23/34. Vanessa > Bertie: -50/-1. Portrait is 5/6 red. Vanessa > Corey: -33/15. Portrait is 1/4 red. Vanessa > Zenon: 90/90. Best Friends. Love. Two bolts.
