Dreams @ The Second Inning


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Dreams @ Second Inning

By: Anshu E-Mail: dreampinch@gmail.comBlog: www.dreampinch.com

Don’t worry, in either case Dream Chasing will make you happier. I know, it does not seems to be easy and neither it is, but nothing is easy in this world.

Your schooling was not easy, Your graduation was not easy, Your job days were not easy, Even upbringing your children was not easy

so if you could do all those tough task then chasing your dream, which you always wanted to be, will be somewhat easy and will give you immense pleasure too.

Image Courtesy : www.pixabay.com

Let’s know why, Dream Chasing in Second Inning could be somewhat easy for you, especially at this phase of your life.

Your second inning is a blessing for you because no one does have what you have.

You have no major responsibilities with you. Your kids are well settled now. You are now your own boss. You do not have to follow the routine which other wanted of you. Now again after so many years you have your complete 24 hours with you. So live it the way you wanted.

Till now you did so many tasks which you never wanted but you did that because you had to play safe. You always wanted to start a business with your precious idea but you were not sure that it will convert into your permanent income. Now you do not need to worry because you have secured your future so can again ignite the urge of implementing that niche business idea. You have experience of almost 35-40 years,

which no youth can have. You lived the life of 60 years and did the job of almost 35 years. This experience enhanced your knowledge and decision capability and this is your power.

You are in the phase of life for which you worked so hard for last decades.

Today is the day when you do not have to worry about your future and your children’s future because you already worked for all these stuff.

So now you can worry only for your dream.


You are happy because you have so many things with you but wait, you have to keep note of these things before starting:

Let’s suppose your life is of 90 years and today you are of 60 years so you have 30 years in your hand to follow your dream. (Don’t frown your eyebrows, I always believe in to be optimistic). So You have enough time with you and it’s very important to utilize it otherwise soon this free time may drag you into the depression world. So it’s better to utilize it for your long awaiting dream.

It is a bitter truth and you have to accept it in any way. You are in the phase of life when each day you may face some health related issues so to decline them to feel happy and energised. You have to follow the exercise routine. Without it soon you may have to pop in so many pills or you have to make doctors your permanent friend.

Just not only proper exercise but healthy food should be your priority for the life to stay healthy.

You must be surprising that in between the dream chasing talk why I am talking about healthy food and healthy life style. The answer is without proper health you cannot concentrate even in your favourite TV serial so how could a dream chasing will be a consistent marathon for you?

So, the first rule to chase a dream is: ‘Stay Healthy’.

You have a great experience as your asset. Either it is related to life or related to work.So when you are planning for your dream to fulfil, frame out how your experience can help you to make it more chase able.

Only change is the permanent thing in this world so be used to it. Yes you have enormous experience but without blending it with the latest trends you will not be able to survive long way.So make yourself ready to learn new things whenever it comes around you.

Take calculated Risk or even if your want to take blind risk, keep ample money ready for rest of your life so that this decision will not affect you much in after life.

Your workplace left back with your retirement and your friends too so it’s time to make new friend and include them in your dream chasing journey this way you will feel more confident.

You have Dream in your mind and in your heart but still it need something more. Find out what is the Dream Rule before start working for it.

I know it’s not easy to accept all the above stuff but after looking into these examples your heart and mind will blew away.

Examples :• At the age of 62, Louis Pasteur gave the first injection

against rabies. • At the age of 81, Fauja Singh rediscovered running

career and won many medals in different marathons. Also he is the oldest marathon runner in the world.

• At the age of 100, Ichijirou Araya climbed Mt. Fuji (12,388 ft.) in Japan.

These are just few examples, but the list is huge and will increase in future too until the positivity doesn’t end.

So are you getting the positive vibes to come forward?So go on and forget those numbers on your cake.

From age 3-23, you spent time to make your career. From age 23-60, you spent time in running behind

money and career to give all what your family and you wanted.

You now roughly have 20 years with you. This time is yours and choice is yours. Which is enough to write a book , start a blog, start a business, to guide someone; who needed it the most, even you have ample leisure time to read various books, have vacations, which you always wanted.

Second inning could be the saviour of your dreams. How you utilize it, it’s up to you.

Does this helped you to initiate for your dream. Share your thought. OrIf you are already crossed the journey of dreams in second inning than share your story.Send me your mail at: dreampinch@gmail.com

Thank You

By: Anshu E-Mail: dreampinch@gmail.comBlog: www.dreampinch.com
