Creed of Abundance To Increase Wealth



Visit for your free wealth creation gifts. Say this Creed to Abundance every day with conviction until you absolutely believe it and watch as your life is transformed and miracles manifest. This Creed to Abundance is slightly modified from the original version posted online by Maureen Moss. Wealth and Success don't happen by accident and you must do everything you can to adopt the right mindset to realize your goals and dreams. Saying this Creed to Abundance every day will supercharge your efforts. It's just one piece of the puzzle, but it is a significant piece. Visit for your free wealth creation gifts.

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DECREE OF ABUNDANCE~ Original by Maureen Moss

This “Decree of Abundance” has been slightly modified from the original by

Maureen Moss.

Say it with conviction every day, and when you truly believe it, watch miracles unfold

and your life transform!

From The Light Of God That I Am

From The Love Of God That I am

From The Power Of God That I Am

From The Heart Of God That I Am


I dwell in the midst of Infinite Abundance.

The Abundance of God is my Infinite


The river of Life never stops flowing.

It flows through me into lavish expression.

Good comes to me through unexpected

avenues and God works in a myriad of

ways to bless me.

I now open my mind to receive my good.

Nothing is too good to be true.

Nothing is too wonderful to happen.

No miracle is too big for God to manifest.

With God as my source nothing amazes me.

I am not burdened by my thoughts of

past or future.

One is gone.

The other is yet to come.

By the power of my belief, coupled with my

purposeful fearless actions and my deep

rapport with God, my future is created and

my abundance made manifest.

I ask and accept that I am lifted in this and

every moment into Higher Truth.

My mind is quiet.

From this day forward I give freely and

fearlessly into Life, and Life gives back to me

with magnificent increase.

Since I am a beloved child of God, I am

deserving of all the wonderful blessings that

God has in store for me.

Blessings come in expected and unexpected


God provides for me in wondrous ways.

I am indeed loved unconditionally by God.

I am indeed grateful.

And I let it be so.


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