Com215 final raven intrapersonal slide show


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Intrapersonal Conflict

By Raven Rodriguez


You know that feeling you get when…

you’ve been told a juicy secret and have an insatiable urge to tell someone?

you have a final due in a few hours, but Netflix just added all the episodes of your favorite show?

you’re upset about a situation and want to talk about it, but feel like you should handle it on your own?

These types of conflicts are Intrapersonal.They occur solely in one’s own mind.


Intrapersonal communication can occur as

speaking out loudly to one’s self

writing either by hand or type.

interpreting verbal and nonverbal communication & symbols

as well as understanding the communication of one’s body parts.

“Our ability to talk to ourselves and think in words is a major part

of the human experience of consciousness.

From a young age, individuals are encouraged by society to

introspect carefully, but also to communicate the results of that


Intrapersonal conflict differs from most other conflicts.This type of

conflict dabbles solely on the



and Emotions

conflicting within one individual.

Intrapersonal conflict can range from mundane decision making …

What should I wear today?

Should I eat this salad or this cheeseburger?

Who should I hang out with later?

To major decision making…

Should I buy groceries or pay electricity?

What do I want to be when I grow up?

Am I ready to be a parent?

Do I tell anyone what happened at that party?

Should I tell him he’s got something on his face?

When individuals have trouble dealing with these types of

conflicts it can lead to




A way to deal with intrapersonal conflict is to communicate it interpersonally.

Communicating with other’s for advice on the dilemma is an effective and healthy way to cope with intrapersonal conflict that is too overwhelming to bare by one’s self.

After conquering the situation you will have gained personal growth and a sense of empowerment for resolving

your internal conflict.
