Chapter 2.4



Chapter 2.4 of One Fashionable Legacy

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Welcome to the most

fashionable legacy

of all time!

“Bye Mom and Dad!” Christian Fashionista yelled as he walked out of the house not far behind his younger siblings.“Have fun kids!” Calvin, Christian's father called.The kid’s grandparents had invited all their grandchildren on a vacation to Twikki Island!

Everyone in the family enjoyed soaking up the sun and getting away from their stressful everyday lives.

Although Wyatt had soaked up a little too much sun…

Overall the vacation was quite successful if I do say so myself.

Back in Pleasantview, Pamela Custer, a second generation spare, had reached the top of the music career after many years of hard work. Although her reward seemed to be efficient enough to make up for all the years of effort.

After returning home from vacation, Pamela’s youngest child, Alexander, had recently transitioned into a teenager, and a pretty good looking one at that.

Chloe Zhang, had also just returned home from vacation, although she didn’t empty her suitcases. She packed up the rest of her things since she was heading off to college the next day.

After a few tearful hugs from Vincent and Gela, Chloe was prepared to leave home. Although she hadn’t said goodbye to one of her family members…

“Um, good luck in college Chloe!” Her younger sister stammered. She and Chloe hadn’t been on the best of terms lately. But she felt so guilty for what she had done, and wanted to apologize for everything. “Thanks I guess…” Chloe replied, with little compassion in her voice.

Celine watched from the driveway as her sister headed toward the taxi. Chloe had a good feeling about college, mainly because she would be away from her backstabbing sister.

Chloe didn’t even look back as she slammed the door of the taxi and headed off to Sim State University.

Not long after arriving, and transitioning into a terrible outfit…Chloe claimed her room in her new dorm.

Although she didn’t seem to notice who’s rooms were right next to hers.

Back in the main legacy house, the youngest of generation three had just transitioned into two very good looking teens!

The next day at Sim State, Chloe had just walked out of the showers when her attention was caught by the person coming out of the stall. It was Connor. Without a word she pretended she hadn’t seen him and walked out of the building.

She caught a taxi that was passing by and hopped in. She asked to go to the nearest clothing store while she sat and pondered what had just happened. Was she seeing things? Or was Connor actually there?

Luckily, she had shopping to take her mind off of things before she got to consumed in her own thoughts. (And thank god! That outfit is just horrible!)

Much better!

Once she arrived back at her dorm she ran into Connor.“Chloe! Is that you!?” Connor asked in astonishment.“Um, yeah it’s me!” Chloe replied, a bit nervous.“When did you get here?”“Only yesterday.”“How about I give you a tour of the place?”“Alright, I guess that would be okay.”

“So this is the amazing few huh?” Chloe asked sarcastically. “Yup it’s pretty great” Connor stated as he moved closer to her.

That’s when he reached down for her hand. Surprisingly she didn’t pull away.

“Um, Connor, what are you doing?” “I miss you Chloe, and I’m really sorry for what happened. I hope that you could find it in you’re heart to forgive me.”“Well, I’m not sure…you hurt me so bad. But I can’t imagine life without you. Are you sure this is a good idea?”

“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.”

A couple of weeks later, the Zhang family had arrived to visit Chloe in her new home. While Gela and Vincent were off touring the dorm with Chloe, Celine sat in the cafeteria. As she was consuming her pancakes, she heard a voice that she recognized.“Celine?”

She looked up and couldn’t believe what, or rather who, she was looking at. She stood up immediately to greet him.

Wow, Alvin! You’re at college! In your underwear…” she blushed.

“Yeah I sure am! How have you been? Your sister seems pretty great! How come we never really talk anymore?” The questions continued and Celine wasn’t sure how to answer them all without telling Alvin about the whole... Incident. She thought that she was off the hook for that since her sister and Connor were back together, but she forgot those weren’t the only two people she had hurt.

After a long conversation, Celine gave a big hug to Alvin, confused about her feelings for him.

“Take care of yourself, Anna. You are going to be great, I expect you to call every night! Oh we are going to miss you.” Toby Custer said goodbye to his only little girl, who was heading off to college as well.

“I’ll be fine dad” Anna laughed as she closed the door of the taxi. She couldn’t help but shed a tear at the thought of growing up and leaving home. But she was filled with excitement at the same time.

Anna had grown up absolutely stunning, looking a lot like her mother. She had moved into the same dorm as her older cousin, who she hadn’t ever had a very strong relationship with.

However, the two had become closer by living in the same building. It made them wonder how they were never good friends as children.

Chloe wasn’t the only one growing closer to Anna. Alvin, from the first time he saw her, had a major crush on Anna. He had finally worked up enough courage to ask her out, and the two seemed to be pretty smitten with each other.

One day, a familiar face appeared. Arcadia Gundstrom had arrived at the dorm to recruit the members she had been waiting a long time for. Connor, Chloe, Alvin, and Anna all were accepted into Oresha Fruhm Greek house.

“Ugh, thank god! I am so done with dorm life! No more nasty cafeteria food for me!”

Connor Turner is a Libra with stats of 2/8/2/6/7. He has a LTW of being Mayor and his aspiration is Popularity. His turn ons are red hair and makeup. His turn off is fatties.

Alvin Sartor is a Leo with stats of 4/10/4/4/3. He is a fortune sim with a LTW of becoming a Hall of Famer. His turn ons are fit and makeup while his turn off is fatties.

Chloe decided that life is too short to stay mad for too long. So she visited her house that afternoon to have a little chat with her younger sister.

“So what did you want to talk to me about?”

“Oh I just thought I would let you know I forgive you for doing what you did. And I also have some news about Alvin…”

“Oh he wants to get back together with me again doesn’t he? Well I guess I can’t blame him I mean-”

“No. No Celine…He found someone else.”

“What…? Who is she? I bet she’s a tramp isn’t she?”

“It’s Anna.”

“Oh….Well It’s okay…I guess I deserve this don’t I?”

“Yup!” Chloe laughed

Back at the Legacy House, old Ralph was catching up on some well deserved sleep. Little did he know that he would have lots of time to sleep soon…

Ralph, it is time to depart from this world, and onto the next.

The whole household watched as their first and only pet was taken from them. Even the maid felt upset at the thought of losing poor Ralph.

Ralph, we will miss you.

The following evening, though still upset over the loss of their canine companion, there were important matters for the Fashionista’s to discuss.

“It’s time we talk about the heir!” Chanel exclaimed, she was excited to see her grandchildren growing up right before her eyes, even if it meant she was getting older too.

“Well, I was chosen as heir, mainly because I was the only boy. But we can’t do that again…” Calvin noted.

“Ugh! It’s a good thing too! That’s not fair to me just because I’m a girl doesn’t mean that I have any less right to be the heir.” Vera argued.

“Vera calm down sweetheart, I wouldn’t let that happen anyways.” Brittany soothed, “Besides, I think that their should be another heir poll. We don’t have to decide right this minute, you all still have to go to college!”

“That sounds like a good idea, Brit.” Wyatt added.

Later, when everyone had gone to bed, Wyatt and Chanel danced in the main hall.

“I’m so glad that I chose you.” Chanel whispered to her husband as she looked into his pale blue eyes. “Me too. It’s been a heck of an adventure, but I’ve loved every minute of it.” Wyatt smiled.

The next morning, a truly tragic even happened when a familiar face had returned.

Wyatt Fashionista, it is time to go…

“Well alright, I hope the afterlife is sunny. Do I get to see Ralph?”

Yes he is waiting for you on the other side, eventually you will be with everyone in your family again. Just c’mon.

Unfortunately, Christian had little time to mourn for the loss of his grandfather. He was headed to Sim State University to join his two older cousins.

After the death of her husband, Chanel wasn’t quite the same. She found herself in a state of depression, but put a smile on her face for her grandkids. She knew her time would come soon enough.

As if two deaths weren’t enough tragedies, the following evening there was another burglary.

But this time, the police weren’t able to catch him. Luckily he wasn’t able to steal anything, but the thought of him still out there was enough to scare the household.

Celine was more silent about her retreat to college. She didn’t even say goodbye to her own mother. After everything that had happened lately, she didn’t want to focus more attention on her. Not to mention she was so nervous to see her older cousins, especially Anna.

She didn’t spend much time in the dorm, like Christian she tried to keep dorm life to a minimum, and moved into the Greek house as soon as she was accepted.

At first things were really awkward between her and the boys. But eventually she became good friends with them, and nothing more.

“Ugh! This work is so hard! How am I supposed to survive four years of this?!”

One night, the same burglar who had escaped from the Fashionista house was attempting to rob again.

It must really suck for him that I have alarms in all my houses…

Arcadia’s graduation was just around the corner, and since she had studied her butt off, she had plenty of time to sit back and relax. And of course, she couldn’t forget to say goodbye to Midnight!

Arcadia graduated with a 4.0 in Philosophy, earning her Summa Cum Laude. Everyone came to congratulate her, she deserved it considering how long she spent in college as a placeholder…

She even grew up in a…slightly decent outfit.

“Whats wrong Celine?” Christian asked his sobbing cousin.“I-I-I feel so lonely. And unloved!” She bawled.“What because you don’t have a boyfriend? Well I don’t have a girlfriend either. Why don’t you and I head out to the student lounge and we will meet some new people okay?”Celine nodded in agreement.

So the two got dressed and headed out to the campus, looking for love.

But despite being their all night, the two seemed to be the only decent looking people for miles. Needless to say, they didn’t have much luck.

Until the next morning when returning home from class, Christian happened to run into this beautiful young lady. Her name is Edith.

And because he is such a charmer, Christian had no trouble flirting with her.

No trouble at all…

And as luck would have it, Celine also ran into a handsome young man on the street, named Blake.

And being Celine does have it’s advantages…

Edith agreed to move in. Her full name is Edith Hourvitz. She is an Aquarius with stats of 4/4/4/7/6 . She is Family aspiration and her LTW is to become and Education Minister.

Back at the Custer household, Toby and Alvin had just sat down for dinner. “So...Alvin, you said there was something you wanted to ask me about?”

“Yes sir, you see I’ve been thinking a lot about my future, and about myself and Anna… And I guess I’ll cut to the chase…”

“I would like your permission to ask her to marry me!”

Alexander had just arrived at college when…

He was welcomed by the Oresha Fruhm welcome wagon, who asked him to join them back at the Greek house.

Back home, Ralph and Wyatt made their presence know as ghosts who wandered through the house and watched over the family. (Even though Wyatt did enjoy popping out and scaring the occasional guest…)

Chanel, It is time to join your husband and dog on the other side…

“It’s about time! I sure missed them! Bye everyone!”

Despite Chanel being excited to move on…the rest of the family was very upset at the idea of losing their mother or grandmother. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~As she was my founder, I will miss Chanel a great deal. She was such a fun sim to have. RIP.

Sadly we had to say goodbye to three very important characters this chapter. May they all rest in peace. I know I will miss them all dearly.

It was finally time for Vera and Zac to move to University.

Sorry to end the chapter on a sad note, but it was getting pretty long. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope I get more feedback!
