Carlos Michal Martinez Rico's - I Want (volume 1-6)



"The only thing I can say for sure about this reality is that my strong will is impenetrable." Carlos is the founder and CEO of Swordz Mexicana Maestros. The sects that conducted organized persecutions on him during the years: Gelugpa, Karma Kagyu, Nyingma – White Sangha, Diamond Way. Besides them also Jehovah's Witnesses, local Slovak groups which called themselves “Christian Mystics” and which were trying to replicate the cultist spiritual program of the Third Reich with influences based in Vienna. He now offers easy relatable and understandable method on how to self-deprogram yourself from a brainwashed mind. Designed from more than 12 years of preparation and inflitration in one of the most dangerous super-cults supported by the US & EU goverments with other global organizations. The Tibetan Buddhists. All mixed in a real life story of power games, mind-control, the under the radar tactics and mystification of the occult knowledge. All from a unique victim’s perspective. "I had Geshes and Rinpoches prostrating before me, I met the highest gurus. I still rejected godhood on earth.”

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