Arthur Schopenhauer's Quotable Quotes


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Arthur Schopenhauer’s Quotable QuotesWhat a man is contributes much more to his

happiness than what he has. There is no absolute or definite amount of wealth

which will satisfy a man .Pride works from within; it is the direct

appreciation of oneself. Vanity is the desire to arrive at this appreciation indirectly, from without.

The more a man belongs to posterity….the more of an alien he is to his contemporaries.

Respect is not paid in this world to that which has real merit; it is reserved for that which has none.

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Arthur Schopenhauer’s Quotable QuotesVulgarity is like electricity ; it is easily distributed. Most men are so thoroughly subjective that nothing

really interests them but themselves.What people commonly call Fate is, as a general rule,

nothing but their own stupid and foolish conduct.Religions admittedly appeal, not to conviction as the

result of argument, but to belief as demanded by revelation.

The Doctor sees all the weakness of mankind, the Lawyer all the wickedness, the Theologian all the stupidity.

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Arthur Schopenhauer’s Quotable QuotesThe pen is to thought what the stick is to walking. Generally the purchase of a book is mistaken for the

acquisition of its contents.How shall a man be proud, when his conception is a

crime, his birth a penalty, his life a labor, and death a necessity.

Right in itself is powerless; in nature is might that rules. To enlist might on the side of right, so that by means of it, right may rule, is the problem of statesmanship.

Everywhere in the world, and under all circumstances, it is only by force that anything can be done; but power is mostly in bad hands, because baseness is every where in a fearful majority.

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Arthur Schopenhauer’s Quotable QuotesOur constant discontent is for the most part rooted in the

impulse of self-preservation… we seldom think of what we have , but always of what we lack.

A good supply of resignation is of the first importance in providing for the journey of life. It is a supply which we shall have to extract from disappointed hopes; and the sooner we do it, the better for the rest of the journey.

Little minds soon come to terms with themselves and the world, and then fossilize; but the others flourish, and are always alive and in motion.

Vulgar people take a huge delight in the faults and follies of great men; and the great men are equally annoyed at being thus reminded of their kinship with them.

A hundred fools together will not make one wise man.Slide 4 of 4
