5 Tips To Get Your Ex Back



With your relationship over you can't shake the feeling that your ex is the person you must be with. This is anxious and exciting territory, but if you're not careful you could make getting your ex back even worse. There is a lot of ways you can mess this up, but the good news is there are also a lot of ways you can do it right. Keep reading for how to get your ex back:

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5 Tips To Get Your Ex Back


With your relationship over you can't shake the feeling that your ex is the

person you must be with.


This is anxious and exciting territory, but if you're not careful you could make getting your ex back even

worse. There is a lot of ways you can mess this up


but the good news is there are also a lot of ways you can do it right. Keep reading for how to get your ex back:


1. Obsession is bad. This lands under one of the things you need to avoid doing. They will not be interested if you come off to them as needy or



You may know it in your heart that you and your ex belong together but your ex may not see it the same way, not



Use this as an opportunity to show your maturity and not annoy them

with obsession.


2. Change in yourself. Remember the breakup happened for a reason.

Figure out how you can change to prevent it from happening again.


Make that change! You don't want to end up where you are now at second

time because you were unable to change what caused the breakup

within yourself.


If you want them back you need to also change yourself at a deep level to prevent it from happening again.


3. Talk to your ex face to face. Your ex needs to see and experience the

changes you make face-to-face. You have to talk to them, which can be intimidating after a bad breakup


but it must be done if you are to demonstrate the changes you have made. Communication with them must be done clearly, kindly, and



You cannot use impersonal ways of communication. No Facebook, no text messages, no phone tag or

other tag between mutual friends.


This is a small one-on-one get together to show how you've

changed. You may have heard “I'll believe it when I see it.” Well, this is

your chance.


They need to see how different you are from the last time and show

them that you are ready for commitment.


4. Show don't tell. The magic in relationships is not something that

happens overnight, but is something worked for and worked on.


If you can make a statement to them somehow about how you feel it will

go a long way.


Send a gift to them at work, serenade them, most of all, be original and be



5. Pay attention to their needs. This can take many forms but the most

obvious is that you and your ex may need to have some space apart first.


One thing you definitely do not want to do is give them the impression

that you're returning to the old relationship.


When the time comes they need to do that this is a fresh start and that this

time it will be different.


There is no hard formula to get your ex back. What's important is that you are improving and growing yourself

and that your ex can see that.


Stick to these tips and you'll be well on your way to getting back

your ex.


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Now go to:www.MakingUpOfBreakUp.comDownload a FREE E-BOOK that will tell you:

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Now go to:www.MakingUpOfBreakUp.comDownload a FREE E-BOOK that will tell you:

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Now go to:www.MakingUpOfBreakUp.comDownload a FREE E-BOOK that will tell you:

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