5 Steps to Maximizing Your Productive Sweet Spot


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Steps to Maximize Your

Productive Sweet Spot

Steps to Maximize Your

Productive Sweet Spot

Are you naturally

a morning

person? Or are

you a night owl who comes alive

at midnight and

works well into

the evening?

While there are

many benefits to

rising early, the

real key is to find

when you are the

most productive and use that time

to the fullest.

Here are 5 steps for getting started:

Identify your ideal work environment.

Some people work

well in a noisy

coffee shop with a

lot of noise

around. Others

prefer a quiet, or

perhaps even

silent, atmosphere.

Spend as much

time as possible

in your ideal work


during your most

productive time of day.

Embrace the“80/20 Rule.”

You need to focus

on the most

important tasks during your peak

times. The bulk of

your success

comes from only a

handful of the

tasks you do.

One of the best

ways to do this is to

follow the 80/20

principle: You get

80 percent of your

results from 20

percent of your


Delegate, eliminate & learn to say “no.”

Hiring help can

free you up to

focus on “sweet

spot” activities—

the tasks that

energize you and

that no one else

can do quite like


There may be

some tasks you

can’t delegate.

Determine whether

or not that task

really needs to be

done. If not, then

eliminate it.

Say no when a

request is made or

an “opportunity” is

presented to you

that doesn’t fit with

what you know is

best for you.

Focus onone thing.

Determine the

“one thing” that is

your most

important business-

related activity.

This should be the

primary focus of your workday.

The One Thing by

Gary Keller and Jay

Papasan is based

on the premise that

your best results

come from a

consistent effort on a single activity.

Click book cover image to learn

more about the book!

Take back yourwork time.

If you’re still

working a day

job, your boss might define

your priority

tasks for you.

Try to approach

your boss with a

detailed plan regarding your

most important tasks.

If you explain how

spending time on

these tasks can

actually improve the

company’s bottom

line, you may be

given a little more

freedom to set your

own priorities.

Let’s get started!

Here is a simple action

plan for maximizing your

productive “sweet spot.”

Action PlanIdentify your periods of

peak productivity. 1

Action PlanIdentify your periods of

peak productivity.

Spend a week writing down the

times of day when you feel most

energized and productive.


Action PlanIdentify your

“one thing.” 2

Action PlanIdentify your

“one thing.”

Examine your business closely to

determine the #1 activity that

produces the biggest results.


Action PlanCreate a schedule

around that one thing. 3

Action PlanCreate a schedule

around that one thing.

Focus on completing the most important

thing during your ideal work time, when

you’re at a peak level of energy.


Action PlanStart the day with an

important question. 4

Action PlanStart the day with an

important question.

Ask yourself, “What’s the one thing

I need to do today to consider this

day to be a success?”


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