101 things you can do to prevent sexual assault


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101 Things You Can Do To Prevent Sexual Assault

Abhishek Jaguessar

101 Things You Can Do To Prevent Sexual Assault

Starting with…#1- Admit that it does happen

in your community

#2- Understand that sexual violence affects us all

EDUCATION!• Educate yourself on the issues• Educate others on the issues• Know the statistics• Teach others how to stay safe• Teach others that violence is not the answer• Teach others about choices and

consequences• Visit the MCASA (Maryland Coalition Against

Sexual Assault) website at www.mcasa.org

BELIEVE!• Believe survivors…• Believe in equality…• Believe that a safer world is


Be…• Alert and aware• Courageous• Non-judgmental• Strong• Aware of how

violence is portrayed in the media– And speak out

against the media’s portrayal of violence!

• Safe and aware when on the internet

• Open to change• A member of the

UMD group SAFER (Student Advocates for Education About Rape)…

The More You Know…• Know that it can happen to ANYONE• Know your laws• Know that sexual violence is about power and control• Know that most sex offenders aren’t strangers• Know the resources available to the victims in your

community• Know that men can be raped• Know that sexual violence can be a form of domestic

violence• Know where your politicians stand on sexual violence• Know the rights of victims• Know that you do have the power to make a


R-E-S-P-E-C-T• Respect a person’s right to say “NO”• Respect and embrace diversity• Respect your partner or significant

other• Respect the choices that victims and

survivors make to survive• Respect different lifestyles

STOP! START!• Stop yourself from putting a date rape drug into

someone’s drink… • Stop others from slipping a date rape drug into someone’s

drink…. • Stop your sexual advances if the other person says “NO”… • Stop yourself from taking advantage of someone who is

passed out or incoherent…• Stop others from taking advantage of someone who is

passed out or incoherent…

– Start your own teal ribbon campaign…– Start an email campaign… – Start a “Safe Date” pledge drive…

TAKE ACTION!• Advocate…

– for more rape prevention education programs– for more youth violence prevention programs– by making a public service announcement at your school about sexual assault

• Support…– your local rape crisis center by attending events, making donations, volunteering or sponsoring a fundraiser– Maryland Coalition Against Sexual Assault– RAINN sponsored events and concerts

• Participate…– in Sexual Assault Awareness Month activities– in Take Back the Night March

• Write…– Your legislature and political leaders– A letter to the editor of your paper– An article for your school paper

• Ask your RA…– For more information about sexual violence– To create more resources about this topic (like bulletin boards!)– To invite a speaker to your residence hall to learn more

• Wear…– a teal ribbon throughout the month of April– a white ribbon throughout April to support men speaking out against violence against women– a sexual violence prevention t-shirt– A sexual violence prevention bumper sticker on your car

Together, pledge to never commit or condone acts of sexual violence against women!

Do The Right Thing!• Avoid blaming the victim…

– Instead, advocate for victim’s rights.• Avoid engaging in, supporting or encouraging sexual harassment…

– Instead, speak out against all forms of violence.– Instead, speak out against racist, sexist, or homophobic jokes. – Instead, engage others in discussions about sexual violence.

• Avoid making threats or using coercion and pressure as a way to get sex… – Instead, encourage others to stop their sexual advances if the other

person says “NO”. • Avoid making assumptions…

– Instead, challenge assumptions. • Avoid buying music that glorifies sexual violence…

– Urge your local radio stations to stop playing music that contains violent lyrics.

The Basics• Trust your gut feeling.• Listen!• Empathize.• Empower!• Advocate.• Reach out!• Have compassion.• Speak up!

– Get other to speak out against sexual violence. Tell your parents, friends and others what you know about sexual assault. Applaud those who speak out against sexual violence.

Think globally, act locally…work towards eliminating

oppression of all kinds.

Open your mind, Open your eyes, Open your heart!

Break the Silence…FIND YOUR VOICE!

Abhishek Jaguessardnaslive33@gmail.com