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  • k p&k , /n, m8 :l<

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  • 2 LENR-Cold fusion idea has been virtually accepted by mainstream science, & currently in gradual transition stage of spreading to industrial, fringe, & non-western media: Energy produced with basically free fuel & equipment + operation cost. Also thermonuclear fusions experimental success for unlimited energy in 2013. LENR is forecasted to be commercialized by 2016, but note electric car took 100 years to return.

    This could also trigger first full science review of currently ignored & ridiculed recurring private micro scale use inventor free energy & small commercialized installations, some in relation to LENR: 1-Extracting ambient-radiant energy in form of electricity, 2-Harvesting reverse voltage power instead of using extra force to cancel it(Back EMF motor), 3-Oscillation/geometry catalyzed rapid HHO gas, also as hydrocarbon output catalyzer & emission cutter, 4-Plasma/electromagnetic pulse/vortex creation in confined water/gas, 5-Compressed air, heat exchanging, & its power amplifying mechanism, 6-Water Emulsifying processes that incorporates far beyond 20% H2O, 7-Underwater air buoyancy force + gravity combined harvest, etc

    They seem to run on mechanics & accompanied by side effects current physics cannot explain(explainable by Russian Torsion/Scalar physics or Pre-Heaviside Maxwell equations), low cost infra, & furthermore, are convertible to various superior effect non-standard techs that can replace majority of propulsion, medical, nuclear remediation, & some mining-industrial-farming processes -IF fully peer reviewed in science

    Still interlocked main Western media censored, but increasing documents/testimony on various open-end pseudo science R&D at Govt/Aerospace/Military/Intel agency with covert private contractors, protected under national security i.e. black budget program, which above-stated organization executives themselves often have no access to. This is totally isolated from dead-end public consumption science which is monitored & restricted by science law: e.g. At an advanced nation, even official record indicates, 1000+ inventions in Enviro-Energy-Propulsion, many patented, are classified by means of national security law - sometimes justifiably yet secretly. Despite all this, there are subtle but collectively unambiguous signs from majority of establishment to gradually introduce new unlimited Open System paradigm.

    Though both gas-oil-coal based industrial process & alternative energy can remain by innovation, free energy full commercialization itself is inevitable & it still risks social disruption, hence public participation is beneficial to discuss if, or at what rate & how all related tech/info to be officially released & endorsed.

    P QR k s


  • linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada


    This presentation might not reflect the view of Western mainstream media & science; hence attendants/readers are recommended to re-assess the data from own independent perspective

    Free energy in this report is defined as seeming: Draw of more energy than exerted to generate Continuous motion without energy input Use of free material generally not considered as fuel

    High likelihood about quoted inventors-scientists: 1- Statistical error chance for false effect claims, plus undetected intentional fraud, some organized-coordinated, is possibility 2- Even greater probability of quality & reliability misrepresentations 3- Significant quality gap between inventions, yet - 4- At least collective majority repeatedly produce claimed effects

    Most effects quoted have accumulative-consistent evidence from unrelated era & source, but mechanics listed are hypothetical


  • 5 Main academia/media in mid-late 1800s forecasted commercialized free energy by early 1900s(Anthony+), 1- Free Ground Earth Battery repeatedly demonstrated self charging or inducing electricity capacity (Snow, Lockwood, Wilkins, Dieckmann, Strong, Bain, Edard, Haworth, Mellon,Hicks, Bear, Cerpaux, Garratt +); invention rush for telegraph use, Along strong claims of pre-dated telephony & wireless(Meucci, Stubblefield, Tesla+ ), 2- Very low cost Vaccumized Air/Compressed Air engine/residential-industrial system, Trompe/Water Pumps also widely used(Rix, Mekarski, Hardie, Hoadley, C Hodges+)

    Non earth battery free energy claims mixed: Data lack/Fraud, some can be valid, Involved mainstream scientists till early 1900s, yet no commercialization(p19,20

    Science legal 1&2 disappeared from schooling/research while other types of free energy(p11-18) & repeated side effects in combination didnt fit with science package then & now; gradually became irrelevant/pseudo science, which matched major business-financial lobby interest then


  • linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada

    Same mechanics with side effects repeated by unrelated inventors, but linear development mostly limited to recent mainstream academia(LENR, Cavitation

    Boiled down to 10 or so base mechanics(p9,p11-18) with similar tendency: Often energy is triggered in by rapid vortex-pressure-voltage-spin, pulse-resonance, plasma-magnetic field manipulation, nuclear type reaction, They show up as anomalous or violent cooling/heating, vibration, knocking, spike, surge, implosion as defect & avoided by extra energy/design change Performance seemingly affected by geophysical/cosmo-physical elements, Their side effects are often non-linear & contradict existing basic science laws

    i.e. not closed system?; some techs(p11-18) efficiency fluctuates, by time-location, altitude, humidity, position direction etc; similar to ground-earth battery(p5), Rare cases emotion(Carr,Keely, Ring, Davidson,Vogel, Seelhofer+

    Occasional rift:1- Mainstream Western scientist vs 2- Inventor, sidelined & Non-Western scientist(Russia, China+), Some scholars in West as exception(Austria+)




    FREE ENERGY TYPES; non-utilized, remain micro scale, or stopped Nitinol engine; Negative metal fatigue temperature shapeshift metal, US Navy backing(Banks,Sandoval,Ginell,McNichols,Hochstein,A Johnson) Electricity harvester from ground/trees(Karavas, Barbosa,Bryan+, p6,18) ElectroMagnetic(EM) & sound wave electricity converter, Infrared Rectenna (Cummer, Vanke, Briscoe, R Phillips, P Cutler+), & Neg resistance/self entrain-ing amplifiers-oscillators in high frequency range; microwave, mm-wave+

    Atomic/Nanogenerators +, Particulates(Yurth+), Negative electro-resistance-carbon(Chung+), Atomic Hydrogen Welding(Langmuir), Bacteria battery/generator; Magnetotactic Bacteria based, Self-Charge Electrochemical Bio-capacitor(Pankratov+), Atmos clock+, use of self oscillating Torsion pendulum - Electro-mechanical transducer, ambience change, can combine with Foucalt pendulum element, Levitrontype, or Drinking Bird generator, Water-Oil/Coal emulsifying, Science legal up to 20-30% H2O mix(illegal version p17), discreet fair sized use, cuts emission, carefully ignored by major environmental NGOs & Western mainstream entities

  • linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada


    SIGNIFICANTLY LOWER COST TYPES same treatment as free energy(p19, p20), withdrawn, microscale etc, now slowly changing Thorium: US in 70s, taken over by Uranium, nuclear plant use, far less radiation, re-starting(India, Russia, China, Israel, US+), portable scale(Dratch +), Betavoltaics: almost free, Tritium Battery/Lighting, Zinc sulfide/Radium Paint + Solar Cell

    50-200%+ increased efficiency engines by timing, vaporization, carburetor+(Myers, Ogle, Covey, Pogue, Castellini, Brandt, Hatton, La Force, Caggiano, Fish, Holland, Ch Brown, Belland, J Richardson, D Novak, Wordsworth+); e.g. In1920s mainstream predicted 80mpg car by 1940s with some test cars 200mpg+ consistently(Wine+)

    Exotic green energy pilot success but unexplored; Tidal(B Davis+), Free Heat Recovery(Sterling), Artificial tornado - Vortex engine;(Michaud+), Pneumatic engine(Negre+, illegal, p14,15), Solar(Brody, B Willis+) Wind (Mobasher+), Nanoparticle coated H2O electrolysis(Dopp, McGrath+), Magnetic Energy Recovery Switch(Shimada, Isobe+); legal back EMF


  • linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada

    MAINSTREAM FREE ENERGY CLAIMS Senior Western scientists followed academic protocol for peer review

    1-LENR-Cold fusion: Low Energy Nuclear Reaction -1989, Heat generates as H2(hydrogen) in water interacts with catalyst(Ni-nickel, Pd-palladium etc) when stimulus applied(heat, current, resonance+)(Pons, Fleischmann 2-Cavitation: Micro bubble fusion - 2002, Extract energy from imploding & light emitting bubble in liquid by acoustic wave excitation, Semi science legal mechanics(Taleyarkan, West, Cho,Lahey,Nigmatulin, Block

    Repeated previous mainstream claims(LENR since 1925, Cavitation 1978

    3-Mainstream fusion: some cost $1billion+/yr, highest by far ICF-Inertial Confinement(US National Ignition Facility+) MCF-Magnetic Confinement(ITER- Tokamak, 30+ others)

    LENR & Cavitation quickly proven false, No results fusion$ criticized


  • linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada


    LENR-Cavitation have been much higher infrastructure cost excluding inventor types, but now changing(Leopoldo Pirelli HighSchool,Griggs,Church, Naudin+

    LENR-Cavitation both have large variations, each sub-variation tends to have similarity to specific inventor tech, & although not openly, increasing number of their scientists starting to suspect its link & need for investigation(Xingliu+)

    Similar physics law breaking mechanics & anomalies both at LENR-Cavitation & inventor techs, but latter more openly admit

    Past main academics explain related mechanics(Webb, Kelvin, TJJ See, Dirac, Faraday, Whittaker, Crookes, Poynting, Loschmidt, Kaluza, Maxwell, Myshkin+)

    Covert compartmentalized inventor type pseudoscience including gravity field propulsion(Bushman, Rosin, Wood, Pawlek, J Black, Greer, McCandlish +)


  • 11

    Micro sized private/commercialized use, often multiple mechanics by inventor 1- 11+ 1-Non-moving coil - Radiant energy/Ambient Electricity Inducer(Chernetski, Hendershot, Tesla, Baumann,Craig, Hyde,Thrapp,Adams,Gritskevitch, Moray, Godin, Hartmann, Flynn+), Often transformer like setting of 1+ pair of coils with Magnet/Ferromagnetic core or Bifilar coil in specific position against EM field(opposing, orthogonal+), or Configuration (resonance, with frequency depends on coil length+), with source & load battery in circuit 2-Magnetic Motor- often Back ElectroMotive Force Harnessed (Watson, Schappelle, Kawai,Reed,Heins,Ide,Parendev, Roshcin,Kenyon,Tracy, Tewari, Reed,Steinmetz,Ward+, Often involve high voltage DC pulse timed spin of magnet imbedded rotor(Torsion wave effect; p28-32), some behave like monopole magnet(Fauble)

    Common in 1&2: Often separate source power & charge battery/capacitor used, Some need external power, Bypass regular self-cancel dipole power circuit to keep asymmetry & electron flow, Energy output exceeds input when reach threshold level,

    Often 1: mix of Regular & Cold electricity:(Obolensky+), Positive & Reverse energy, Light bulb in water, White light, Rapid battery charge, Fix some dead batteries, Can be single wire & wireless connection, Voltage with 0 current, Invisible force radiates, Device transforms-extracts ambient-thermal energy as electricity from environment?> Absorbs heat, Device can go below 0C, Scalar wave link(p29,30), Might include cone-toroid-pyramid circuit, Often capacitor based high DC voltage pulse trigger, Spark gap, Intentional spike (choking effect, also can happens at reg current switch off - which is grounded) starts rapid inflow, Transverse wave vs Longitudinal wave - negative entropy


  • 12

    3-Overunity HHO-Browns gas production(Klein, Zigorous, Lawton, Ryan, Pantone, Raju, Blue, F Wells, Pacheco, S Chambers, Kanarev,Ohmasa, Vezina, Eaton+), varied geometry shaped high voltage pulse electrolyser, Some little or no electricity at all; Magnetic resonance, Radio waves. Some alter hydrogen bond angle?(Ellis+), Ambient energy extracted to loosen molecule bond? - specific sonication frequency. Anomalies: LENR-Cavitation link(M King+), Alter radioactivity, Energy vol > available gas, Anomalous vitalized water effects

    Not really hydrogen; Water with extra H2 bond or electrons?; Burns in vacuum or underwater, Burns sprayed liquid water in open air, adheres to matter, Can pressure back to water, Heavier than air - can pour, Flame is more of plasma electrical phenomena than burning, Cold flame 130-280C (no bond breaks compared to H2 burning: 2000C+), Direct flame doesnt boil water,

    But Incinerates at 1600C, Vaporizes Tungsten(3400C), Disrupts molecule bond(electron breaks off water molecule when react with matter, causing electron resistance & heat:(Eckman, Boyce+), Implodes in pure form(Suartt, Knudston+), Mix is Explosive: Often HHO & H2, i.e. can be called hydroxy/oxy-hydrogen gas, Thinner faster precision metal cut & alien matter welding,10%+ more power > H2? Same current with far more produced than H2, Sub forms


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    ->>cont.-3 Mix well with most conventional liquid & gas fuels in engine/boiler/industrial furnace+ : cut emission(40-90%+), Clean engine & increase Efficiency-HP-Mileage(5-15%+, might need computer adjustment, p36), Rare case on board as is use(S Meyer, Ahmad, Dingle, Cornish, Rasmussen, Yogev, Khan, Garret, Leaich, Estevel, Mohd Ali, Abd Shukor, Valentin,Suematsu +), Sub forms; OHMASA Gas; clustered HHO, Flame 700C, Liquid at -180C(O2:-183C H2:-240C), Far less prone to explosion, Easy safe low pressure storage,

  • 14

    5-Some Air Vacuum/Compressed Air Engine, Temperature Gap Amplified (Heat)Energy Exchanger/Vortex Tube, rare Hydraulic pumps claim occasional 100%+ fluctuating efficiency depended on run(Eskeli, Minto, Frenette, Davey, Yeter, Pope, Cahill, L Rogers, R Meyers, Truitt, Willimczik, Tesla, Karimov, Hill,Troyan, Von Platen, Azarov, Alexeiv, Obadan, Potapov+), a few always overunity, Similar to 4 but no plasma, Often abrupt change in cavity(pressuring-vacuuming, air flow - some oscillates, evaporation, temperature, reheating released cold air), Propulsion system has lot less maintenance needs than in combustion types, Anomalous gap in energy used vs harvested to break LOTD (Low Of Thermo Dynamics)? Can involve steam or venturi effect, Some are used in mainstream e.g.

    Heat pump-pipe/fridge/air conditioner, especially Ion Heater/Boiler(eg Stafor+) gauges COP>1; ignored mainstream lab data, Energy collected from other sources, Yet Population Inversion is actually allowed by LOTD anyways; in Laser it is even precondition rather than exception

    Advanced No-leak Hydraulic Ram(T G Allen-Hydrautomat, Kutienkov+/no incoming water pressure) water lifter, used in mainstream till 1930s


  • 15

    ->>cont.-5-Air Vacuum/Compressed Air Engine, Heat Exchanger etc Their core mechanics;

    A-Temperature gap of outside vs thermodynamic cycle inside, 1st & 2nd LOTD contradiction, Perpetual motion of second kind effects, Part of mainstream in Russian physics(Kosinov, Filippov, Tsyolkovskiy, Oparin, Smenkovsky, Yakovlev, Buynov, Veinik, Lazarev+). COP>1 by Compressed air + heat energy created/ Using suns ambient energy (J Scott, S Robertson, Lindemann), B-Vortex flow or rapid ambience gap sneaks in vacuum energy by tearing space-time?

    6 Some of Reactionless, Propellantless Drive tech claims overunity effect(Shawyer, Serrano, Menshikov); Geometric wave Resonator Cavity(EM resonator) or pulsing against space, Inventors + space agencies + private contractor mix, Additionally pseudoscientific by breaking conservation of momentum law, Direct Scalar wave relation(P28-30), Using vacuum fluctuations of virtual plasma? = Zeropoint Energy, Electrokinetic force?


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    7-Gravity or Centrifugal Force + Magnet(motor)(Simpson, Ribero, Ewert, Campbell, Bedini, Rutowski, Milkovic, AlKhooss, Finsrud, Ucros+), some large size (eg 20x7x10m), Precision: timing, weight balance, some by gravity shielding

    8-Some Hydrocarbon-Water Emulsion Techs claim 50 to almost 100% of H2O as fuel,i.e. water burns, not mere disperser/atomizer: C+H2O ->CO+H2, or HHO gas; Cavitation/HHO tech link(p12 -3, p9)(Pillai, Fukai, Dellschau, Gunnerman, Capra, Franch, Enricht, Globus, Cottell, Chambrin, Kurata, Hommoh, Baranov+), Often produced on site, not pre-made, Some can be used as catalyst(P48)

    Discrete large corporate/diesel backing, Combo mechanics: Spin, Spiral vortex, High pressure, Water-fuel bonder, Plant essence(Tannic acid, Saponin+), Mineral, Venturi effect, Magnetization, Electrolysis, Resonance, Lenard effect, Bioceramic process, Torsion information wave, Nanobubble-cavitation, abrupt change (see-5)

    Base is established science; widely used for non-energy, Well witnessed, Some direct water co-feeding to engine or seem to transmute water to fuel, 30%+ emission cut but not as effective as HHO gas(P12)


  • linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada

    9-Super Compact Fusion: Dense Plasma Focus(Lerner), Infra cost 0.1% of mainstream fusion, no radiation, use Boron, no H2 isotope, Inventor tech link, US Navy backing, Almost mainstream, Experimental success results since 09, yet difficulty getting funds!, 3+ other aneutronic fusion trying(no results), Also sustained fusion itself confirmed regardless of overunity (Fairnsworth, Maglich, Wells), prior but stopped

    10-Underwater Air Buoyancy Power Generator, Pneumohydraulic Engine: (J Kwok, GM Singh, Ribero, Dobrokhotov,Grigoriev,Schrade, Elistratov,W Travis, +)Often large sized 5-30m Water tank(s) in hight, Repeat cycles of air container floating- sinking(Air input at the bottom, which floats up & release air at the top, then weight causes container to sink by gravity), Current model energy input-output ratio 3 to 20:1, Air heating/cooling or compression-expansion elements; Ambient energy sneaked in like compressed air engines?

    Non western mainstream endorsed; Virtual science legal but far less claims made compared to other utterly illegal techs, Often left out by free energy groups, Notable discreet small commercialization & pilot projects



  • linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada

    Other seeming mechanics that dont quite fit to prior 1 to 10 categorization; 11- Less replicated or without recent data, some science legal(also p7): Ambience type: a-Crystal-geometry electro inducer(Trawoeger, Grandics+), b-Graphene/Carbon nano-tube generators, c-Alpha Voltaics: -particle emitter isotope cell(M Meyer, Mace+), d-Negative Resistance Self Oscillator (Sweet, D Smith+), e-Self current generating battery(DeGeus, Hutchison, Reid+), f- Aerial static-ground current flow extractor(Lea, Matchett, Plauson, Britten+), unlimited illegal version of tree/earth only battery (p5 & p7), g-Self heating resonating ceramic material, h-Thermionic generator(Hardcastle, Edelson, LG Johnson, Levert+

    Water type: i-Instant H2 by; Non-oxidizing aluminium based Chemalloy (Freedman+), Ceramic membrane(Bakhir), Monopole magnet(Ehrenhaft), j-Urine (NH2)2CO or Saltwater Na++Cl-+ H2O overunity" gas(Gamgee, Adebola+), k-Galvanic-corrosion-overunity metal plate water cell(Cater+), self charge-separation water effect, differs from most Water Powered Clocks, l-Rapid water spiral or air mix spin centripetal power(Grander+), m-Lenard effect generator(Kelvin+) +, n- Resonance water pump(Bentley, Bellocq, Dickinson+) gauges more water lifting than energy applied, o- Magnetic-vacuum water freezer/boiler at room temperature(I Siegel+)



  • linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada


    Free energy demo usually witnessed, some thoroughly tested by mainstream scientists on personal or military/aerospace/intel capacity,not academic, using high-bandwidth digital oscilloscope+, Pulse triggered or cold electricity is difficult to measure, Most of volt & amp meter only claims quickly found to be errors(Bailey+), but a few turn out unexplainable

    They avoid public comment or say It appears claim is true. Local media covers positively: This will change the world, Surely Nobel prize if real ! Inventor tech blanket debunker & only lab duplication failure quoted even in alternative energy field No follow up by mainstream science at tenured level that allows peer review; free energy is against physics law, if its real we wouldve known it, hence such claims cannot exist

    Some inventors try mass production & attract funds from investors, then.. Suddenly discredited as tax/deception/investor Fraud, mental disease etc., Valid process if define pseudo science as hoax-scam, Frequent made up charges against non-mainsteam energy/medical when succeed(K Trudeau+


  • linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada

    Free energy researcher(Vesperman,Bearden,C Walter,Frazier,Loder, Aftergood, Tutt, R Nelson, D Kenyon,Manning, Bird,Germano, Decker,OLeary+) find typical scenario: National media starts ridiculing pesudoscience, as investors/local media cancel Inventor helpers start fighting, internal funds/equipments/documents start missing Inventor stops: Litigation, No$, Order/supply cancels, Warned as financial-national security threat(in some way justifiable p54,55), military-intel hire, Patent bought,etc+ With/without patent, large energy users tend to buy inventions, not producers They develop own free type tech but disappears(Hamburg@Ford, G Low@NASA +) Some inventors continue, without commercialization, micro private based use

    Rare cases of prominent politicians, scientists, personnel, magicians vow to testify for validity of invention(Tesla, Moray, Gray, DePalma, Newman, T G Allen, Trombly+)

    Fraud case seems more likely with no tech details/independent auditing, no inventor face, photo/name/video interview; Alleged cases: a-Web sales fraud, b-Valid inventor stretching claims or $mismanagement, c-Grass roots or fake invention to discredit/divert free energy movement(ignored by usual replicators), d-High profile group collect$ to purchase/develop new tech yet end up postponing/shelving it,



  • linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada


    Similarly, scientists assure en masse non-existence of gravity field tech, ignoring several 100s of official military/engineer testimony evidence without investigation, citing indication never exists(Weygandt, Haines, Keyhoe, Pope, Dolan, De Brouwer, Hellyer, Lovekin, Cooper, Guerra, Hillenkoetter, Hill-Norton, W Smith, F Bell+)

    Callers for investigation labeled fringe theorist or pseudo scientist, losing or compromising academic career (McDonald, OLeary, Friedman, Hynek, Baker)

    Reputed labs/schools/publications have strong tie with reputed = large scientist group-NGO-corporate, often disallow to test/publish certain kind of new science or out of box experiment data as it would break the law(Pollack,Schmidt,Hunter+

    Alleged tenured dismissal, faculty or entire university warned of funding cut if member studies non-std-science(Martin, Mack, CDF-Galtieri, Delborne, MW Ho+)

    Reduced chance for grant/promotion if contradicts above root assumptions even though unrelated to research theme in west, Differs in non-western nations(Russia, Brazil+, eg Chinas Montagnier funding), or military even in west(usually classified)


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    Self-endorsed circular logic; underfunded experimental research success & theory is blocked from peer review without Western corporate-NGO/media/gov back up, but mainstream rejects it, reasoning it lacks peer review This combines with occasional fraudulent peer reviews when claims are proven false & claimers lose funding/job, by only based on replication failures & ignored all successes(M Schiff+). This stops most researches, but even failure process itself is dubious; eg. Firmly alleged data change to block LENR funding(Mallove+)

    Free energy inventor has never been investigated officially by modern Western full scientific protocol. In turn declared to media: In our entire history, free energy validity has never been found Its a proven scientific consensus

    Influencers can use system to create scientific reality by solely selected convenient evidence:(Gold, Huyghe, McClenon +), Paradigm by non-scientific/non-empirical factors(Kuhn, Schwinger+), Unprecedented pseudoscience suddenly valid at geo-political events even if all experimental evidence disproves(Rappoport, K Ryan+)

    This is commonly observed, not exception, across science(Water, Monetary, Gene, Consciousness, Human origin, Biotic only hydrocarbon, Peak oil, Biophoton, TopQuark, Climate, Ancient architecture/civilizations, Medical, Mars/Moon, +)

  • linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada


    Financial groups affiliated NGOs academic control till 1920s, Now diversified funders influence, But asked to cooperate via various means & structures(Glattfelder, Quigley, Bauer, Sutton, Dale Scott, Chossudovsky+)

    Large funds inter-funnelling, Secure next power job, Know eachs needs, goals, undisclosed liabilities including shared activities, Some in same club within a club, Interlocked directorates exec-board swap: NGO, Thinktank, Govt, Corporate, Research institute, Senior academic, Investor, Financial group etc

    IMF/WB & advanced nations set condition of $loan/aid to use Western science accepted academia/corporate help for Engineering, R&D, Tech use for their various developments in nations with financial difficulty

    But now public & maverick funded full scale mainstream academia free energy projects on LENR(multiple in US, France, Italy, Japan, Russia), Also research fundraise is allowed quietly(Indiegogo, Fringe NGOs+


  • linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada

    Mainstream ignored whistleblowing statements(i.e: S Bennett, Colby, Casey not Snowden, Assange)& released own intel/govt documents indicate

    Their funding/control of most of Western allies main media, some in 3rd world. Govt/Intel/space/military heavily connected to private contractors & financial group, to co-manage critical international affairs(D Gibson, Inouye, Stockwell+), including junk science R&D as actually most desired technology; govt not in charge? Top executives turned down from briefing including tech program, as classified info under national/NATO security or Special Access Program. Through non-straight forward manner, these previously rare types of claims are quietly yet increasingly allowed to come out via some of Western alternative media or non-western mainstream in various forms, They often seem to connect to different group strains-agenda & partial disinfo that complicates data identification, but data base is large enough & still usually inter-referenceable by bulk of testimony(More difficult to validate version p51-54)



  • linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada

    Occasional large science info gap between A-Free Western media & B-The rest; e.g. some in B starts openly reporting LENR validity etc

    A- Mainstream Western- uniform among US, UK, Canada, Australia, Germany, Japan, majority of Western Europe, Wikipedia in ALL languages, large NGOs, UN, a few sci & industrial media is in-between A & B(Wired, Phys+)

    B- SOME: in certain Europe(Austria, Hungary, Ireland+), 3rd world, Western alternative news, Media proWest but not academia(Venezuela, Argentina+) MAJORITY: in non-Baltic/Georgia ex-soviet, certain 3rd world (UAE, Egypt, Malaysia+), others(Serbia, Turkey+), BICS, Regional Non Western NGOs MOST; in Russia/Belarus/Kazakstan/Iran/Cuba +; unique as their science/medias weak tie to multinational corporate/NGO

    New raid-seizure proof strategy?- some of mostly small Free energy or Pseudo-science tech companies are now making multiple affiliated entities, diversifying out operation basis, exec member, customers, backers to multiple nations/nationalities(eg combo of Western Allies & not so friendlies, neutrals)



  • linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada


    1ST LAW: Energy cannot be created or destroyed- only change to different forms 2ND LAW: Energy always evens out to create a neutral entropy state

    1+2: Cannot generate more energy than it is used

    Most of LENR/Cavitation scientists subscribe to

    Taboo of questioning the law in main academia, in rare cases scientists group up to appeal for law reformulation, sometimes they are described as delusional, crackpots


  • linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada


    Fundamental flaw/lack in law of Thermodynamics(LOTD)(Sheehan, Sachs, Keefe, X Fu, Nikulov, Graeff, Godin, Capek, Gordon, Coffey, Molnar, DAbramo +), 1st law is ok, but 2nd law only covers Closed System; no real overunity- energy is everywhere(Searl +)

    Closed System: 0 outside energy, no perpetual motion, VS Open System: unlimited ambient & vacuum energy, earth is permanent mega capacitor, constant sea-air move, earth-moon-star orbit, lightning; Law selectively applied, Michelson-Morley vs far more extensive Miller + results differ(DeMeo, Allais+): Existence of dynamic aether, radiant energy, self organzing 0pt vacuum, higgs field with force+.

    Based on unproven(disproven) assumption only current physical reality exists & nothing else, or TOTALLY ISOLATED from other realities/vacuum, either case it self-contradicts own closed system idea, Vacuum is fluxing, Inverted Population, Brownian motion, Particle angular momentum, Stars curving-torsion, all perpetual

    OR, need Reverse LOTD, Original Maxwell Equation altered when oversimplified; kept transverse wave & dropped unmeasurable longitudinal electrical wave & 0 vector vacuum EM potential+(Reed, Evans,Trupp, Barrett, Grimes,Crowell,Cohen, Bok, Morris, Jeffers,Jefimenko,Flower, Labounsky, Meszaros, Vigier, Ciubotarju, Lehnert+), Indications financial-industrial group might have staged Heaviside to do so?(Donovan


  • linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada


    This ignored wave(p27) seems to link zeropoint/free energy extraction: TORSION-Field/SCALAR-Potential; unlimited information/energy carrier that manifests physical effects, BOTH are inter-related: overlap in function and effect

    BOTH co-exist with EM field, but quality differs; Non-local/linear, Timeless, Causes template effect; eg Bio enhancement(Bergstresser+), Mind effect(Golod+), water memory(Peschka+), Propagate thru physicality without affecting, Information flow field, Transmit without energy, Torsion/scalar tech device often marketed by New Age connotation; Magic stick, Cosmic pendant+, Industrial-commercial success studied by Russia/China mainstream(HT Zhang+) but ignored/called fraud in West, yet Substantial fringe in DACH(mainstream backing; Schott AG?, Stuttgart Univ?), Some use in UK, US, Canada+). Yet valid tech use in product is indistinguishable on surface from many token gadgets, Commercialized mainly from Russia/DACH/US

    Both: Quantum vacuum as their carrying medium?, All objects in physicality have existence in vacuum as Torsion-field/Scalar-potential; Gravitational-Nutrino wave link (Perebeynos, Zubow-Zubow-Zubow, Fujii+), Used with Quantum Mechanics for unconventional effects(I Caesar, Sims+, p30), Measure by mainstream unapproved method: Magnetic sensor inside Faraday cage, Radionic equipment, Barkhausen effect, Torsion field generator(Kravchenko+), Kirlian photo, Psychics(Akimov+)+


  • linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada

    SCALAR; Wave generated by electromagnetic(EM) field that is simultaneously created & cancelled in the same circuit; Occurs In:

    1. Phase conjugate pairs, 2. Identical EM waves out of phase symmetry to each other, 3. Mutually opposed direction equal waves, 4.Certain matter, shape, geometry, or its pair, 6. Zero EM field point(eg bet. opposed magnets or current, coil circuit pairs, gravity anomaly place) or Coiled toroid even without electricity Mainstream calls it 0 energy as only scalar potential exists(magnitude, voltage) & 0 vector(direction,current), But energy exists(or violates 1st law, AB-effect), remains- propagates as POTENTIAL wave(M Evans, Ehrenberg, Vlaenderen, Eckardt, Bischof, Leus, Siday, Monstein+) & macroscopically measured(Caprez, Varma+), Also vector potential itself measured as biologically active(Trukhan, T Kawaguchi,Rampl, I Lyons+

    And these Pairs of EM waves occur at matter/medium/cavity, creates spontaneous oscillation at specific frequencies (mediums Natural Resonance Frequencies); This oscillation/vibration wave bounces back & forth within medium to as Standing Wave, This standing wave vibration is Scalar Resonance; a clear example when Scalar field/wave is operating/created, eg; pulsing Cavity resonator/Bifilar-flat coil/Mobius-Caduceus strip+, Doesnt travel in line but creates field, Time reversible, 5th field, The coupling wave tends to manifest/linked to overunity or other anomalies related to vacuum, Some examples; ->>continues p30



  • 30

    >> Scalar cont:1. Cold Electricity link(Stiffler+), 2. Can send or extract energy/electricity wirelessly to the target if in same resonance(Tesla, S Jackson, Palladino+), 3. Ultra distance communication (Zubow3+), 4. Radionics mechanics; i.e. A-C

    A- Mechanically enhanced voodoo, dowsing, instant pre-diagnosis etc, Can do from ANY distance via wire/wireless(Quantum entanglement & Holographic reality); Every object or even point/cell reflects whole universe, yet it has own unique scalar wave frequencies, also each specie/type has group frequencies, & they are included in every part of entity(hair, saliva, photo etc). Hence able to sample this holograph wave structure, & manipulate it by wave matrix, 1-Once identify correct Frequency & record it electromagnetically in wave form, physical effect is replicated by re-emitting -a this copied computer software oscillation or scan-b them(eg-a Mind-bio integrity & coherence boosting, eg-b Bio condition survey or Mining exploration; de la Warr+), 2-(eg-c Broadcast specific nutrients-minerals needed for crop as info wave to increase yield; Y Kronn, von Reichenbach+), (eg-d farm removes pests by placing pesticides on area photo, then modulate into wave form & transmit; mainstream use in 1940s by US State Gov Farm Bureau PA,AZ,CA, Dow Chemical, UKACO+; Knuth+), 3-What happens if perfectly run a location frequency over a matter(teleport?), human resonance over machine(symbio?), or one specie embryo over other(succeeded), B- Works depended on operator: Electric radionic machine works even unpluged C- Radionic scalar diagram on paper only, mind working?(Hieronymus, J Campbell+


  • linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada

    >> Scalar cont: Vortex connects EM & Scalar wave(Mayl, Tomilin+), Elementary particles interact with both Scalar/EM waves(J Dea, Pulver, Wolff, Bobrov, Imlauer+), commonalities with DNA -Helix, Commercialized (eg. Aquapol, 90.10., GeoWave, EESystem, Wave Genome, Quantec, Plate Koltsov , Dessert Greening,Neurophone, Q-Link, MEDEA 7, Terafight+

    TORSION; Field/wave generated by; 1-Positioning/polarization(Tam-Happer effect) of particle electron/nuclear spin; ie any matter, 2-Emotion amplified clear thoughts - weak effect(Thorns, Chernetsky+), exceptions: Trivedi effect

    ADDITIONALLY- i.e. secondary torsion field generation by, 3-Spin/angular momentum of rotating matter(Cartan+), 4-Some geometry shapes; pyramid (Krasnoholovets, Parr+), cone(Akimov+), flat triangle(S Iwasaki+), hexagon tube(Grebennikov+), circle-ring(K Wagner+), golden ratio(Shaktparonov+), 5-Shaking, vibrating, hitting etc, 6-EM field(reverse Barnett effect)(eg;Electric white noise via coil/Benveniste, Wittmann+), or spiral/circular EM process structure itself(Tesla+), i.e. Spinning or counter spinning magnets have particularly strong effect(Yurovitzky+), 7-Some link to plasma/ball lightning+



  • 32

    TORSION spin wave quality; Axial symmetry, Gravity field creation(H Wallace, Torr&Li+), Affects crystallization(Tarasenko+), Travels to past & future, 5th force(Myshkin+), Detected by Metatron(Nesterov), or Kozyrev Mirror for motion objects(eg gyroscope/ Hayasaka+, eg2. repulsing magnets/Alek+) +, Can imprint torsion field emitting function of specific spin frequency(Information Carrier of chemistry-physics in its absence)copied to other matter-space-vacuum like magnetization, Use of Residual or ghost effect

    Change mass density, & quality by info carriers; imprinting medium on molecule spin oscillation level; A-Water; 1-Alcohol to get drank with 0 side effects(Kleinert+), 2-Tan lotion as a Drink(B Johnson), 3- Replication to weaker unstructured water(U Holst+) B-Matter; 1- Harden steel surface(Shpilman+), 2- Affect surroundings spin oscillation of organism directly or thru fluid(Aliyev+), 3-Alter crystallization of fluid solutes, 4-Mineral/ceramic/steel cylinder carries fertilizer info & dilute by water to multiply(Plocher+) C-Others; 1-Haunted site, 2-Psychometry, 3-Hydrocarbon/electrical efficiency+

    Commercialized(eg. Merus ring - Wellan2000, Infoceuticals, Penergetic, Dry Floor Stick, EOS-2000, Pawtect - Shoo!Tag, Device IGA-1, Generator series Ehmi, Osmosis Skincare, MAXiiMUS, Aqvadisk, Lifewave Patch, /EM Plastic, +)

    Magic Cards; Muti-layered ferro/paramagnetic mirror symmetry sheets with herbal-bioceramic, cotton, aluminium, silica etc or its vibe, low-intensity-processed by phase conjugated longitudinal wave, to alter atom spin structure to create a monopole magnet like vacuum gate?,or scalar wave emitter? (Tonomura?, D Wagner?, Koltsov?+)


  • linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada

    >>Torsion(continue); Linkage to other phenomena?; Weissenberg effect hint, Naturally seen oscillation-spin-spiral in; Low-filled hose water & Boundary layer flow, Karman Vortex Street, Honey coil effect, All could interrelate from atoms angular momentum to star/planet rotation- Coriolis/Rossby effect- vortex- implosion

    As for free energy: -Indication of Energy induction; Shubnikovde Haas-van Alphen, Hall effect -Why Aharonov-Bohm effect ignored in mainstream electrical engineering? -Atoms electron orbit & nucleus are actually standing waves? Scalar - 0point entrance?

    Empty space is full of unlimited energy & trigger induction with: -Resonance:, Varies by shape, material, location, direction -Circuit in geometric position: Spiral, Pyramid, Toroid, Cone -Fast move, abrupt change/charge:Implosion, Spiral, Vortex, Counter Spin, Spike -Magnetic field manipulation: eg; Repulse-attract magnet bundle falling

    Mainstream skeptics exclusively skeptical about non-mainstreamers; they solely question those who question authority; why believe in such self endorser?(Mathis+) Pseudo Science is like jailbroken iphone" functions: shouldnt exist & to be admitted Scientists promoted by proving existing idea, not by questioning it from wider view; 1-Ignorance by compartmentalized, 2-Priority on fast profit, grants, reputation, career+



  • linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada


    LENR: Virtual acceptance of its effects by mainstream scientists: academically not beneficial to deny 3000+ peer reviewed reports

    Some in core mainstream focus on trivial effects & unreliability, while others ignore publicized data(Huizenga,Koonin,Park,Seaborg, Morrison+

    Official acceptance might come upon agreement on mechanics

    Participated by large co.(Toyota & Aisin, Shell, US Navy, Vattenfall, ENEA, NASA, Siemens, National Instruments, STMicroelectronics, Boeing,Chubu Electric+), mainstream linked researchers(SRI, Elforsk, Continuum Energy Tech, Technova+), major investors(Sunrise, Cherokee, Vanterra-TEM+), govts(US, Italy, Sweden, Russia +), official recognition by world largest financiers(BlackRock+), unnamed co.(Volvo? ABB? Gates foundation?+)


  • linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada


    Several companies deemed to run certain type of projects with hold up for open commercialization(*Rossi - Energy Catalyzer+)

    *E-Cat(Italy), *Mitsubishi Hvy (Japan), *Blacklight Power, Brillouin, Jet (all US)+, Possibly other labs can do project(Israel, Korea, Russia,France, **Defkalion became Phonon Energy in US? Many are LENR based variation tech, proprietary details

    As of Jan 2015: No official news release LENR generator, Yet *ECat continues a- to claim undisclosed pilot projects, b- its web order taking page active, also a company in a non G7 nation also still claims to take orders & ship in 3months(*Ro Green), while targeted by *discrediting work by energy insiders,

    Rossi replication claimed (Cole, Parkhomov+), Web portal updates(lenr-coldfusion, cold fusion times +)


  • linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada


    Key is to broadcast success at major industrial name /government client sites

    Although there are already, minor level, debunked small commercializations of free energy, We forecast FULL OPEN commercialization by 2016, technically now, but took 100yrs for electric car, Thorium 40yrs, Maybe fusion or grassroots inventor tech spreads first

    Projected 20yrs to replace most of non-renewal electricity generation system after first full open free energy marketing

    This can trigger large realignment of business, financial, Geo political structure world wide, Losers vs Gainers?


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    Investment funds, Collaterals, CDS, Tax revenue, Science-Media credibility, Peer Review exclusion system, Enviro-Energy NGOs & Research funding Oil, N-gas, Coal; Infra, Storage, Transport, Exporters : Need to lower cost, keep & develop new industrial process & product, end-use R&D(HHO?+, p35) Green Energy: Need non-monopoly-majors unused mechanics concepts (eg solar: Klimov, Schaflander, wind:Sorokodum, Schmidt), apply exclusive niche

    Industries: Environmt, Carbon, Govt infra, Big Energy Storage-Transmission, Future business opportunities; no lack in water availability/food production+

    Financial-Intel-Military-Industrial alliance leverage: Oil reserve currency => international trading & finance currency, Energy &carbon derivatives, Less wars & debt; Spiral loss of resource stock asset & world economy influence tool

    All industry loosely Interlocked Western geo-econo-political-media-NGO-super wealthy alliance that held world in stability by mutual financial injection, benefit, & intervention, Above high wage jobs & stakeholders

  • linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada

    Countries: Import oil/gas dependent, Non 1st tier member of world banking system, IMF/WB debt ridden, Fresh water shortage regions

    Smaller unit communities, remote location, independent & unaffiliated private & public companies, increased fresh water availability, Farming

    Hydro-carbon material based manufacturing, Transportation: Tourism, Mining, Commodities, Trading

    Both slants in energy intensive process industries can benefit lower cost: Coal-Gas-Oil: BF Steel, Cement-Lime, Petrochemical, Glass, Food, Clay+ Electricity: DRI-EAF Steel, Aluminium, Chemical, Textile, Industrial gas+ Both heavy: Pulp-Paper, Fertilizer, Mining

    Fuel Cell if incorporates HHO(PEFC test result +), Small Energy Storage

    Financial group? Media orchestrated energy stocks shorting



  • 39


    1- Gradual cost reduction(eg: Coal->Thorium> Free energy Fusion) 2- Gradual INFRA cost reduction & tech exclusivity WITHIN Free Energy Expensive & exclusive(eg: Fusion)->Less(LENR)->Even less(inventor tech)

    3-Co-existence tech model A: Both thrive (eg; Free Skype vs Charged call) 4-Recent free energy treatment is a repeat of Co-existence tech model B ; (see p40) Give a small pie to disruptive tech while securing no further expansion by Anglo American data authority orchestration; As long as western mainstream inter-references as real, majority believes anything over anyone; Ignore/discredit free tech while allowing commercialization avoids conversion rush of mainstream crowd, assisting adoption ceiling or gradual transition; Majority public to focus on debunking or theoretical level - i.e. no actual development; Energy eg. Magnegas(Santilli), low temp GlidArc (Czernichowski), Electrodeless Microwave Plasma Torch (Burov, Y Hong+), by far lowest cost plasma gasification/cleaning, Non-enery eg. Torsion field ring(Schubert+), Bioceramic/Magnetic water(Kulish+), Remote viewing, GDV, Biowash(Hesser+), Vital Force Technology, Scalar dehumidifier(Mohorn+), Radionic farming(von Buengner+), Hypnosis, EM(Higa)+ ->>P40

  • 40


    4 cont>>-Simplified LENR marketing scenario by Disruptive Tech Co-existence Model B ; based on case studies(this is steps forward & differs from Pure Suppression Model), A- Western scientists, Skeptics society, Consumer reports/group+ test LENR machine & majority claims it doesnt work, but ignore/discount Russian & 3rd world positive report B- Mainstream Blog/Media/Celebrity/Utility/NGO/TED/Wikipedia/Forum/Govt quote negative results & declare: Warning: LENR fraud, There is no valid technical basis for such claims, Pathological science, If it really worked, its already been used, C- Ridicule info packed Cold Fusion fraud web sites show up early on search engine

    D- Regulators, mainstream Consumer Group, Independent Advertising Watch etc gets LENR complaint, & science panel hearing concludes false advertisement/fraud, New law mandates LENR machine to label a tag No scientific base that this works E- Those insist on LENR validity at mainstream stage is called insane, unqualified as scientist, & expelled from mainstream group/job in ways their colleagues notice why F- Private forums split opinions with science types vocal on how crackpot this is etc, G- End result; majority stays with conventional energy for extra 10+yrs, Large corporate would install by not executive but floor level, Then shift model B to A(i.e. co-thriving mode transition stage; eg Insulating Paint, Industrial Power Factor Correction+), But this model might fail; Europe rebels(GMO+), Russia getting worse(BRICS Bank, GMO ban, UGRG, Western whistleblowing, Space+), Energy is too obvious not to notice quickly+

  • linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada


    5- Free energy permanent pilot projects at remote mines,marine,military/space?6- Commercialize mainstream science approved 24hr Solar Infrared Harvesting 7- Main media/NGO to endorse 3-7% power save on Residential Power Factor Correction & Voltage Optimization, + water emulsion/HHO additive, later as fuel 8- Sell disruptive efficient proprietary tech but call just good (Bloom, Enstroj+ 9- Admit 1-10% fuel save, 30%+ emission cut by additive, torsion wave, magnet (several patents by car makers e.g. GM, large cos use while publicly denounce it)

    10- Media to endorse mainstream science perpetual quantum engine approval in quantum thermodynamics & imply its possible in real life(Paternostro, Levy+) 11- Introduce disabled Tesla Scalar tech as far improved version(Guiler, Soljacic+) or Cold Electricity as battery fix; then gradually both later as unlimited energy 12- Rossi model: keep installing many covert pilot projects till becomes norm 13-Train/test public by major free energy/flying saucer Front Page News(O Wells 14- Stop debunking military plane electrogravitics / overunity electrical-charging (Oechsler, Gunston+), or spaceship propellantless drive; Info already released 15- Allow increase of currently irrelevant capacity of science legal tech(p5 & 7) *Western energy groups are slowly letting go eachs territory, but still too slow?


  • linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada


    Very small # but increasing private & industrial users benefit with inventor tech (p11-18), especially part of HHO & emulsified water, yet otherwise mostly still low practicality without major in-house investment, Most in prototype, raw tech phase; wire sticking out etc

    No standardized review, association, tech vocab, No full open commercialization, inventor isolated, tend to claim to be first in world when numerous similar claims in past(p19, p20), mostly small power < 30kw : Foster-ground for deception, Significant gap in performance & reliability between inventions: How to tell 1-Fraud 2-Works occasionally vs 3-Works normally

    Sole inventor can be a sales rep & tech server, might have out of box communication manner, business style, beliefs(Allan)

    -No local support due to non-public consumption physics nature -Some of confirmed working techs are not replicatable by 3rd party -Cases of stock traded co/public institution prosecuted by use of fraud science


  • linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada


    Would it lead to inventor tech academic review?: Inventors had long been isolated & self taught in development, but are finally starting to turn to information exchange, open sourcing, mechanics disclosure & tips

    1-Ambient power inducer(Kapanadze, Lindemann +) 2-Magnetic motor back EMF(Keppe, Hamel,Ainslie, Bedini+ 3-Rapid HHO-Brown gas production(H-Cat, GEET +) Web(free-energy-info,Rexresearch, Panacea-Bocaf, Peswiki+ Fragmented, unprofessional looking/style presentations

    Some inventor tech seem to be backed by mid-sized corporate/3rd world govt, installed at pilot projects, military tests+;( e.g. Hidro?, Rosch+) LENR acceptance can cause it to surface as official production of multiple free energy mechanics & it can suddenly become norm?


  • linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada


    Mainstream(p8): Cavitation progress (Nanospire +)& LENR link ICFusion success 2013, new low cost Magnetized Target Fusion

    Inventor tech(p11-18):

    Top 3(Ambient, Back EMF, HHO) most un-regulatable & disruptive, portable, lowest cost; but HHO, econo Fusion, & Plasma noble gas can be looked first with closer link to LENR, Water emulsification for obvious ease

    Similarities on molecule phenomena to Nano Technology

    Public might ask LENRs past obstruction inquiry in relation to all other free energy techs/inventors


  • linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada

    Energy in vacuum even at Zeropoint(0K, -273C) is full mainstream consensus, But tapping of unlimited energy is still minority mainstream theory(Cole, Haisch, Piestrup, Rueda, Clarke, Yilmaz, Puthoff, Pinto, Capasso, Turtur +), Inventor tech(p11-18) can be more obvious link to Zeropoint energy idea

    Gravity, inertia, mass is ElectroMagnetic like vibe effect of Self Organizable (spin) wave energy in vacuum field; where basis of matter, probabilities, information exist(Schempp, Jahn,Bohm,Swanson, Baud, Lazlo, Wheeler,Rein+ It looks overunity, only if ignore vacuum-ambient-static energy: Can be tapped since its Not Always Random, EM energy-dipole is asymmetrical between pos-neg; it can Flow in a Direction(Haken, Lee&Yang, Pregogine+ ) Torsion/Scalar connection to vacuum; shown by repeated effects(p28-32)

    Inventor tech often links to Scalar/Spin-Torsion wave effects at its energy trigger, Also its resonance use for matters state changing/new creation/stabilizing takes 1-far less energy, 2-much higher energy conservation & storage over time, compared to conventional methods(Shironosov, Blekhman, Filatov, Poincare+)



  • linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada

    Hence its official approval is more disruptive than LENR for academics, but practical physical effects are far more so for Western business/economy & large corporate infra

    Some inventors can adjust frequency to other beneficial effects in micro/covert use (Reich-weather, Searl-gravity, Kanzius-bio, Schauberger-water, Ebner-bio-gene engineering, Boyce-radiation, Flanagan-geometry, Callahan-farming Gariaev-DNA+

    Inventor tech acceptance could cause their related low-cost effects to be also officially investigated on tenured level academics widely, and.. This might ultimately lead to Western mainstream acceptance of paradigm shift: Resonance effect(Create nonlinear physical & biological systems, Can confine matter in nonuniform EM field with no external feedback, Laverov+, p53) & Scalar/Torsion wave; unlimited Energy Inducer & Info Carrier/Holder without physicality(at quantum level matter appears as energy = oscillation, haze, potential, or blinking in & out of existence)

    Scalar; Its phase conjugation is 0energy, like vacuum & sets up for every point to reflect whole like in optics; i.e. hologram, Vacuum energy extraction, Gravity link Torsion; Matter can carry information OF other matters; Chemistry effect without IT, Homeopathy of all things idea, Effect by spin resonance of matter in its absence; eg:, Empower organism, Cloaking effect, Transmute mass, Practical magnetic monopole +



  • 47

    Following1-6 Low cost/effective/unexclusive, compromise existing business structure 1-*Medical(Rife, Priore,Crane,Clarke, Gurvich, Gordon,Becker, Pawluk, Lassek, Abrams, Ziesenis, Matsuura, SR Michael, Kavouras, Morton+);eg identify specific oscillating frequency, modulate it electrically on tissue penetrating RF carrier wave &transmit thru

    2-*Nuclear radiation elimination, unreleased virtual mainstream tech, (CERN, Purdue & Birmingham univ. Mitsubishi, Hitachi+ /Frolov, Roy, Kervran, Keller, Resnick, P Brown, H Renner, Barker, Hawkings, Y Brown+ /methods not just resonance; Plasma, Ozone, Bacteria, Nanobubble, Magnetization, Cold electricity, Torsion field, HHO, Alkaline water+); Local Fukushima gov/evacuee endorsed several radiation decontamination pilot success techs are barred by national media-academia-govt when directly applicable to nuclear waste elimination/transmutation(Higa, Takashima, Tazaki, Fukai, Sano, Iwata, Ueda+ / violate law of radioactivity as virtually indestructible)

    Mainstreams closed two-polar pattern; one side exaggerates harm & other denies, while both block fundamental solution data;e.g. radioactive waste reuse, remediation, low dose benefit,(Hattori, W Allison, K Otsuka, K Sakai, Luckey, Corrice, de Toledo, Hamasu, T Onishi+), Also in (man made CO2 global warming, epidemic, resource shortage, war on drugs, security crisis, debt crisis+); tend to profit big business Existing service can be replaced if endorsed, Held off by media, academia, enviro-healthcare NGOs, & public opinion; trust in interlocked mainstream self-endorsed data


  • 48

    3-Industrial-Farming-Environmental process; commercially used, often labeled fraud, Structured water- Magnetized(Kronenberg+), Geometry (Mols, Karim+), Nanobubble (Onari, Chiba+), Vortex, Venturi(Winter+), Electrolyzed(Shirahata, Vorobjeva+), HHO gas infused(Gourley+), Resonance (Tainio, Darragh+), Information treated (Glogg, Pejot+), Ceramic activated (Jeon+),: REDUCED algae, scaling, plant watering, mortality, oder, rust, fertilizer, detergent, salt in soil, INCREASED bio yield, cement bond, cutting fluid lasting+ Magnetic Resonance/Electric Pulse Freezer: organ transplant, fresh salad(Owada, Godai+ Pulsed Instant De-Icing: Air craft wings, Freeze-rained power lines, Ice making(Petrenko+) Resonance only (Ebara, Peshkovsky, JC Bose, Kernbach+):, chemical reaction, material handling-extraction, killing/identifying germs, nano-cleaning, plant growth increase Radionics-Homeopathic agri: Above non-local resonance use & Selective DNA activate Cold electricity(p11): underwater/cold temperature lighting, high capacity computing GDV/Kirlian:Bio-product quality check during process, Business team relationship Phrase Transfer Catalyst like water(Emulsion+, p16)Rapid chemical processor; Water/Fire proof, Manipulate hydrocarbon, Cleaner concentrate, Dissolve toxin+(Doyuk, SY Lo+

    4-Low impact weather control; Orgone+:(Maglione, Constable, Polifka, DeMeo, J Strick+) 5-Anti-gravity: Counter-rotation, Electrogravitics(& Ion wind, differs from pure EHD), Ultrasonics, Asymmetrical pulse etc: Free energy generation involved in some, Mainstream till 1950s, then censored & became science illegal(Dean, LaViolette, Podkletnov, T Brown, Uhouse, Wolf, De Aquino, L Bell, Tajmar, Alek, N Cook, Roschin, R Cook, Moore, Modanese, Dimitriou, Cox, Anastasozki+)


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    6-Nuclear synthesis?, Alchemy, Elements Transmutation,: Practically undeniable, hence ignored in mainstream West, many know validity but stay quiet to keep the job, Part of Russian main: Discussed, theorized, & experimentally validated

    Precious metal or all elements at HHO-LENR-Cavitation-Cold electricity(DARPA, Toyota/LeClair, Kushi,Jovivitsch, Russell,Franois,Miley,Larsen, Mizuno, Bazhutov+ Biological transmutation(Kervran, von Herzeele, Baranger, Komaki, Lauwes, Vysotskii, Kornienko, Vauquelin, Samyolenko, Prout, Zundel, Goldfein+) Hydro carbon mainly as Abiotic oil or by transmutation(Krayushkin, Kutcherov, Karpov, Gorvachev, Simakov, Nefjodov, J Kenny, Porfiryev, Chekaliuk, Dolenko, Kudryavtsev, Klochko+): Cant have both ways of no life hydrocarbon in Titan, comets, Uranus moons+, yet all oil is biological, In situ & lab creation of Methane- Hydrocarbon by iron salts, calcium-magnesium carbonate, water+ in high pressure heat & various resonance(Goncharov, Kolesnikov, Ancilotto, JY Chen, HP Scott+)

    Transmutation-ORMUS-Vacuum linked?(Superconductivity-AntiGravity effect, Monoatomic?, Torsion field?, Disappearing & appearing, Zero point dimensional shift?/Carter, Hudson, Gardner, Milewski, Zhen, Nance, Sewell Ward, Pitkanen +)


  • linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada

    LOSERS Pharmaceutical, Hospital, Medical Equipment, Insurance, Chemical Industries Nuclear waste handling-storage, Large farming corporations, GMO, Conventional fertilizer & herb/insect/fungicide manufacturers Other inter-related academia & industry: Chemistry, Biotech, Manufacturing+ Some precious metal mining, Donation & public$ of industry NGOs, R&D Classified tech defence & aerospace co. + their associates(p51, 52, 55): loss of govt contract exclusivity & tech lead from non contractor competitors Black Program member in Govt-Intel-Military-Prv backers; will be more difficult to continue using some of classified" techs without being questioned/prosecuted(p53) Above jobs, business, program stakeholders, Investment fund returns

    GAINERS Alternative-natural medicine industry, Emergency injury surgical Nuclear power generation, Manufacturing, Small scale agriculture, Consumers Independent communities, Low income regions Countries: Majors- BRICS, Iran, Argentina, Venezuela+/ Small- Serbia, Ecuador, Bolivia, Eritrea,Burma,Haiti, Sudan+



  • linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada 51


    Further claims related to Zeropoint Energy, Resonance, Scalar, Torsion(p52, 53)

    A-Various tech deployment claims at Black Project by unknown$ of unknown origin,(Priest, Sweetman, Begich, Dolan, Arrigo, McClelland, Deyo, Dean, Cramer, McCabee, Blackwell, Leslie, Gunderson, Bielek, Nichols, Austin Fitts+) from missing $10+ trillions in US/EC?, this type of military-intel-govt-prv whistleblowing has less inter-validation, use of counter-intel, mind control/psychotronic tech(C Ross, Tsygankov, Vinokurov+, classified in 70s anywhere), hence higher mis-info mix possibility, compartmentalizing causes non-expertise info to distort.

    B-Theoretical/physical claims by inventors & scientists, less often replicated(Czsyz, Lyne,Puthoff, Mayl,Tiller, Hamilton,Kasher, Del Giudice, Rusek, Naudin, Haramein+ ) > continues to p52; Inventor-Scientist Claim e.g.

  • 52


    ->From p51; all officially debunked, often deemed classified & in use by military/intel/private+

    INDUSTRIAL & MANUFACTURING 1-New Geo Engineering(Milikh+); a-Non-nuclear bomb big quake trigger(Agnew, Tesla+), b-Non-particle spray weather control; i-large size by ionosphere/Van Allen belt(Eastlund+), ii-any size by scalar(Constable, Hellmann, Abdellaziz, B McCullough+) 2- Wireless energy/sound transfer through ground(Tesla,Dollard+, 3-Hutchison effect: wave coupling for metal/non-metal melting-pulverizing-burning-fusing-rusting, transmuting, bending-lifting, transparent & disappearing effect, water freeze-boil, all at room temperature(Hathaway, Hull, Shoulders, Sargoytchev, Hutchison+), 4-Physics illegal anomalous ceramic, magnetic monopole(Seike+)+, also produced by torsion/scalar field use(Bearden, Krasnobryzheva, Tarakhtiy, Avramenko, Kanchzhen, Bobyr, Shakhparonov, Zhigalov+), 5-Creation of white power(Ormus?), metal slurry, or floating ball lightning from distilled water by plasma torch with resonance/mobius- figure8 strip(Vachaev, Pavlova, Egorov+), 5th dimension partial manifestation in physical world(eg spirit)?,(Krenev, Stepanov, B Smirnov+)

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    ->Cont. From p52; PROPULSION 1-Warp drive/Gravity/Time effect(White, Alcubierre, Li+), 2-Symbiotic machine (Adair, Rich+) 3-Non matter spin or no high voltage levitation(Leedskalnin, DD Home, Tesla, David-Nel+) NON-INDUSTRIAL 4-Gene control by biophoton/electric field(Schrch, Solodilov, Poponin, Rothe+ 5-Inter-dimensional telephone(Meek,Gemilli, Marconi,Edison, Tesla, ONeil+) 6-Scalar Bio communication unaffected by EM shield(Allgire, McMoneagle, Sherman, E Mitchell, Co Brown+/common for savants; D Powell+) 7a-Machine assisted bio influence on others(Raphael, Persinger, Taub, Pinneo+), b- Mind activated torsion field generator non EM bio influence on others(Palvita+ c- by Remote non-locally(von Buengner, Drown, Tansley, M Rae, Upton+) 8-Bio only magnetic field control(Swann, Geller, Ostrander, Stubblebine+) 9-Measuring plant interaction with human thought & action(Backster, Vogel+) 10-Access to science/mathematic/ET info by Bio/Scalar receptor(Flanagan, Anka, Zubow3, Romanek, Hamel, J Roberts+),11-Thought reading tech(Akwei, R Duncan+) 12-Frequency tuning & ceremony based bio control(B Taylor, Drudgaard, N Bryant, D Fraser+) 13-Ectoplasm like pale smoke generation, where entities exist?, dimension gate? life creation? Similar to seance & poltergeist effect (Koontz, Hutchison, Curie, Crooks+), link to Philadelphia experiment type test? 14-DNA-life like sentient Dusty Plasma(Bohm, Morfill,Tsytovich, Fortov, Angelis+)

    15-Above recurring locations/weather/Kolisko effect(Budden, Sanderson, K Voss+) 16-Ancient record/trace of above tech(Boulter, H Lynn, Farrell, Dunn, Cremo+)

  • linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada

    Inventor tech acceptance can trigger tech suppression injustice idea, possibly much more, Below likely contains inaccuracies, Yet it seems" easily convertible to very destructive low cost weapons; High power Scalar/Torsion/Acoustic-longitudinal or Laser-EM wave coupling, Can alter/affect spin structure or resonance, at molecule level, TARGETING; A- All things located in specific geographical areas, B- (a) specific object(s) no matter where in universe

    Its weapon aspect is certainty of highly classified/debunking target for its capability, Auto-Detect target & project voice/image/frequency to its brain/organ etc; unhidable, Far advanced pseudoscientized version of mainstream approved microwave Frey Effect Statistically influence mass thought, mood, & societal interactions in a region, building etc Holographic or physical-mental-time traverse, Remote viewing, Military psychic, Chi Resonance coupling-amplifying, machine/bio hindrance, geo engineering, shielding effect Antigravity, high energy materials/effects; monopole magnet,ceramic, symbio material

    Russian physics(Ratnikov, Filimonenko; military / Smetanin,Kaznacheyev, Akimov, Kozyrev, Veinik,Lunev,Devyatkov,Shipov,Ignatiev+), others(Tesla+), effect witness(Mallieu,Golden+ -But also other related tech with similar risk; Antigravity->Space warp? -theory, -LENR-acoustic?->Mini pure fusion nuclear bomb- frequent claim witness of effects Dialogue can be started with focus on constructive/benefactor reasons for tech hold ups



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    LENR can trigger limitation & exclusivity based profitable Dead-end, Closed System of Reality into Unlimited Open System of Reality with tech & related unofficial info to be officially applied in mainstream that empowers human life, Yet stock traded corporation employee to seek not to maximize profit can be crime

    Also consider the possibility if Western mainstream criteria to call disruptive inventions fraud, is applied back to itself, it can be qualifiable as the largest one in existence, Hence its concurrent release or its indication risks destabilizing economy & social order Serious investment loss in Conventional, Alternative energy, Research, Environment, Medical, Nuclear Waste, Carbon, & backing Financial Industries + stake holders Bankruptcies & domino effect, Social distrust of past deception by data authority, policy & private lobby, Combination can lead to fundamental social structure change Anti Open System sect with network+classified tech can do more Op Northwoods?

    Then mainstream LENR downplay while allowing commercialization can be a good transitional strategy But eventually need Public Confirmations sometime that gradually leads to new paradigm tech/info Full Disclosure, Or grassroots groups will reach critical mass on their own?

    Though Western main media & NGO ignored, disclosure continues by discredited, low-keyed, or fragment witness, not just in technology; (Behind the scene world geopolitical events, history & current influence structure, Monetary mechanics, Some traditional elites anomalous faith systems, Off-earth edifice & biology, Consciousness, Human origin+)


  • linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada

    At this rate, grassroots forum can gain similar acceptance as mainstream approved-sponsored ones to review the gap between Official reality vs Actual physical effect

    Public viewed video taped Full Open Debate on all Non-Standard Science - Western mainstream vs Fringe scientists - Pseudo scientists led mainstream reviewed full protocol tests

    Destructive side vs benefit: Which tech to allow, or gradual introduction in steps? Synergy of existing Nanotech + Genome vs new Electron Charge Cluster - Cold electricity - Resonance as Information - Torsion/Scalar - Transmutation - Zeropoint - Implosion - ORME, Gravity - Magnetic template - Quantum Coherence tech & impact; General Relativity reformulation

    Why international tradition of 1000+ energy/propulsion/enviro patent classified? - even BRICS; Need to review Deciders, Criteria, Content (Aftergood, Valone, Tyler, Vaughan, Martens, Schulz, Lee, Marks, Howells +) e.g in 1970s US: target for Secret Order Act when photovoltaics efficiency 20%, general engine type 70%, also High Energy Batteries Fuel Conservation Pollution Reduction Technology etc is listed but efficiency limit unclear, inventor is not allowed to say if served with an order itself

    Unconditional blanket witness amnesty/protection(eg South African change



  • linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada

    Collaborate with loss-industries & backers:, Help them preserve some of their private power and interest; Energy, Alt. energy, Military, Intel, Medical, Pharma, Chemical, Environmental, Nuclear Waste, Carbon, Finance

    Ban or cap max % use of new tech with gradual blend in yrs, e.g. :

    Mandate mainstream use of existing facilities & techs - Replace coal power plant boiler by LENR tech - Limit HHO/Water Emulsion as emission reducer of coal-oil-Ngas+ - Coal-gas intensive users keep old process: BF Steel, Kiln+(p34) - Only terminal medical patients allowed Radionics(Burzynski model) - Surveillance-weapon torsion/scalar tech prioritized for military/intel

    Use free energy to lower extraction cost of oil, gas, coal etc, Free energy from already disposed nuclear waste High tax on new tech to subsidize loss group; Financial group to use it like carbon credit/derivatives, also allow official private central banks Media PR of old trusted tech, govt priority contract given
