Tissue Culture and Basics of Biotechnology

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Tissue Culture & Basics of Biotechnology

ByDr. Amit Kumar Dutta, Ph.D



Term is derived from a fusion of Biology & Technology

The Application of biological organisms, systems or processes

Biotechnology - as a science that utilizes biological entities like cells, organisms or parts

there of to develop or enhance products or processes.

Biotechnology, defined broadly, is the engineering of organisms for useful purposes.


Karl Erekey, 1917

coined the term Biotechnology

Contributions of Biotechnology

Medical Biotechnology

Industrial Biotechnology

Animal Biotechnology

Plant Biotechnology

Environmental Biotechnology

Branches of Biotechnology

Recombinant DNA TechnologyBiochemical EngineeringPhysiology & BiochemistryMicrobiologyGeneticsTaxonomyMolecular BiologyEconomics

Maths & Computer ScienceFermentation TechnologyBiominingPlant/ Animal Cell Culture TechnologyBiomolecular EngineeringFood Feed TechnologyWaste Utilization TechnologyEnvironmental Technology

Branches of Biotechnology ……..

Biotechnology in India

Importance of Biotechnology was highlighted by the 69th session of the Indian Science Congress held at Mysore, 1982.

National Biotechnology Board (NBTB) to encourage and coordinate research activities in Biotechnology.

1986, a separate Department of Biotechnology was created within the Ministry of Science & Technology.

Research Centres for Biotechnology have been organized at:

Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi.National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal.Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izat Nagar.

IARI centre has been named as National Research Centre for Plant Biotechnology, it cames under operation in


DBT has funded the creation of 7 Centres for Plant Molecular Biology at the following


Madurai Kamraj University, MaduraiJawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore.Osmania University, Hyderabad.Bose Institute, Kolkata.National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow.Delhi University, New Delhi.

DBT has funded the establishment of three pilot plants at :-

Tata Energy Research Institute, New Delhi.National Chemical Laboratory, Pune.J.N. Vyas University, Jodhpur.

An International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology has been established by the United

Nations Organisms (UNO).

It has Two Centres, One centre is located at Trieste, Italy.Other is located at New Delhi. (Operate year 1987)

DBT has initiated an extensive programme for manpower development in Biotechnology.

This programme has two components

Master Level training at 19 centres located in the different Universities.

Post doctoral training at three centres.








5%3% Agri-BT




Contract R & D

Bio Eng

Bio Informatics

Bio Instruments


Enzymes & Misc


Plant ……. !

Plants are living organisms belonging to the kingdom Plantae.

The group is also called green plants or Viridiplantae in Latin.


A living organism of the kind exemplified by trees, shrubs, herbs, grasses, ferns, and mosses, typically growing in a permanent site ...

Plants are one of the two groups into which all living things have been traditionally divided; the other is animals.

Place (a seed, bulb, or plant) in the ground so that it can grow.

Architecture of Plants

Plant Parts & their Functions

Leaf (Photosynthesis)

Shoot (Mechanical support, Transport of food)

Root (Water and mineral supply)

• Plants - source for food, fiber and fuel. Besides these - source of diverse array of chemicals as flavors, fragrances, natural pigments, pesticides and pharmaceuticals (Plants derived secondary metabolites) thus plants are invariably the integral part of human life.

Structure of Plant Cell

Organelles Specific to Plant Cells

The characteristics of plant, animal and microbial cultures

Characteristics Microbial cells Characteristics

Plant cell suspensions Animal cell suspensions

Size 2-10µm 10-20 µm 5-100 µm

Individual cells Often Aggregates up to 2mm generally form

Often, also many require a surface for growth

Growth Rate Rapid, doubling times of 1-2 hrs

Slow, doubling time of 2-5 days

Slow, doubling time 12-20 hrs

Shear stress sensitivity

Not sensitive Sensitive and tolerant sensitive

Aeration requirements High Low low

Cultivation time 2-10 d 2-4 weeks 3-7 d

Product accumulation Often extracellular Mostly intracellular Often extracellular

Plant as Useful purposes


Non Food Products

Aesthetic uses

Scientific & cultural uses

Negative effects

Purple tomatoes high in


High anthocyanin purple tomato and red

wild-type tomato

some commercially important plants

Podophyllum hexandrum

Azadirachta indica

Linum album

Seeds of P. hexandrum

Germinated seedling

Callus culture

Suspension culture

Batch cultivation

Batch cultivation with fluorescence probe

Continuous cultivation with cell retention

Setric impeller

Various steps involved in cell culture
