My Favourite Scientists - Albert Einstein & APJ Abdul Kalam

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March 14, 1879March 14, 1879

Albert Einstein was born in Ulm, Germany

1884 Einstein saw a

wonder when he was four or five years old: a magnetic compass.

The needle's northward swing, guided by an invisible force, impressed him.

The compass convinced him that there had to be "something behind things, something deeply hidden."

Albert as a Student

Einstein knew, from then on, that he wanted to teach math and Science at a University someday.

The problem was, he wasn’t a very good test-taker and could not get a job at a University because of it.

Rumor has it that he had even failed a Math test, but some people question that because of the way grades were assigned back then.


Albert Einstein develops his Special Theory of Relativity.

He did this while working as a Patent Clerk in Germany.

He wasn’t really even a scientist at the time.

Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity Relative to who is

watching, space and time are transformed near the speed of light: distances appear to stretch; and clocks tick more slowly.


Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity Einstein’s theory

meant that Newton’s Laws needed to be modified.

gravity Space and time

are not absolute - and the universe we live in is not actually the one Newton "discovered.“


Einstein Continued his Genius in 1905 Einstein uses the

idea that light exists as tiny packets, or particles, that we now call photons.

His work anchors the most shocking idea in twentieth century science: we live in a universe built out of tiny bits of energy and matter.

Einstein Continued his Genius in 1905

Next, in April and May, Einstein publishes two papers.

In one he invents a new method of counting and determining the size of the atoms or molecules in a given space.

In the other he explains the phenomenon of Brownian motion.

The net result is a proof that atoms actually exist - still an issue at that time.

Einstein Continued his Genius in 1905 And then, in June,

Einstein completes special relativity - which adds a twist to the story: special relativity sees light as particles and a continuous field of waves.

Einstein Continued his Genius in 1905

And of course, Einstein isn't finished. Later in 1905 comes the most famous relationship in physics: e=mc2.

The energy content of a body is equal to the mass of the body times the speed of light squared.

At first, even Einstein does not understand the full implications of his formula. 2mce

1907 In 1907, Einstein

begins to apply the laws of gravity to his Special Theory of Relativity.

In 1911, he finally gets a job as a Professor of Physics at the German University.

1910-1913 In 1910, Einstein

addressed a basic question: "Why is the sky blue?" He approached the problem by looking at the effect of the scattering of light by individual molecules in the atmosphere.

In 1913, Einstein begins work on his new Theory of Gravity.

1915 Einstein

completes his General Theory of Relativity.

Einstein challenged the way the world thought about gravity – and Sir Isaac Newton himself - by describing gravity as the warping of space-time, not a force acting at a distance.

Einstein’s new Theory of Gravity

1919 A solar eclipse proves

Einstein right, and he becomes an overnight celebrity.

An experiment had confirmed that light rays from the sun were deflected by the gravity of the sun in just the amount Einstein had predicted in his theory of gravity, General Relativity.

1921 Albert Einstein is awarded the Nobel Prize "for his services to

Theoretical Physics, and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect"

1928 Einstein begins pursuing

his idea of a unifying theory that ties everything in the universe together.

1933 Einstein and his wife, Elsa,

escape Nazi Germany and set sail for the United States.

1939 World War II

begins. Einstein writes a

now famous letter to President Franklin D. Roosevelt urging nuclear research and warning him of Germany’s building of an atomic bomb.

Einstein’s Contribution Between 1905 to 1925,

Einstein changed the world’s understanding of nature on every scale, from the smallest organism to the whole universe.

Now, a century after he began to make his mark, we are still exploring Einstein's universe.

The problems he could not solve remain the ones that define the cutting edge, the most tantalizing and compelling.

Einstein’s Contribution Einstein continued to

his dying days, trying to figure out a single central theory that explained everything in the universe.

An extension of his work has become known as String Theory, which says that everything in the universe is made up of tiny strings of energy.

April 18, 1955 Albert Einstein dies

of Heart Failure. This is a picture of

his last blackboard.

Famous Einstein Quotes

"Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new."

"If A equals success, then the formula is: A=X+Y+Z. X is work. Y is play. Z is keep your mouth shut."



Aerospace Engineer At Madras Institute Of Technology, Chennai

Work at

Defence Research and Development Organization Indian Space Research Organization

SATELLITE LAUNCH VEHICLE: During the 1970s, when India had hardly dreamt of its SLV, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam launched SLV III in July 1980, which deployed Rohini in near earth orbit. It was nearly a decade’s hard work of Kalam, which made this task possible.

2. Integrated Guided Missile Development Program

Dr. Kalam was appointed as the CEO of this high-end program. Rather than backing off from this responsibility, Kalam tried in the best way possible to make it successful. As a result of his hard work and devotion, missiles like AGNI (a ballistic missile) and PRITHVI (surface-to-surface missile) came into existence.

3. Pokhran-II Nuclear Tests

During his tenure as Secretary of the Defence Research and Development Organization and Chief Scientific Advisor to Prime Minister between July 1992 and December 1999, he took some great decisions. Dr. Kalam’s intensive technical and political help in Pokhran-II nuclear tests earned him a lot of media coverage and established him as the best living nuclear scientist in the country.

4. Kalam-Raju Tablet

Dr. Kalam and Soma Raju, a well-known cardiologist, came up with a rugged tablet computer in 2012 to take care of the health of underprivileged people in rural India. It helped the government fight many health issues.

5. The Mission 2020

Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam was a visionary man and saw a dream of India becoming a developed nation by the year 2020. He always believed that education and the dominant young Indians could take the nation to greater heights. He will not be there to witness India’s success in the coming days, but his guidance and blessings will surely help the country to fulfill his dream.