Evolution of the species enhanced

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Up to where reaches the mind power? It might be incredible but I think it can reach up to the evolution of the species, it means it can modify the genetic structure o any living form and maintain its evolution. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Evolution of the Species Enhanced

Roger Gomez - July 2015

The writing’s Objective The objective of this text is to transmit my point of view regarding the joint of

two different subjects: the evolution of the species and the power of the mind. In order to enter this subject I took the job of reading and making a summary of the Evolution of the Species of Darwin, making comments about his writings and after that I continue with the central arguments of my point of view.

The present text might be observed as inaccurate and with little scientific substance but I appeal to the smart reader that knows that in order to create something new you must first listen to others opinion.

About the Author and his influences My experience observing the root causes of everything always took me to ask myself why why and why, this constant search mysteriously took me one night to an insight (thanks Bachrach for making me understand this) where I realize that the Darwin’s theory of Evolution was lacking some more whys. That night the light was turned on inside my head to investigate further because was something missing in his theory, a so ancient theory the Evolution of the Species. Afterwards other documental like Zeigeist “Moving Forward” gave me more light in this matter, thanks to some friend that recommended me to watch this documental it made me understand a lot of things about the human being as a species. In the documentary the power of the mind was explained to me more clearly, talking about the diseases and the relationship with the genetics and the epigenetic movement, they explained that very few diseases can be 100% related with the genes because they say there is the environment that influences the individual. They explain in the movie the wrong concept of the genetic, being unalterable is something quite ancient and false which watching this documental it become clearer to me. This subject of epigenetic is something that has been around for some time but it is not quite closed the concept and is not in my interest to go deeper in this subject.

Further ahead another of my best friends made me understand the mental map that everybody has which was explained in the book “Agil Mente” of Bachrach then I started

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to realize how my brain really worked and act in consequence. Since I was a child when I was traveling in the bus 152 I was sitting watching over the windows as the bus was traveling and something strange happened to me, as I watch the street with nothing on my mind always appeared to me ways to make the living of the habitants easier increasing day by day the creativity in my mind.

It was after all the previous facts that I was thinking about the subject of the evolution that appeared to me in that strange night and I decided to write about what I was thinking. This took me to the real challenge of taking what you have in your mind to some simple letters arranged to make some meaning to a thought. I started with a few lines about my main points of reasoning but soon I came to realize that I was lacking a lot of substance I needed to reach solid information from the first line so I decided to take the job of reading Darwin’s Evolution of the Species theory. This book is very interesting and I recommend it to anyone that has patience and time enough is written in old English and is quite long about 500 pages but it’s completely worth the effort. It turned to be one of the most interesting books I have every read and at the same time very boring, it has parts that are quite enjoyable and parts that are completely useless for me, the book sometimes focuses on fighting against other absurd theories of the evolution from other colleges of Darwin, which some will be very absurd in present time such as the inalterability of the species or the one of huge changes. In order to give substance to this writing that I took the job of reading the master piece of Darwin. Being transported by Darwin to that time 1886 was really interesting, no carbon 14 test existed, in order to know the time of the fossils, nor all the species have been discovered and many regions were unknown. Darwin was in close contact with the naturists of that time from different parts of the world such as Australia, Madeira island, south America (del plata as Darwin says) Chile, Brazil, United Status and may other more places in a time when the phone didn’t exist; is really admirable and incredible how he could make such a contact network.

It can be said that the study of the mind currently is a trend and is common to hear someone speaking about the mind and trying to understand it, this trend can change in some time but currently is in that way, it is like a paradigm in which a lot of people are investigating about the way the mind works but we need to know that in some time this studies can be over passed by new and more interesting ones.

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What Darwin said? His objective starts to understand the origin of the species and its evolution.

Finally he shows that the evolution is for the fittest, the one that can have the mutation that permits to adapt easily to its environment and survive in it. The species he says have a common origin that has evolved continuously mutating and changing into different forms of lives. He explains that the evolution is being done by small changes in the structure of the living organisms and these small variations allow a bigger and profound change in the living specie.

His book “The evolution of the species” is oriented in order to sustain his theory of evolution and fight against other theories that now may result absurd such ad the one that all the living things were created independently by a superior being but were theories present at that time.

Starts with an introduction of the theories of other naturists and biologists in which I have no interest, just to mention that the main theories to fight with were two, one that the species are created exactly as they are nowadays independently form each other by a superior being and the other was that the species evolve by big changes in their structure, which both theories are rejected constantly by the author in his book.

Next we will understand when Darwin believed his theory in order to understand the context in time and later we will go in deep with each chapter of his theory.

When did he believed? It was around 1860 when Darwin wrote his theory, so we have to take into

account that no cell phone existed, nor Internet, nor even fixed phone lines the telegraph was just starting to get to know in the World. It was a time of constant discoveries different theories about the evolution came up as the world was being discovered, more species were identified. Those were times when the information was unequally distributed, some people had the time and money (not always money) to investigate science these were religious, crazy adventurous ones such as Darwin or a protected of some aristocrat. In the year 1818 appears the document by Dr. W. C. Wells about the human evolution only, followed by the writings of Hon. Y Rev. W. Herbert in 1822 about the evolutions of the plants to finally completed all the theories with Darwin’s theory of the Evolution of he Species. This is to understand that there was a context of naturist analyzing the science and making theories of evolution, he was not alone with his theory.

The Telegraph was invented by Schilling in 1832 and in 1844 Morse could send the first message using the telegraph so other means of communication existed apart form letters although Darwin comments a lot the usage of letters in order to communicate with his colleagues, I suppose also it was better to share the drawings of the species found so important for the naturists.

Regarding the artists of that time in 1860 the impressionist were active, the writers such as Tolstoi, Dickens and Fyodor Doitoievsky were popular also Kart Marx published his master piece “The Capital”.

The slavery abolition starts in America in 1820 until in 1861 finished the trade of slaves. Slaves were traded as commodities, not food or technology, slaves! so may

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ancient paradigms were being broken, the slavery of humans starts from the origin of the civilizations in order to understand the context of the world at that time. In the year 1861 starts the North American civil war creating many problems in that region, originated mainly due to the abolition of the slavery.

Mendel has not published yet his discoveries about the genetic inheritance (1865) that combined with the chromosome theory of Hunt Morgan in 1915 gave origin to classic genetics.

As we can appreciate the world was being revolutionary in many aspects, the industrial revolution was in plain growth (1840) just when Darwin wrote his theory.

Chapter 1 – Variation of domesticated After the introduction in the book Darwin starts to analyze the evolution of

domesticated species. In this chapter mentions how the animals and plants that are domesticated can continue varying even if the conditions of their environment are apparently the same through the time. It is very interesting to analyze this, I believe that not only the changes in the environment are the ones that make the species evolve but they evolve because there is something within themselves that leads them to the evolution, basically because they want to be alive is what takes them to evolve. I think that this desire of being alive or to evolve is the one that leads to the change in structure and eventually to the evolution. In this chapter Darwin remarks the fact that not only due to the environment the changes are produced but due to the variability in the specie, here is something missing the need and desire of evolution, that generate the selection of the variability in the ability or characteristic needed to survive.

Darwin continues to analyze how the domestication of the species makes them modify naturally, due to them not trying to survive they are less alert and use more certain parts of their body. Darwin comments about how the mixture of breeds of dogs generates new breeds, always looking for some similar characteristic or some that are likely to be remarked. Continues with the pigeons, amazed by the amount of different species sustaining that all come from a single species. He assured that the nature gives the variations and in the case of domesticated animals is the human that selects the variation to keep because it is useful of because he likes it, but in this point I think is each individual that is different and this allows that the variations to happen.

Continues to comment about the big power the human has, that makes a cumulative selection that allows him to choose with variation to keep according to his objective. In present times we modify genetically the species so that they are more useful to the human but the genetic modification is not something I will like to go deep for the moment

After comes the unconscious selection which Darwin remarks that even though the same patterns of breed are maintained between two groups of species that come from the same lineage, after some time both will have different characteristics that will look as two different species, this is very interesting because shows that not only the origin specie affects but also the place and environment where it is raised affects the specie. He established that the unconscious selection of the species is within every human being

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modern or ancient. After comes the circumstances that favor the power of selection of the human. In this chapter is very interesting when he treats the subject of strawberries that soon after the human started paying attention to this fruit it started to change and was easy to distinguish the wild from the domesticated one, giving each time a better fruit. Stated the fact that some species vary more than others, mainly related with the reproduction capacity of each or by which have them don’t have much resources.

Chapter 2 – Variation under natural state First he tries to establish if the living species in natural state are able to change

without reaching anything concrete. Later is the part of individual differences, very interesting is the fact that each individual is different from each other and are this small differences between individuals that altogether make the changes in the species, I totally agree with his point of view, each small difference allows the specie to evolve and make a complete change in structure. Darwin comments that exist many details that make each species to be particular, the naturalists of his time consider the small differences of low importance but Darwin thinks they are important, with a lot of truth this small differences allow the species to evolve completely so for sure are important. After he evaluates the different morphology of different individuals of the same species were are cases in which the morphology is very different but they are still considered the same species and no intermediate form is found between both. Darwin continues with the doubtful species which are the ones that no difference can be established and all are mixed together. He comments that the form of classification of the species is different with each naturist, and it can be found many differences of opinions towards the botanists regarding the classification of species and varieties, of course. He tell us that the animal species don’t have as much variations in the same specie but they can vary in morphology from one continent to another.

Darwin continues treating the fact of the struggle for existence and the divergence of characteristics that will be explained later. Explains that the species that are found in places where the species have much variations is expected to happened with all the species because the natural condition marks it in that way. In the groups he doesn’t establish why when more quantity is found more variations are found also bigger variations with bigger quantity. This can be explained by the fact that each individual is different naturally so in a large number of species de bigger differences can be observed due to the small difference between each member of the specie.

Chapter 3 – Struggle for survival In this chapter Darwin comments about the incipient species, how this small

differentiated species tend to be completely different ones. He tell us how the struggle for survival keeps the important balance in the species, how exists a constant and unstoppable fight that makes the species be controlled in numbers.

Arguments about the survival from different point of view are exposed, the fight between the same species and between other species for resources. He explains the case of certain mushrooms in the trees that they keep their own balance because if they are many the tree would die. Afterwards he analyzes geometrical balance in the growth of the

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species where he shows us that the balance is given in the resources available to consume with the growth of the specie. He explains that all the living species reproduce in such a speed that if not destroyed in certain number soon will populate along the entire planet. He comments also that the amount of creatures in a species is not related with the amount one individual can reproduce, because they are birds that can give a few eggs like the condor and can be found in bigger number than others that produce more amount of eggs. The amount of individuals is related with the extinction of each one, if the destruction is controlled then the number will be rapidly increased. He continues to analyze that the amount of individuals is related with the capacity to protect each individual until they are grown adults because the youth they are more vulnerable to attacks. All the species are fighting for survival in order to achieve a greater number of individuals.

Continues explaining that the destruction of the species can be determined but the food (rare in some cases), by the amount of predators or by the weather, being the last of real importance to determine the amount of individuals in a specie. Darwin comments about the complex relationship between individuals of different species. For example when a new species of tree is brought soon other similar species appear and the predators also appear. He enumerates the important relationship between different species in order to maintain their number, speaking of parasites, establishing a sort of action and reaction to each event in nature. Each living species is dependent and connected with another. He comments that the struggle for survival can be between individuals of the same specie and this one can be much stronger than with other species because the genetics and the habits are similar. The competence within a species decays clearly in the Antarctica where the climate is one of the biggest struggles that exists.

After he closes the chapter saying that we can rest for sure that the struggle for survival is not unstoppable that no fear should be felt that the death is the destiny and the most vigorous, healthy and happy individual survives. This phrase is very interesting and calls my attention the Word happy, mainly about a mental state which I consider is very important for the survival, not mainly the Word happy but the mental state that can drive through the survival, take into account that he is speaking about all the species not just humans. Going deeper in this mater I think that any mental not only happy, can be envy, revenge towards any situation that makes the individual to want to struggle for the survival will do so.

Chapter 4 – Natural selection or the survival of th e fittest In this chapter the term Natural Selection is explained, which he defines as the preservation of the favorable variations for the individual and the destruction of the ones not favorable to the survival. The variations that have no effect on the survival remain fluctuating. He comments that the term Natural Selection has been rejected due to the fact that selection can’t be by all means natural but the definition of the word Natural in this case is defined by Darwin to be related with the activities a specie does to survive. Afterwards he analyze that the species change their color in order to survive, as the pigeons in winter or the green of an insect. Therefore as Darwin says is the natural selection that gives the correct color to an animal and once acquired also to maintain it, in this part I will like to add that for me is not exactly the natural selection the one that gives the animal the color but is the individual that acquires the right color that

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adapts to his environment with certain restrictions. We don’t see arbitrary colors in nature like testing if they survive and I don’t think that is because predators don’t let them reproduce but because they just don’t occur inside the individual. Continues with the sexual selection, referred mainly to the male capacity of reproduction, that not always is the best fiscally prepared but the one that has the best weapons to fight for the female, that is tooth or horns or any weapon. The fight between males of insects, crocodiles or salmons for the female is mentioned by Darwin as a very strong one. This chapter speaks mainly about the fight between males of the same species, I would like to mark that a very important factor in the male modification is the fight for the females. Many times the selection can determine the color of the skin or the weapons used to attack or defend in each specie, which can define the outcome of a fight in the struggle for the female. This case will be the desire that drives the modification of the specie in order to fight for the object of desire. Continues with examples of natural selection, analyze some type of wolves in the United States for example that not always the strongest survive. Introduces examples of birds that supposedly they have hundreds of breeds and only a few survive, those will be the ones that have adapted better to the environment, for example having the peak curved to obtain better food, highlighting that the individual differences are the ones that make the species evolve. Afterwards continues with an hypothetical evolution of a plant analyzing how the changes would be. Finishes with a definition of the natural selection, the one that acts with the preservation and accumulation of small changes of each individual, this theory breaks the one that believes that there are big changes in the structure proposed by other naturalists of that time. Afterwards comes the crossing of individuals as is known the majority of the reproduction has to be between two individuals of the same species even some hermaphrodite must be two in order to reproduce. Also establishes that the further the varieties are the more vigorous and fertile they will have and also their result species also will be more fertile. Darwin continues to show that the plants man times can’t produce seeds from its own flower therefore the important of the insects in the reproduction of plants. Continues with examples of hermaphrodites beings that anyway have to be two in order to reproduce also is known that no terrestrial animal can auto inseminate. A whole series of examples brings us to conclude about the interesting fact that it is a natural law in the breeding to be commonly in pairs. Here we could understand why we relieve commonly that the life is made to be lived in two, is the nature that bring us that belief from many years and that is why is natural in us to relieve so. Afterwards continues with the favorable circumstances for the reproduction of new forms by the natural selection. Darwin starts saying that a great number of individuals in a determined time can compensate the low variations of each individual. He suggests that if a specie doesn’t evolve correctly in the necessary time it will be exterminated by its competition. He continues explaining that the maintenance of the reproduction in the same varieties makes the characteristics be uniform, but the intercrossing of varieties makes the resulting one more vigorous. Comments also that if a species is isolated also it can be affected if the time is given to improve it will be a low process. If the area is very small it can delay the production of new varieties resulting the isolation of species. Also he comments that the mere pass of time doesn’t make a species be modified, this remark is because previously was believed that all the species were

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necessary passing through a change as a natural innate law, in this point I would understand that all the species are changing but the changes are very small and don’t allow to be appreciated or be classified as a new species, as all the individuals of any species are different. He comments that the time allows the variations to be easily shown. Is his belief that the greater the area more species are allowed to appear due to the different conditions that they are put against, that’s why there will be more varieties. Comments about the belief that the natural selection acts very slowly something that he is always expressing. Afterwards he goes to the extinction caused by natural selection. The dominant species and the strongest are the higher numbers in quantity and they make that other species be rare or near the extinction. The most commons species have the capacity to be more variable which allows them to rapidly adapt to the changing conditions of he climate or the environment. Darwin continues with the divergent of characteristics, for example proposing that certain men were interested in horses of great structure while others were interested in more docile ones this thing led to different human selection also and to different species after hundreds of years. The more diversified is the environment where the species are kept the more variable the species can be, for example if an animal that is carnivore finds its preys in different places, that is trees, under the ground or in the water this will create a divergence in the specie that better adapts to finding preys in each environment. Clearly the desire to obtain food and the struggle for it will be a factor in the evolution of the specie. The first individual that improves the capacity to obtain food for example in the trees will be the one that have the advantage in the species it the climate changes and if the floor is frozen for example the ones that were better adapted to obtain food from the floor will perish without the possibility of evolution. The grade of the variation is given by the accumulation of small changes selected by the natural selection in each individual. The individuals tend to be more specialized for its environment. In this chapter he comments about how the fish should be organized but it doesn’t have to do much with the objective of my writing. He point out an interesting subject that the scientists at that time thought that the living things will tend towards perfection however there are always found forms of life considered primitive in actual life so will be very difficult to explain the tendency to perfection in all beings. Related with this is that the beginning of life (since the most primitive cell form) could be actually living with us, however till the present day we don’t understand clearly the origin of life in our planet. Further is discussed about the quantity of species that would exist in our planet discussing that each time there are more and more according to Mr. Watson but Darwin argues against that stating that the relationship between individuals and its environment is very complex something that is completely true. This drives him to argue about the boundaries of each area according to each specie (much related with human specie) speaking that when one specie is much distributed in certain area can be easily exterminated by a change in the climate because the creation of a new specie takes a lot of time but the extinction not. In the summary of chapter 4 he comments that under certain changing conditions exist differences in the structure of each individual, this can’t be discussed. The fight for life is the main cause for variation or natural selection. He makes an interesting analogy

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about a tree and the species where the green leaves are the current species and the branches the ones before.

Chapter 5 – Laws of variation In this chapter he analyzes the causes of the variations, mentioning that sill is uncertain the cause that produces an individual to change or from where each difference is produced. At first comments that there exist two different forces that make the change occur the first one is within the individual and the second in the environment that surrounds him. I totally agree with this point of view even can be more forces not only two this can be the main ones, each force influences in a different way the individual but the main force is the desire to survive within the individual, this causes the variation to appear and the individual to be modified always within the individual. Continues arguing about the complexity of differentiation or establishing when due to the climate or when due to the individual, he mentions a mix of both being the individual the most important. He comments that the naturists of that time have cases were in climates very similar the same specie is not produced. This makes us believe that the climate is not the most important. In the following sub chapter the effects of usage or disuse of certain parts is treated, telling us about certain birds that when young can fly but as adults such as the ostrich that have wings but can’t fly. In the Madeira island there are some beetles that can’t fly however the insects in this island that need to fly in order to feed themselves have maintained this capacity. The moles which is a primitive rodent who has his eyes covered by skin and fur blocking his eyes due of course to the natural selection and lack of usage. This clearly shows that the desire comes along with the need of the individual to survive with this modification. The acclimatization of the species that is a subject under estimated, there exist many species of plants that wouldn’t be adaptable to different climates because they have characteristics completely different in structure however there exist others that can be adapted to other climates. At the end Darwin comments that the habit, the usage or disuse influence in the modification of a specie, however the effects are combined with the natural selection and he variation of each individual. In the end the species can be adapted, this may seem clear nowadays but at that time wasn’t so clear. Afterwards he goes to co related variations, they are according the Darwin modifications that make other characteristics of the being to be modified in a secondary way. This can be seen in the relationship between the fur and the teeth of the Turkish dog, between cats and their white skin and deaf, this is not related with my point in the writing. Probable both characteristics are related by some point in some place in the mind of the individual, zones that are near to each other in the DNA, is a very interesting point to discuss and investigate further but I don’t want to enter in this part for now. In the compensation and economy of growth, he comments about the limits that the nature has to develop one part and economize in another; it can be said that the nature tends to economize energy. This is very interesting because some writers like Bachrach are transmitting the concept that the brain tends to economize energy even in the thoughts that is why is difficult to innovate.

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In the following sub chapter Darwin comments about the theory that the simpler species according to characteristics are the ones that have more variability. This affirmations can be expected because the more complex the structure the more difficult is to dismantle the structure and build it again. The following sub chapter is not of my interest and speaks about the difference in the evolution related with the variability of a characteristic. The next sub chapter continues with the variability subject where deduces that the more specific characteristic are more variables than the generic ones. For example in a species of plants that have the same color of blue leaves and exists a sub specie that has them red therefore can be expected that also some red ones appear, but if all were blue it will be strange to observe the red ones in a blue colony. Still the concept of inherence and recessive genes was not introduced by Mendel’s law. At present time is more clear that a characteristic can’t be present in the direct parents but still appearin the breed. In the next sub chapter Darwin analyzes the variability of the secondary characteristics of sexual type. He adds that those characteristics are secondary highly variable and very sensitive. The following sub chapter continues with the fact that different species present characteristics similar in their variations. This subject is more related with modern genetics. This chapter remarks that would be very difficult that the species were created separated from each other independently, something very clear now but not at the moment Darwin wrote his theory.

Chapter 6 – Difficulties in the theory This chapter is interesting because Darwin sets doubts about his own theory of evolution. He analyzes the absence of rare varieties or transitional forms. The evolution theory sustains that in order to exist an improved specie it will make the other not improved specie extinguish in the area where it is, although we should be able to observe this intermediate species. Darwin believes that the primitive life form has very few lifetime before is destroyed by its improved competition. The species that are found in bigger areas will have more chances of surviving because they will create a greater number of variations. He continues commenting that the modifications occur un a slow way that is why we can’t observe the transition form, the climate changes that will lead to those changes are also slowly, I wouldn’t totally agree because certain climate changes can be very abrupt, like the fall of a meteorite or a volcano eruption they can create fast changes in the climate. Finally he bring us more details with respect to the theory of evolution understanding that the intermediate species are exterminated by the improved ones therefore can be found in the present. Evidence of their existence can only be found in the fossils which he analyzes further in other chapters. He continues with the intermediate species, and I stop in the part that I find most interesting, at one moment he is establishing de point of the transition and argues that commonly the habit comes first and later the structure of the living being, this is quite difficult to establish, however according to Darwin’s experience he could watch certain strange behavior in animals in order to get food that were similar in a complete different specie, this makes us guess that the habit changes first and later gives the change in

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the structure. This point is very important to understand why the evolution of the specie occurs. He provides the example of the woodpecker birds Colaptes that in certain regions of South America makes his nest in banks and doesn’t climb trees but in other regions he does climb the trees and makes his nest on it. He present many examples such as petrels from Tierra del Fuego, to insects that have aquatic habits that lets them remain under water for hours. Darwin continues quoting examples of species that have the habit but not the structure to that habit. He quotes that each individual seeks for his survival over the others of his specie therefore generates habits that allow him to survive in a better way, totally agree on his analysis this gets close to the belief that first the individual modifies his behavior an after the structure follows that change in habit. Continues Darwin treating the extreme perfection organs, he first starts with the eye, which is very complex. He finds it difficult to understand that has been created by natural selection. Although establishes that the organ has been modified through the pass of time and generations. This is a dark point in Darwin’s theory because he gives the idea that will be very difficult that the eye will be created by small variations, although this is not a subject I am interested in treating for now. In the modes of transitions he comments the example of the air bladder being the lungs in vertebrate animals, how certain plants have organs that allow them to climb with specialized organs. These transitions of organs are evident to biologists and naturists. After he takes us through the difficulties of the Natural Selection theory where he sets doubts about small transitions that make the organs of a specie evolve into other organs he gives the example of fish that can give electric discharges to immobilize the prey, being this organs very specific and different to other species. Also he brings case of the insects that have light, they result very difficult to him to understand how small changes made this changes appear in the species. As always all the theories have certain grey points where they don’t completely close and the part of small changes is a loose point in Darwin’s theory and is difficult to explain. Other example is the acarus parasite (Acariade) that has a recovery of hair that couldn’t have been inherited by other specie. He comments that the transitions are the sum of many factors hereditary and current, which have affected the specie treated. In his natural selection theory describes that this natural selection acts by small and slow changes that are certain, this part is dark in his theory but is not in my interest to go deeper in the analysis of this matter now.

Darwin continues analyzing the apparently low importance organs affected by natural selection as an example the tail of the cattle which seems to be of low importance but it is useful to take away the flees which affect the cattle’s vitality, therefore the one that has better developed that part will be spread more in the area where is located. He continues with the theory about the cattle in low land and high land, how different are one from another and how are differentiated.

To continue he throws away the theory that the species are created purely by its beauty, to satisfy the men and its creator. Darwin was fighting against the theory that all the species were independently created that is why he dedicates time to fight this theory, and also the one that are only created to have more varieties. He established better that the current species own much to the previous ones. Rebates the theory that the species were created just for the beauty to be appreciated by men, stating that before the men what? No beauty was found, the flowers weren’t so beautiful? Also he says that the

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animals have been selected by their beauty within the same specie and not only by the men or for the men. How the concept of beauty in every living form is made is quite difficult to understand, however the concept of beauty is transmitted from specie to specie or generation to generation that is why I think the tigers, the royal turkey, the tiger or the horns of a moose they are beautiful to every single living form. The beauty is subjective but also can be transmitted, and not as much as it thought because there is a common concept about what is appealing or not to each specie. Darwin in the next chapter will reject certain aspects of his theory that aren’t accepted or are difficult to accept. He presents the scenario of two different species they develop an organ for a similar function but when you examine in detail the structure is completely different. This allows saying that the natural selection allows a diversity of structures to achieve the same goal. He comments about the general knowledge that exist two important laws in nature, one is the unity of type and the other the conditions of existence. The unity of type is explained by the descendants and the conditions of existence ie the natural selection.

Chapter 7 – Some objections to the natural selectio n theory

In this chapter Darwin is in charge of fighting against the colleagues that have doubts about his evolution theory. The interesting part of this chapter is that he mentions the spontaneous variations, this referred to as the variation in the specie without being affected by the environment. He analyzes aquatic animals that are very particular commenting that they have certain characteristics according to the evolution and improvement of the specie. He tries to transmit the example of the mammary gland which has no concrete explanation more than natural selection; I would add that the explanation lies within the living creature. He continues explaining how the climbing plants were created and how their evolution would be like. He exposes that the Natural selection laws can’t explain (or is incompetent) to tell why this small and incipient changes in the structure of the living beings occur but the law will still be valid, as I have been saying to my understanding this changes occur because the living creature needs or desires that this change to occur and in consequence they are reflected in the exterior structure. He comments the case of the insects that are similar to the objects in their environment, like the stick bug, for me the insect is similar to its environment because is in constant contact with the nature and he desires to be mixed with it. Afterwards he continues saying that why not the best characteristics are acquired for each specie? This is explained briefly saying that each specie has a long history of modifications and each one is affected by the environment in a different way, the incipient changes are not reflected in the same way in all species and therefore not all develop the same characteristics. The interesting part here is when he comments the thoughts of Mr. Mivart that “the species changes by a inner force or tendency”. But according to Darwin is not necessary to explain with an inner force but with ordinary variability. The subject that Darwin rebates about Mr. Mivart is also that he thinks that the changes appear rapidly and this according to Darwin is very difficult to

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believe. I completely share the first part of Mr. Mivart theory. The evolution is gradual maybe as Darwin states but the root cause lies within each individual.

Chapter 8 - Instinct The definition about the instinct is defined when action without previous experience are done, Such as the capacity of the cuckoo to migrate and leave his eggs on other birds nests. Darwin continues to explain about the universality of the instincts. He relates it strongly with mental actions; this is interesting to see the connection between Darwin theory and my main analysis. He explains a little about the difference between instinct and habit, been clearly the first one stronger and lasting arranged within each individual by successive generations, however are certain similarities between both of course, both are been done unconsciously. If we suppose one action can be inherited then this action will become an instinct. Also he comments that no instinct could have been created by small and slow accumulations of variations, I wouldn’t agree much here with him I think the instinct is incorporated throu gh time repeating the same action generation after generation the speed that Darwin claims I also don’t agree much but this is something I would like to analyze for now. An interesting point when he comments the natural state of animals of the same specie, the mental capacity that each specie can have can vary very much even in the same specie, certain strange habits could have been fixed if those were beneficial for the survival of the specie. Although he doesn’t provide much facts about this subject is very interesting to have in mind the evolution and the variability of instincts. In the next sub chapters about the change in habits or instincts in domesticated animals Darwin comments about the mental changes and difference in habits in domesticated animals. The cats for example have different tastes to its preys, can be mouse, snakes or some kind of bird is a example of big divergence. The instincts in animals in natural state are fixed strongly than the domesticated ones probably as Darwin says because the learning process is less rigorous. For example when the young pointers point to another of their specie instead of pointing the prey they have to be re educated. Is interesting how the habits are mixed too. Darwin quotes some examples of animals that presented a tendency and the natural selection or domestication made that tendency to be marked as the case of the pointers. Also he shows the example of dogs biting sheep or pigs, this inherited by his ancestor the wolf, he remarks that is very difficult to remove this habit even to animals that have been domesticated for years. He finishes telling that the habit or instinct in domesticated animals are lost and appear other instincts due to the accumulation generation after generation of certain mental changes, being the result of a methodic or unconscious selection produced in the specie. In the following sub chapter he analyze the special instinct of certain creatures such as the cuckoo to put the eggs in other birds nest, the making slave ants and the power of the bee to make the honeycomb, which he considers are the most appreciated in the nature. The American cuckoo occasionally set his eggs on other bird’s nest, Darwin comments that these birds have special characteristics that allow them to set the eggs in other nests such as having the same size, and color as the other eggs and his offspring

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fight strongly for food. He also could observe in the European cuckoo that the eggs of the cuckoo were seen outside the other birds nest as if the step fathers realize that the egg was not theirs and expelled the egg out of the nest, also the could find one net that was the pigeon alone as if he have expelled his set fathers out of the nest due to the exclusion they received, leaving himself without food and without the possibility of survival. Also he brings one specie of cuckoo the M. bonariensis f Mlothrus that have strong parasite habits but poorly developed, he lays many eggs but can’t incubate any he puts them on the ground, also throws away birds from their nest to take it and tries to build his own without success. Here we can see similarities with the human behavior nowadays in our society… Continuing he analyzes a type of ant that survives thanks to their slaves, this type is so dependent that are not even capable of feeding themselves nor their larva if they don’t have a slave near. There exists another specie that can work together with the slaves to make the nest, even in winter when is cold the slave don’t go out of the nest only the strong masters may seek food. Is interesting also there is a certain type of ants that is never converted to slaves because they fight so strongly that they can’t be converted although they are smaller than the attackers. It exist may types of master ants, the ones that have no power they just make slaves, the ones that can determine the location of the nest and can transport the slaves and sometimes help in the process of bringing food to the nest. Is interesting to be aware of the different personalities of each species this can make us aware of the flexibility of the living creatures. A very important point to analyze is how this same situation is reflected in the society of that time, where certain humans created slaves to other humans. I don’t think that the humans have been inspired in the ants to create that concept but probably they had it within the genetic history or instinct. Afterwards Darwin analyzes the bees with their building instinct because the great skill needed for making the honeycomb in the correct way with the correct angles. He presents the different types of honeycombs that different type of bees make. He introduces the Melipona bee that builds more rudimentary the honeycombs for the comb, therefore it can be deduced that is the predecessor in the construction of honeycomb showing clearly that the instincts can be transmitted in a hereditary way and be perfectioned by the natural selection (I would say that the bee perfectioned his construction skills). This particular behavior of the bees that are instinctively builders of complex structures where they know exactly at which distance each one should work in order for each bee to build the honeycomb is something really amazing. Afterwards he considers the objections to the natural selection applied to the instincts, the issue is interesting when Darwin comments that a change in the instinct is related with a change in structure, however both are slow changes and not abrupt. He shows the case of unfertile ants that have certain physical characteristics and the behavior very different to the fertile one but this subject is not of much interest to me. In summary this chapter shows how the mental qualities of the species can be affected by natural selection, being the domesticated animals the most difficult to modify. Also he presents the case in which the instincts are not absolutely perfect and can make mistakes. That the instincts can be inherited is important, although the creature is present in different parts of the planet with different climate it can keep his instincts.

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Chapter 9 - Hybrids This chapter is about the hybrid species, Darwin analyzes the fertility in the mix of

species, which at first one may assume that two different species can’t produce heirs, although this is not always true. This subject is very interesting for Darwin however the information presented is not final, because the men establishes the separation of the species so this will be subject to the separation made.

An interesting point in this chapter is when Darwin comments that if a specie is put under unnatural condition (captivity for example) or when is produced an hybrid his reproductive apparatus is affected some way. The interesting about this point is the relationship between the reproduction apparatus and the state of mind or the will to continue living, the most important thing for the maintenance of a specie is its reproduction. The elephants are a specie that under captivity can’t be reproduced, as the hybrids being generally sterile. This explains why our domesticated animals are fertile. Can be explained due to the fact that domesticated animals have a complete adaptation and acceptance to be domesticated so this allows them to take it natural the process of domestication and not as an invasion of their nature, that is why the dogs like humans because generation after generation they have been close to the humans and are dependant on him. The explanation that gives Mr Hebert (according to Darwin) is that the principle of life tends towards the equilibrium, when one is modified the others gain power something like action and reaction. Is interesting this point because I think that the changes in the environment of the animal should be very gradual (the same way as the evolution of the species does) through generations and generations in order to allow that the specie could live in captivity “naturally”. When in this chapter he analyzes bimorphisim and trimorphisim he explains the hybrids in the plants and how they are sterile too. He comments that the mix of two illegal plants (that have very different characteristics but within the same specie) behave in a similar way to the hybrids (two species very different) this is logical due to the fact that is the human who separates the nature in species not the nature itself, the human being sets this classification in order to understand easily the nature. This point is not of much interest to my writing and I would go deeper for now. In the next chapter he starts explaining that when two species of different looks but related are mixed a descendant is not always produced. There are certain species of domesticated dogs in South America and in Europe that can’t mix probably because they come from very different species. But this point is not of much interest to me. Following Darwin treats the fertility of the hybrids that have their reproductory apparatus damaged. He brings an interesting subject about the preponderance of mixed species, he says that in the cross of species of mongrels one species is dominant over the other so the result will be similar to this one. In the animal kingdom this is related with the species and the sex of it, being a subject of following studies made by Mendel about the inherence and recessive genes. In summary the cross of different species is understood as an hybrid, its reproduction capacity is variable and very susceptible to the external actions. It is normally understood that the hybrid has their reproductive system damaged.

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Chapter 10 – The imperfection of geological records In this chapter Darwin analyzes the transition species, about why there is so few

evidence of their existence through the pass of time and the history of our planet. He analyzes how the sea works in the coast and other parts of the planet. He continues making comments about the formation of islands and the geological movement. Analyzes the time that a modification of a specie takes, probably in a closed island with no influence the species would not be modified but if new species appear or there are changes in the weather then his changes could appear very slowly. Darwin continues to analyze something very true that we have very few samples of the species of the past, there are many space to investigate palaeontologically at the earth and also much under the sea, where the sediments are not accumulated, and is easily decomposed the paleontology trace. A Darwin’s colleague Lvell’s sustains in his manual how rare and accidental is the preservation of palaeontological records. Darwin treats the sediments as a way to preserve the records and comments their variability. He continues speaking about the granite rock deposits starting from the Rio de Janeiro coast to the mouth of the Plata (Argentina?) and comments also that in the Amazon there are big deposits of granite rock unexplored. These formations can preserve huge amount of fossils remains. Continuing in this chapter he analyzes the geological variations that according to the experts are two or three times the duration of an specie. He also comments the variability of the sediments in each formation. He brings examples of present time (at that moment) about the islands in Malysia that they are the size of Europe, from England to Russia, at that time they had the bigger varieties for living forms however the rest of such species will be hardly preserved due to the sea decomposition. Further more he presents the case where certain formations appear the complete series of species altogether and this could be against the Evolution Theory. But here is over rated the perfections of the geological records as they don’t reflect the whole planet, although no trace of previous species are found it doesn’t mean they didn’t exist some relatives or the species itself. The fossil remains found are very poor comparing with the information they can provide that is why is not a valid way of understanding the cases of animals that didn’t exist, you can know which existed but not the ones that didn’t insists Darwin. After he treats the sudden appearance of certain groups of species in the fossils remains less known, he comments the case under the Cambrionan period no evidence of living creatures appears and that worries him for establishing his theory. However he sustains his theory saying that any paleontologist or geologist that thinks the terrestrial records of the past are exact can reject his theory only, this leaves the geologist and paleontologist in a difficult position because many understand that the earth records a very poor and confuse, and he closes bringing a metaphor “The geological records are like the history of the world imperfectly kept and written in a changing dialect. Of this history we possess the last volume alone, relating only to two or three countries. Of this volume, only here and there a short chapter has been preserved, and of each page, only here and there a few lines. Each word of the slowly-changing language, more or less different in the successive chapters, may represent the forms of life, which are entombed in our consecutive formations, and which falsely appear to have been abruptly introduced.”.

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Chapter 11 – With respect to the geological trace o f living begins In this chapter he confronts the theory of the immutable species against the

evolution. He analyze that when a specie disappears nothing is against re appearing in the geological records I would understand that really it reappears because the specie never disappeared just the geological records where not there.

The extinction of the species is strongly related with the appearance of new species in the evolution theory and this is what this chapter is about. Is very difficult to determine how long can a specie last, but Darwin understand that the extinction of a specie is shorter than the creation of it anyway the extinction of the species is a complete mystery. He repasses that the species are constantly been attacked or reduced by other species or even his own species in the fight for food or being food. This chapter Darwin comments the species that appear in different parts of the World in palaeontologically similar layers with similar characteristics. This information however is based on sea animals not terrestrial ones again makes the information partial. It continues with the subject that the extinct animals serve as nexus between the current species and other species. He analyzes the separation of characteristics between current and extinct species. Analyzing the state of development of ancient forms with respect current ones he continues, starts underlying that in order to survive the species had to perfection their characteristics to compete with other ones or even the same one by which can be concluded that modern species are better than ancient ones, this is sustained by palaeontologically at that time however is difficult to prove, with respect to this I think they are better but for current situation in the planet or in the adaptation that have passed but not in every concept better of course. Darwin after analyzes the succession of the same types of beings in the same areas in ancient tertiary periods, he comments the case of marsupials in Australia and the armadillo in South America where fossils that have similarity with current species. This happens also in India where are species that are similar to the ones found in Africa. In summary have been trying to show that geological records are very poor and imperfect, that very few of the planet is been explored and very few species have been maintained in fossil state. That the number of species in the museums is nothing compared to the amount of species that have lived in the planet. He supposes that the habitants of the world in the struggle for survival have been perfected and specialized. Establishes that the geological records are imperfect and specialized. When establishing that the geological records are imperfect is sustained the theory of the evolution and the survival of the fittest.

Chapter 12 – Geographical Distribution In this chapter he comments that the different species are not just found by the

difference in the weather and that there can be very similarities between ancient and new world. Further he establishes a comparison between the fauna in the southern cone where the climate is similar, South Africa, Australia, South America however the species that live there are very different, furthermore in South America they are similar to the species

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in the same continent more to the north than to the ones with other continent. With respect to the sea fauna happens the same in the east coast and the west one in South America is very different. However in the Panama isthmus according to Naturalists the 30% of the species are the same in each side therefore we must believe that the isthmus was under some time under water. That is that the biggest barrier are the geographical ones, rivers, sea or mountains that limit the advance of the species. He underlines the fact that the islands of the Pacific have few similarities with India and South Africa, only some fishes or shells. Another important point is that the species within a continent are also different y have certain particularities in each area, like the alpine vizcacha. In the water don’t appear the castors but there are coypu and capybara that is in south America the inhabitants are similar between themselves what shows the relationship between different areas of earth and sea. This relationship is been given by the inheritance according to Darwin not only in the physical aspect but also in the habits of each specie. The theory that existed centers of the planet where life was created, seems interesting and goes much beeper than what Darwin can analyze. He understand that all the species have started from one place only and have spread, this is very difficult to establish as the records of the past are the only ones that can give that information and the information there is few but al least seems acceptable the theory. This chapter analyzes the dispersal media, explains the migrations of the animals and rises the theory of how the continents were unified on ancient times, and that the animals migrated to better weather. Is supposed that the continents where connected once and this is one of he main reasons that similar species can be found in very distant regions. In this chapter also he treats the plants and evaluate how long can the seeds rest in sea water. Darwin himself made tests and many sees were been able to float 28 to 80 days in the sea and later germinate. Also he did some tests with birds and found that they can have in their stomachs 20 hours the seeds and these last can sill grow with no problem. The seeds from the plant are commonly eaten by fishes and these are eaten by birds generating the cycle of the movement of the seeds. Also comments about the cases of birds that were found having mud with seeds in their feet which later grew. Darwin continues analyzing the earth movement in glacial periods in order to understand the dissemination of the species. In this chapter speaks about the trace of glaciers all around the world, since Ural, Lebanon, to Chile and the south American mountains. He understands that at glacial times unavoidably the temperature of the planet was much lower. Also has the theory that when the North hemisphere lowers the temperature in the South goes up sustaining his theory of movement of the species. He brings cases of plants which are similar and far away in distance.

Chapter 13 – Geographical Distribution continued According to what Darwin comments we could relieve that the inhabitants of the

rivers in each continent would be very different, however there are huge similarities between the living creatures of the water between one continent and another, as insects, shell, etc…The fish also can have similarities of species in very different countries. He

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brings the case he could watch of a duck transporting shells for about twenty hours, this can clearly make the shells travel long distances.

He brings the cases of oceanic islands to understand how the species reached these. The amount of different species in the island always is low but the proportion of endemic species is bigger than in mainland. One particular feature is that in the islands for example of New Zeland some species don’t exist entirely and this place is occupied by other species, as the case of the Galapagos by reptiles and New Zeland by gigantic birds without wings that occupy the space of many mammals. He also brings the case of certain trees in the island that in the continent they are small bushes, this justifies the process of competition for living that in the continent have found difficulties to compete against other trees while in the island have found place to develop itself.

He remarks the fact that generally don’t exist frogs in the oceanic islands (purely oceanic) and this is explained by the fact that this animals are easily killed in their trip through the sea. In New Zeland New Caledonia, the Andaman, the Solomon and he Seychelles there are present these species but they are not purely oceanic islands. Something similar happens with the mammals that they can’t be found in an island that is more than 300 miles from the continent and that have native mammals. The Falkland islands have some type of wolf but they are at 280 miles and can’t be considered oceanic because they lie over a bank that connects them with the continent. The mammals could have habited these islands because the ones that are near the continent do. In the other hand according to Darwin the mammals could have appeared because many islands are old enough to have the appearance of them. Although terrestrial mammals don’t appear in any island the flying ones do, particularly with the bats, obviously explained by the fact that they can fly long distances, up to 600 miles. Other observation is that there is a strong relationship between the depth of the separation of the islands and the similarities of their mammals between the continent and the islands. After he presents the similarities between the habitants of the island and its closest continent. Start with the interesting case of the Galapagos islands where the birds are very much alike the ones in the continent, with new species and different but have the habits similar to the ones in the continent. Although when analyzing the soil and the landscape is very different from the continent and more similar to the Cabo Verde islands, however the species don’t look any similar in both islands. In New Zeland the endemic plants are strongly related with the Australia ones but also related to the South America ones, although of being far away in distance, this is explained stating that both are near the Antarctica and in warmer times they may have shared land of been very close to each other. Also remarks the similarity of the plants in Good Hope Cape and Australia also he says that some day this could be explained. In summary he shows that all animals are descendant from other species and that when taken to this conclusion we can say that they came from centers of creation. Was understood and explained the geographical barriers that exist on this planet to separate the species. He is surprised by the fact that two areas of similar climate can have very different species. Analyze an interesting concept from Forbes about the parallelism of time and species, that is proposed that current species suffer the same disorders and states and the previous species, referred as their states of evolution and their extinction which is easier to understand the past if we understand the present (something philosophic also if you analyze this last comment).

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Chapter 14 – Affinities of the living beings Classification in this chapter is about the classification of the living beings, that are

grouped by their similarities within a group, but this similarity is flexible not rigid as the case of the rocks or the stones that remain assigned statically or in a clear group. Is clear that the classification depends on the trend of each investigator. Here treats the subject of similarities within species that although they come from different antecessors and being exposed to the same characteristics they developed similarities in external characteristics. In this chapter he presents us an example of a butterfly the Ithomia, that commonly is mixed between others Leptalis but the most interesting is that the Leptalis is similar to he Ithomia in his exterior but the catterpillar has a complete different structure because is a different type of butterfly. This case appears in no less than 10 types of butterflies that have one that imitates them inside the main group. Generally they habitat the same region, the question that Darwin makes is why this butterfly takes the from of the other specie as an adult, for me is clear that in order to survive the specie that are more popular have characteristics that allow them be in large quantities, but this doesn’t answer the question that how is possible that the butterfly change is aspect to survive?, the main issue is that it changes because it wants to blend and survive because is within its instinct to survive and at the same time is surrounded by these types of butterflies, that means is mixed with the crowd. Commonly occurs with the Leptalis that they imitate other species. He comments that he found a case of imitation between birds in the Malayo island but no case found in quadrupeds, probably because the insects can’t defend themselves form their predators only they can mix with some camouflage. The similarities are present within species that already have similarities of course. In this chapter analyzes the affinities of the living creatures from different species suggesting that they come from the same progenitor once. He continues analyzing the physical structure of the species through certain position of the limbs and their composition. He comments that the adaptations arise from small modifications that the living creature does to adapt better to its habitat. He makes questions about why certain crustaceous have a segmented mouth in so many parts and a very simple legs and when they have a less segmented mouth and more complex legs? Why the bones of the wings of the bat are the same as the ones of the leg when one have been made to fly and the other to walk? This up to certain point can be explains by the natural selection theory, because the animals where divided in left and right is out of Darwin’s research, although might be related to the split in our brain in left and right also. The mollusks are specie that doesn’t have homologous parts within himself, this happens in animals or plants of a superior class. The morphology is a complex part for the classification of the beings and to determine its progenitor. He continues analyzing the development and embryology of the living creatures which is a very important point to understand the evolution, the cases in bugs and animals in a lower scale these can easily modify their structure in early stages of their development. The case of the Cecidmyia a bug which can produce larva without being fertilized and these larvas reproduce normally in the form of eggs, this also in an early stage of life. With respect to this subject the underlines the extraordinary that are the pigeons that all come from the same ancestor and he took the job of comparing the breeds of a specie just born with respect to their parents, the peak its shape and other

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characteristics. Resulting this comparison that they could easily have been classified as other different species, this shows that the specific characteristics are developed in a certain advanced age. Only there was a small pigeon or short faced tumbler that was different just when he was born from the rest of the pigeons. He continues establishing that clearly can be organized the species that have similar embrionary stages because probably they had the same ancestor but the difference can’t probe the discontinuity of the descendants. He continues saying that all the species have rudimentary parts in their structure, parts that don’t comply with a specific function or a very developed one. These organs can state clearly the origin of that specie. These organs under certain conditions can keep their functionality like the udder of the male mammals or the embryo of the salamander that they have gills and when exposed to water they can survive. These organs don’t have a reference to the future but they are related with the past of the specie. The rudimentary parts probably have been less used each time and by consequence been reducing its size, like the wings of certain birds or the eyes of certain animals that live under complete darkness. Al last the rudimentary organs have been conserved only by inherence of their ancestors according to Darwin’s theory. Along this chapter he presents the classification of the species or their organization in groups, including the important characteristics or the rudimentary organs all can be explained by the natural selection method and the divergence of characteristics. In this chapter explains clearly the offspring or the heritage of the livings and their modification for adaptation.

Chapter 15 – Recapitulation and Conclusion In this chapter Darwin makes the summary of all the previous points. Analyzes that

the fertility between very different species it can go against natural selection, but it doesn’t because is similar as when two species of trees that are very different don’t cross. Continues explaining about the sterility of the species. About the geographical distribution he clarifies that although there can be great distance between two species that can share the same ancestor. We must take into account the big ignorance we have with respect to the geology of our planet, at the time the theory was written, the glacial times and the climate changes probably affected the distribution of species. Another question that he makes is that why the vinculating froms of the past with the present don’t appear, this he explains due to the fact the specie is destroyed very fast without leaving descendant, very logical from the point of view that if a new improved specie arise in a very short time the ancestors will become extinct as they compete for the same food or they become the food. The geological investigation has brought the connections between many individuals but many holes of connections are there to be solved, due to the big imperfections that our geological records have, as was analyzed in previous chapters. That the geological records are few these is generally admitted however we can say that the records of the species have been modified through time. With respect to the beings

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under domestication their variability can be bigger and the causes complex. The modifications of the domesticated species have been huge according to Darwin and have been inherited through big periods o time. The man doesn’t cause the variations but is the nature, according to Darwin or the environment provides the different characteristics and is the human that selects the one that better suit with his needs therefore is selecting to his favor. He comments that the natural selection law acts over every living creature domesticated or undomesticated. Also that is complex the separation of the species because each naturist has his own division of characteristics. The variations are small and slow that is clear, but why not each variation of each individual can be preserved for the whole specie? He makes an interesting comment about the nature evolves in certain way that for example the male birds have a song that attracts the females and also is likeable to the human, the fruits have attracting colors to attract the birds in order to disseminate their seeds, the flowers also with the beautiful colors attract bugs to polinize them, how these color or sounds are appealing he can’t explain, however I would explain that they are appealing for animals and men because the men is an animal and has certain characteristics that links us to tem, the evolved men has passed for different intermediate forms of development that probably can link us to the other living creatures and this is within the habits and the characteristics that we have. The extinction of a specie is a way of validating the evolution theory, also is interesting that the fact that each extinct from can have similarities with current living forms. Darwin remarks the importance of the distribution in the evolution of the species, which can be driven by the climate changes in the planet. Also an interesting part is when he mentions that there aren’t two species that are exactly the same in two different parts of the world with similar climate, because the relationship between the species make different influences in each place, here is where could enter all the related with the sociabilization of each living, very trendy nowadays and from may years now. Very certainty relates the evolution theory with Newton’s Law of Gravity, because can be explained the one and true reason two bodies of different mass are attracted to each other, as can be explained the one and true reason by which the changes in the species occur. Something interesting that he comments also is how deep the evolution theory can go and he stays with 4 or 5 progenitors and plants of same or less quantity, but this can be understood due to the lack of geological records of the past clearly will be difficult to have an end in the theory, and after he comments that there should be a common point for all the species plant and animals. I would add also the microscopic living creatures, bacterias, viruses but I don’t want to enter this discussion for now.

At the time he starts writing about the future, that the geology is not very exact and gives partial information about the past but many advances, according to him, will be made in this sense, for example determine with exact the time of each geological stage, which is something that occurred. Also speaks that in the future he sees the advances in the sicological part established by Mr Hebert Sepncer, about the acquisition of mental powers and evolution capacities, in this sense not much was discovered although is my intention to enter this field, of the mental powers of the creatures to evolve. He finished the book with a deliberation about the ecosystem its beauty and perfection very poetic.

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So What is left? From what Darwin proposes that natural selection has been the most important method of modification of the species and just there I will like to add my point of view going deeper would be the instinct of the subject or living creature to be alive and the nature itself that makes him evolve.

The species evolve because they want so simple as that. Anyway this is given by two causes one is the modification of the environment and the other is the will of continue living in this environment. The desire of continue living allows many persons to still be alive when their physical situation is very bad, the medicine practitioners are aware of this and in certain occasions medicine can’t explain the cause of why this facts occur. From here we can say that many diseases really have an origin in the mind of the people, (within certain limits of course) according to the Zeigeist movie and many other publications nowadays.

In chapter 1 we can see the variation of the domesticated animals, as a starting point o if an animal is domesticated by men, is modified because is influenced by men mainly and not the nature. I believe that the living being the one that internally wants to evolve and that is why it evolves influences by other factors as the nature, other individuals, the men but is within the being the decision of evolving or not. The desire to continue, to improve is the one that will lead to modify first its habit and later its structure or both simultaneously.

Chapter 2 the variability under natural state is analyzed. When trying to understand the variability it takes us to analyze the individuality of each living being and that to understand how nature works. Is important to understand that each living being that exists on this planet is different and particular. Each person, each animal, each plant is different to its closest progenitor and this is mainly because the living creatures are analogic and not computers. Once a friend of mine told me that the communications between computers is binary this means cero or one communications go from one side to another, in the human brain the connections between neurons are analogical this means that the value goes from one to cero in a analogical way, where there is an infinite quantity of numbers like, 0.3 0.31 0.314 0.31415 and so on I can add numbers after the coma until I am tired. One we understand this we can understand why each individual reacts different in front of the same situation or climate change, competition of other species (as Darwin explains). Basically that is why we found different species y living creatures in this planet. When being different individuals one from each other arise many variations that allow adaptations to arise and more species to arise also. Is due to this small variations that the more complex structures are developed in the living beings.

Chapter 3 is about the struggle for survival, is good to understand that the struggle for surviving is constantly occurring within a specie, these are influenced one with each other and are destroying between themselves, keeping an important balance, without this balance in one specie we would have a specie covering the entire planet y therefore destroying all living form in the planet.

The causes that allow the survival of a specie can be very different but is something very particular that Darwin mentions is that generally is the individual most cheerful that survives, we could say the one most comfortable with its current form and

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that has a reason to survive or fight for survival that is the one that will survive and will make the specie evolve. The mental state is very important to confront a change that we the humans know very well, the same happens with all the living creatures their mental state will make them survive or not in a competition situation. Chapter 4 is the central part of the theory where explains about the natural selection of the survival of the fittest. The natural selection occurs because the individual adapts better to its environment is the one that survives, but is the individual that leads the modification of structure to better adapt with the environment. The individual can change the shape but only changes to the shape or color that adapts to this environment, probably taking previous generations colors or structures that are not the best in the present time but is a need to adapt that takes the individual to evolve.

The natural selection also occurs within the same species, being the sexual selection where the being is modified to better reproduce in front of competition of others within the same specie. This is related with the cause of modification of structure in which each individual has a desire and to take it it has to improve certain aspects of its structure to win for the fight of surviving within its specie.

Can be appreciated that the nature of the living trends to duality to subsist, the fact that from hermaprodites to more complex animals to reproduce they have to be in pairs. This duality influences in many elections and decisions that the man makes every day and along his life. The real reason of why the tendency to duality will be complex to analyze but we would reach a point in where the individual really thinks that needs the other part of his being, from the survival point of view. This is related to the fact that the separated sex favors the dispersion of the specie, how? Well as not having the complete part of the being it has a desire for the other sex that is the missing part therefore will search for it. The nature must have learned that in the case of individuals having both sexes its reproduction will be sporadic and with less intensity leading to a slow growth of the population no need to evolve or compete what is already fine as it is.

A modification factor of a specie is clearly the search for food, the need to improve the seek for sustenance is the one that takes the individual to modify. Its structure and therefore over pass its specie and compete in a better way for survival.

If the tendency towards perfection is misunderstood that all the individuals of the specie must evolve to improve its capacity is wrong, only need to survive not improve its hunting capacity, its sight or smell, one specie can make through survival improving another aspect of himself that not always could be considered as perfection. That is why many species that currently live with us have millions of years of antiquity just because they could survive not because they were perfected in some skill other than the survival one.

Chapter 5 analyze the subject of variations why they rise and Darwin mentions that exist two causes one inside the individual and the other in its environment, what I think it would lead to one only and is within the individual that is the individual rejects or accepts to change with the environment to evolve, influenced by many factors such as climate, environment, social with other and within the specie all will influence in the decision the individual makes to evolve. Analyzing the variability subject is understood clearly that the variability is been given by the quantity of individuals and its complexity, when more quantity is found appear mode differences within each individual and when more complex mode difficult is to modify its structure, this is very interesting, something

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like the complex structure is like a prison for the living being because it needs to dismantle all the modifications in order to evolve. Will be like building a complex house of concrete walls will be more lasting but hard to change from a wooden made one.

Analyzing the subject of compensation of growth Darwin reaches a point in which nature must economize and I really think is the mind of the individual that tends to economize because previously as well comments Bachrach in his book thousand of years ago we lived in constant threat and alert and was important to have a energy reserve in order to escape in case was necessary.

The use or disuse of a structure to survive clearly make it disappear or maintain, this is clear that while the modification is useful it will be kept in time.

Chapter 6 Darwin bring us the fact that the habit in the living being changes first and later its structure is modified how I really thinks also it occurs, clearly this can be seen when the living being has a disruptive behavior and after this behavior keeps through man generations later his structure will be modified completely. In the analysis of the evolution of the species exists a certain modifications in the structure that result very complicated of how they could appear from small changes in the structure such as the eye. The case of insects with luminosity also is complex to understand how small changes lead to this modification. The weapon that certain fish have to give electric discharges to immobilize their preys is also something difficult to understand how through small modifications can this modifications appear as no intermediate is known, other have luminosity or don’t have at all, either can give electric discharges or not. These are strange points in Darwin’s theory that can rebate it but is not of my interest to go deep in this subject for now and take them just into account that can affect Darwin’s theory of evolution strongly.

When in a chapter Darwin reject the theory that the animals were created just for the beauty (now is quite that the animals existed long before the human existed and no doubts about it) leads us to try to understand what is the beauty of the living creatures. How can be that the beauty of a bird can be appreciated by men as its same specie, the royal turkey that sets its huge wings in order to conquer the female and that also is appealing to us is very interesting. I think that the beauty is a concept that is transmitted generation after generation and specie to specie that is within each being and all the living creatures are capable of appreciating the beauty in others. The beauty of a tiger or the forms of an oak makes me reflection that the beauty maybe is homogenous between the living creatures. Is common to thinks that beauty is subjective and I think it is (as everything else) but up to certain point if we analyze all we know can be subjective, the beauty is a concept like another concept but has a certain grade of equality between lots of beings which makes it not so subjective as you can think.

Over chapter 7 analyze the theories against natural selection, he brings that can’t be explained the small changes that occur in the individual, I would explain it in two ways: first all the individuals are different one from each other and second the individual changes because is inside his desire or intention to change, both point together make for the explanation of the incipient changes Darwin doesn’t understand. The desire makes the change in the mind and later in the structure of the individual. In the chapter also treats the thinking of Mr. Mivart about that the changes occur with a inner force or tendency, this I also share completely that the inner force of the individual and not the incipient changes that makes the species modify themselves, the problem is that Mr. Mivart argues

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that the modifications are sudden and Darwin thinks they are long process of evolution, in this point I can’t agree with anyone because I will think can be a mixture of both, not a sudden change nor a long time but likewise I don’t is too relevant to analyze now the time of the evolution but for sure they are long ones.

In chapter 8 Darwin relates the evolution both mental actions in the individual with I totally agree. The instinct is what brings the individual in his ancient memory of in its closes ancestor. This habit is what has risen for a weather change or some new specie in the ecosystem; this habit could be repeated generation after generation then turns to be an instinct a memory or reaction that transmits to the new individual.

When analyzing the instinct of the cuckoo in laying his eggs in the nests of other species of birds can be appreciated how instinct of survival must have taken to trust the care of his own breed to other specie. This behavior is very rare in rnature, but shows clearly that the taking care own its own breed is an instinct and can be modified in case the situation needs it.

When he analyze the making slave ants introduces a very interesting case for example when he comments that there are certain type of ants that because of their size, type and morphology could be slaves but they are never converted because they can be very aggressive and can’t be converted to slaves. This can be related to the situation of men also, how he used the same concept to create slavery. The surprising is that happens the same as what does with the ants there are certain species of men that could not be easily converted t slaves because it wasn’t an option in their mind. The slavery is a very ancient concept and particularly related to the black raze and could be traces to Africa and Asia where is was this concept in their mind when a tribe attacked another was common for the winner to take slaves. On the other hand when the concept was brought to America there were original communities that also accepted the new role under slavery that was imposed but also were some tribes that could not be converted and the only option they has was extinction, showing that there is always an option to choose to survive or not. Make the change or not, this is an election of the individual, many times influenced by the society that leads to a decision but he always have the choice.

The bees also bring the attention of Darwin, about their building capacity which is something admirable in nature, their construction instinct is very much developed, they have a great capacity to build honeycombs that are really complex structures, something that would be complicated even to the human. We must take into account that the bee doesn’t have the concept of mathematics, nor tools that the human made to build constructions, the only thing that she possesses is the instinct based on previous experience that was transmitted generation through generation to improve the quality of the honeycomb. Darwin even made tests on the bees to see how develop was their building instinct and modified for example the wax over which they work to see how they reacted and many times the bees new how to correct instinctively the construction to work over that wax therefore they showed certain adaptation capacity to the change.

In chapter 9 he analyzes the fertility of the living beings and enter in the captivity subject and the difficult to reproduce that they have under that conditions. As is well known in the vets world when exposing a specie to captivity generally it will have lower reproduction capacity, this can be related with the fact that the individual can’t desire to continue with his specie under that closed surrounding and little friendly that he is. The case of the killer whale is that they have their big flipper bended when in captivity which

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is very sad also the elephants and the pandas have big difficulties to reproduce under captivity, is a big thing when a new baby is born in a zoo because they know of the difficult that is to reproduce when freedom is taken. In order to domesticate a specie, depending of course on each the change in their environment should be gradually made, working in the same way nature does, in order to allow them to adapt and survive.

In the following chapter he treats subjects not related with my objective, (geological records and migrations) until chapter 14 where he brings us the example of a butterfly that adapts to its environment in order to survive, although it is not the same specie that surrounds her it will camouflage between the others to belong to the group. The sense of community or equality is very ingrained also in animals as some mothers that will feed other species of dogs that lost their own mother and the puppets will be identified with the new specie, clearly showing that there is a very strong relationship between the environment where is grown or where the living creature is, when young the influence of its environment is much bigger, the brain is plastic and can be easily molded. If we analyze current mankind society we could found millions of cases of adaptation to new environment to be social. Over his last chapter (15) Darwin comments that the variations are small and slow, why not the individual variations of each living being can be preserved for the specie to survival? The comment with respect to why the colors of the fruit of the sing of the birds are so appealing to us will result that is appealing because once in our evolution we were connected to these living creatures.

As Darwin comments don’t exist two living creatures that are exactly the same although they have the same weather, so we could understand that the weather is not the main factor to affect the evolution, in this part the sociabilization could be a huge factor of modification of the specie and this is very real, because all living creatures are connected in many different and rare ways, although they are two different species they are connected through the ecosystem by different means, either they are food, or they are partners for survival or cousins but there always will exist a reaction in front of another living creature that we have near either he same or other specie, and with that reaction comes and action that can lead to the modification of structure of that creature.

We should understand that the being that we currently are have the modified chromosomes since we were a cell or a bacteria until present time passing through all the chain of species that evolved, this means that inside us once we were another living creature such as a tree or a bug or a dinosaur, that memory is inside our DNA.

When Darwin relates the evolution theory with the Newton’s gravity law says that can’t be explained the true reason why the two bodies of the same mass are attracted, as he can’t explain the one and only reason the changes occur in the species, the seek for the one and only true reason from my point of view would be the fact that is within the living creature the reason, afterwards come the influences that make him evolve in one or another sense but the evolution is within the survival or life of each living creature.

When Darwin brings the subject of the origin of species he traces it down to 4 or 5 progenitors and the same with plants of the same or less quantity but will be imprudent to stop there, these theory could take us to determine the one and only origin or all the species of living creature, which I have no idea of what can be.

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New paradigm Nowadays the information is distributed more uniformly and is more accessible

thanks to Internet and the communications network. There exist more studies about the human mind thanks to the work of many investigators and the advance of image scanners. The subject of the study of the mind has awaken a lot of interest in the scientific community and in general public. Today the studies of the mind have been multiplied, the Colombian Linares an eminence in the subject of the function of the mind provides us very clear explanations about the subject. Ay one interview he had he explained that everything, the mathematics, the literature, the geography are all connected inside occur mind, and is there where the square root is united with the poems, the country capitals with the table of two and is there where new ideas and concept will rise by the mixture of them. The concepts are divided only to be transmitted and be learned faster and better, but we should not forget that they have points in common they have been created by humans to facilitate the everyday life.

At the end all my reasoning is part of a change of paradigm that is rising y evolving the way we think and act.

I hope this writing would be useful and interesting for you, and brought something new to you, although they are more questions un solved. I wish you lots of happiness and don’t stop looking for answers.

Thanks to all the ones that helped me to write this.
