Chill Coma Recovery Time of Hsp70Ba Deletion Drosophila melanogaster Mutant Compared to Drosophila...

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Chill Coma Recovery Time of Hsp70Ba Deletion Drosophila

melanogaster Mutant Compared to Drosophila melanogaster

Joe Geiger and Amit Telwala

Introduction• Background Information• Question: How does the deletion of the

Hsp70Ba gene affect the chill coma recovery time of the mutant compared to D. melanogaster?

• Hypothesis: Due to the deletion of the Hsp70Ba gene, the chill coma recovery time will be much longer for the selected mutant compared to D. melanogaster.

• Null Hypothesis: There will be no difference in the chill coma recovery of the selected Hsp70Ba deletion mutant and D. melanogaster.

Experimental Design• Drosophila melanogaster and

Hsp70Ba deletion Drosophila melanogaster mutant

• D. melanogaster will serve as the control

• 3 vials each containing 10 flies placed into Styrofoam apparatus

• Four trials– 2 for wild-type and 2 for mutant separated by sex


Experimental Design• The flies (3 vials)

were placed in 4°C for 1 hour and removed to room temperature and video recorded for recovery time

• The results analyzed using paired t-tests through the Statistical Packaging for the Social Sciences (SPSS)






Discussion• Significant Difference between Chill Coma

Recovery Time of D. melanogaster vs. Hsp70Ba mt

• Confirms from Previous Research: Heat Shock

Protein 70Ba directly affects ability to respond in a

stressful environment

• Unexpected: Trial for Female D. melanogaster

Temperature at 4.5°C

Conclusion• Reject the null hypothesis• Conclude that the Hsp70Ba gene

affects the ability of D. melanogaster for chill coma recovery time

• Future Research: Whether or not the expression of Hsp70 genes are different in flies natural global regions

• Future Research: Working with mutants that have an overexpression of Hsp70Ba to observe chill coma recovery time

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