Anrld act summary

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Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research

Agricultural and Nutritional Research

Laboratories Directorate




1. November-December 2013. Laboratories of five research centers were

monitored by the quality director and discussions were made with

concerned center management. In this program Holleta, Ambo,

Kulumsa, Wondogenet and Melkassa were included.

2. January-February: Technical assessment of laboratories of EIAR made

by team involving quality director, lab head of AQRL and GIZ technical

personnel. In the assessment, laboratories of the following centers

were considered: Holleta (Jan 21), Jimma (Jan 23-25), Ambo (Jan 28),

Debrezeit (Jan 29), Melkassa (Feb 3), Werer (Feb 4), Kulumsa (Feb 5),

Wondogenet (Feb 6), Pawe (Feb 14) and Sebeta. In addition, during

this assessment program laboratories of Adet, Gondar and ARARI

were included in Amhara regional research. Mehoni center (Feb 12)

was also visited for possibility of establishing mini laboratory.

3. March 13-14: Performance of quality directorate evaluated in a

meeting held at head quarter of EIAR. Attendees were quality

management representatives, laboratory heads and some selected

researchers from different research center of the institute. The

following topics were part of evaluation in the program; (a) major

milestones of quality directorate starting its establishment on

December 2013, in this topic there were 28 milestones raised and

discussion made on; (b) progress of selected laboratories towards

implementing Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) to attain accreditation,

where good experiences, challenges, current status of eight

laboratories presented and discussions held; (c) Status of research

projects and future directions in the designing and implementation of

research activities in the directorate was the third topic, where

detailed activities of the two major projects of the QD presented and

discussions held.

4. April 14-15: Preliminary assessment of AQRL, Holleta dairy and Holleta

chemistry laboratory made to evaluate the status of accreditation

process in laboratories. In the assessment an international consultant

in Quality Africa Network (Pty) Ltd, Mike Mc Nerney, and a certified

assessor Abdi Duga involved.

Desktop review of performed tasks by quality directorate in line with laboratory accreditation was

made as a starting point of assessment. Besides, assessors were able to discuss some issues with

the Director General, Dr. Fentahun Mengistu.

5. May-June: Two to three times assessment of research laboratories who have applied for

accreditation made by internal staff and consultants. Assessment/ audit report have been

generated, non-conformances identified and improvement inline with that being made by each


laboratories. In this assessment program Holleta dairy and chemistry laboratories, Ambo

microbiology and biocontrol laboratories, Wondogenent Natural Products laboratory and head

quarter laboratory are included. Similar assessment will be continued in the new budget year too.


[1] Awareness creation in laboratory quality management given to

laboratory personnel

[2] November 2013. Training on research undertakings and data

management given to eight junior researchers of Agricultural

Quality Research Laboratory.

[3] Ten days training on laboratory management and use of software

in enhancing data use and manipulation was given at the head

quarter of EIAR. One female and seven male researchers of AQRL

involved in the training.

[4] CIP (International Potato Center) provided a 13 days training to

one of AQRL researcher, Dinka Mulugeta, on the method of

sampling and analysis of potato qualities. The training was made in


[5] Two round trainings on the analysis of potato was given by CIP at

Rwanda. Potato quality research focal person, Dinka Mulugeta

involved in these training program.

[6] In collaboration with Ethiopian Health and Nutrition Research

Institute, a one month training was given to seven researchers of

quality directorate. The training topics included sample

preparation of food items and their nutritional analysis.

[7] November 25-29. Training has been given to 17 laboratory

personnel on Laboratory management and calibration by special

program arranged by GIZ at Addis Ababa. Researchers from

Holleta, Ambo, Kulumsa, Melkassa, Wondogenet, Debrezeit and

Agricultural Quality Research Laboratory (AQRL).

[8] November. A five days training on the the principles and how of

laboratory accreditation provided to 30 laboratory staff of research

centers of Holleta, Kulumsa, Debrezeit, Melkassa, Wondogenet,

Jimma, Head quarter and Ambo.

[9] Five days of each three trainings given to selected laboratory

personnel on method validation , verification and Measurement

Uncertainty organized by ENAO. A total of eight researchers

involved in these trainings.

[10] March 19-April 2. Two researchers from quality directorate

involved in the training held in India. The topic was "Integrated

Food Management: Farm to Fork", held at National Institute of


Food Technology Entrepreneur and Management (NIFTEM). During the training delegates

from Tanzania, Ghana, Mauritius, Namibia, Uganda, Madagascar; A

total of 21 participants involved.

During the two weeks training, various topics were covered and

dignified professors and other resource persons delivered their

experiences. These includes, nutritional compound identification,

anti-nutritional analysis, quality parameter determination,

pesticides analysis, biotic factors identification, residual

components assessment, synbiotics development and analysis,

drying (dehydration) technologies, packaging current knowledge

and experience etc.

Practical sessions were in the program that enabled trainees to use

laboratories. In addition, visits to prominent industries of rice,

milk, meat and probiotic were made. Linkages with the Institutes'

professors and delegates of other African countries were also

significant contribution of the training.

[11] April 28-May 3: Five days training was given on Agricultural

Innovation System (AIS) and Value Chain Development (VCD) by

ASARECA to EAAPP. Ethiopia, Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania are

participating countries in the training. Two researchers of quality

directorate were involved in the program, out of ten participants

from Ethiopia. It was held in Tanzania, Arusha.

Topics covered in the training were, (a) the concept of innovation

and agricultural innovation system; (b) defining innovation and

agricultural innovation system; (c) value chain as innovation

system; (d) introduction to VCD and rationale for use fo VCD as a

development approach; (e) analyzing value chain; (f) designing VC

upgrading strategy; (g) value chains for research; (h) value chain

development innovation platforms, leadership roles and activities

in support of value chain innovation systems; (i) Introduction to a

private owned Home-veg value chain/ guest talk.

[12] April 28-May 7: Two weeks (10 days) training on the use of Near

Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS-6500) and wet chemistry for analysis

of Tryptophan and Lysine on maize was given by head quarter of

CYMMIT at Mexico. Two researchers of AQRL were involved in the


[13] March 6-7: Hands on training on the use of NIRS for the analysis of

crops as a breeding tool was given to researchers of quality

directorate at the head quarter of EIAR, AQRL. Researchers from

food science laboratory of Melkassa and AQRL were involved in

the training. The training was given by Eng. Mohammed Ata from


Foss company in Egypt.

[14] February 25-29: Hands on training on the use of Perten IM 9500

for quantification of major primary metabolites of sorghum held at

Melkassa. The training was given with the newly setup NIRS

machine at the Food Science laboratory of Melkassa Agricultural

Research Center with the support of Sorghum project. Two

researchers each from AQRL and Food Science Lab were involved

in the training. The training was given by Dr. Glen Fox, Queens

Land University of Australia. The following topics were covered, (a)

introductin to IM 9500 Inframatic; (b) advanced feature and

function of IM 9500, where trainees were acquainted with the

method how to add and delete calibration, calibration setting and

its functions in window environment; (c) calibration development,

where structure of files and what files needed and how can be

copied discussed; (d) Basics of maintenance, in which the how to

check instrument with special check special sample, checking and

changing the lamp and the method to replace the monochromator

belt were discussed.

[15] Awareness creation on the quality management system of

laboratories given for new employees and laboratory assistants in


[16] May 5: Two days training on internal audit system given to

selected auditors, laboratory heads and Quality Management

leaders at the head quarter of EIAR. Mike Mc Nerney and Abdi

Duga gave the lecture. A total of 25 trainees participated, who

have been drawn from Holleta, Kulumsa, Melkassa, head quarter,

Jimma, Forestry, Debrezeit and Pawe Research Centers.

[17] A two weeks induction training was given to new employee

researchers in the department of biology. Besides the new

trainees involved, researchers who are involved in areas of

microbiology from Holleta and Sebeta were also involved. The

training was given by experienced researchers drawn from Ambo

Plant Protection Research Center and others. It was held at Ambo.



1. With the support of NuME (Nutritious Maize for Ethiopia), CYMMIT a Foss

product Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS-6500) was procured with a total

cost of $112,000.00 and donated to EIAR during Febrauary 2014. Protein,

tryptophan, lysine and various provitamin A carotenoids contents of whole

grain or endosperm of maize will be quantified with the instrument.

2. Another NIRS machine Perten IM 9500 Inframatic instrument for analysis

of sorghum quality was bought and put functional at Food Science

Laboratory of Melkassa Agricultural Research Center by Sorghum Project.

3. Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrophotometer (GC:MS),

spectrophotometer and some other laboratory equipments has been

bought by a project support of Green Mark. These equipments are setup

at Wondogenet Agricultural Research Center.

4. To strengthen the overall capacity of quality directorate and thereby

output of research activities, employment of researchers on the fields of

chemistry, biology and nutrition (food science) made.

5. Expansion of AQRL at the Head Quarter was made, to include seed

quality and physiology research activities. The expansion further

enables the directorate to establish scientific equipment

maintenance and calibration laboratories.

6. Renovation of five laboratories at Kulumsa, Jimma, Debrezeit, Holleta

and Ambo Research centers was performed. As a consequence of this

renovation, environment and accommodation of these selected

laboratories enhanced.



[1] Working document of EIAR laboratories entitled "EIAR Lab Quality

Manual" developed, involving ten researchers and laboratory

assistants drawn from different research centers. The quality manual

is prepared on the basis of guidelines of ISO/IEC 17025. November 4-

15, 2013.

[2] Quality Manual developed by team of researchers has been reviewed

within five days at Sisay Hotel of Adama. The review program was

very exhaustive, involving various laboratory personnel of EIAR

drawn from research centers and GIZ consultants. November 18-22,


[3] A group of 20 university students and other laboratory staff visited

AQRL by the coordination of Agricultural Transformation Agency


[4] Ten high School female students visited AQRL. GIZ coordinated the visit program

[5] Practical training and sample analysis services has been given to Addis Ababa, Haremaya and

Hawassa University students. These services are were given by AQRL and Holleta chemistry


[6] First round calibration of equipments of Bacteriology and biocontrol laboratories of Ambo; soil,

plant and water analysis and chemistry and microbiology of dairy laboratories of Holleta; natural

products lab of Wondogenet; Agricultural Quality Research Laboratory of the head quarter; Soil,

plant and water analysis laboratory of Jimma and Debrezeit; and Food science laboratory of

Melkassa were considered. Coordination and responsibility of this calibration activity was

carried out by Legesse Shiferaw. November 4-22, 2013.

[7] An official Facebook account with a name of "Quality at EIAR" opened for documentation,

progress report and communication of events to the community in social media. Information on

quality directorate progress is being communicated to the members, who likes the page.

Currently there are 120 people we reached and is planned to reach as many people as possible

at least in the research system.

[8] Quality Directorate of EIAR has started working with DOW chemicals, and PYXERA Global to

implement quality related experiences of international organizations. In this project,

experiences of the international company in integrated laboratory management and quality

laboratory is to be implemented.

[9] Calibration of laboratory equipments of Holleta, Ambo, Wondogenet, AQRL and Jimma is being

recurrently done by assigning one dedicated researcher as an additional task

[10] Two documents on lists of chemicals, consumables, lab wares and equipments with detailed of

specifications and indexing systems developed for quick reference and procurement system.

ANRLD believes that these two institutional reference materials will be used throughout the

institute and across other agricultural research institutions for ease of procurement system.


[11] Access control system installed in AQRL to regulate movement of people in the laboratory and

to bring confidentiality thereof. Finger print access control system is of state of the art

technology which is uncommon in other similar laboratories found in the country.

[12] Overall electrical installation and network problem of AQRL at the head quarter of EIAR is

redone due to serious problem in the subjects. Being electrical installation the most causes of

instrument failure in most laboratories, the AQRL case will be taken as a model while

constructing new and/ or converting other buildings into laboratories. The whole network

system is also changed in the way to access every digital equipments in the lab from any corner.


[1] January 23: The first spices, herbs and aromatic producers, processors and exporters platform

stakeholder meeting organized by Addis Ababa Chamber of Commerce was held at Ambassador

Hotel, Addis Ababa. Aims of this platform meeting are; (a) identifying and prioritizing the major

bottlenecks of spices, herbs and aromatic subsector; (b) creating awareness on opportunities of

spices, herbs and aromatic trade and investment policies; (c)

facilitating joint venture production, processing and export

investment opportunities in Ethiopia for both national and

international companies; and (d) sharing information and knowledge

on spices, herbs and aromatics. Director of Quality management of

EIAR involved in the event, and played the facilitation role in some

part of technical discussion.

[2] February 28: A discussion was held on the renovation plan of

selected EIAR laboratories with the involvement of directors and

expertise of planning, finance and engineering; and technical center

representatives of Holleta, Kulumssa, Ambo and Jimma. This event

was held at the FRG hall in the head quarter of EIAR.

[3] April 07: Research staff members of International Potato Center

from Peru, Lima visited AQRL on 07/04/2014. During their visit, it

was agreed to have strong relationship in quality analysis of potato

and sweet potato using the existing instruments and professionals in

AQRL. Possibility of procuring freeze dryer for potato quality analysis

and further link with the head quarter of International Potato Center


[4] March 5: Renovation activities of center laboratories at Ambo,

Debrezeit, Kulumssa, Wondogenet and Holleta officially started. In

this day representatives from each of the above center came to the

head office of EIAR and started doing the practical purchasing and

planning of their activities in a team.


[5] March 6-7: Installation of NIRS (Near Infrared Spectrophotometer) made at AQRL, the head

quarter of EIAR, Debrezeit Research Center and Melkassa Research Center. A Foss product NIRS

which is meant to analyze quality protein maize was installed by Eng.

Mohammed Ata, an Egyptian expert. During installation a two days

training was given to AQRL personnel. Eng. Mohammed has also

installed NIRS of Debrezeit Agricultural Research Center.

Another NIRS machine (Perten IM 9500 Inframatic instrument) which

is bought by the support of Sorghum project is installed and a

corresponding training was given by Dr. Glen Fox, an Australian

scientist from Queens Land University. Four members of quality

directorate involved in the installation and training program.

[6] Meetings of quality management team held, participants being

laboratory heads and quality management representatives. Three time discussion held

[7] March 11: GIZ-NQI (National Quality Infrastructure) director, Dr. Stamm Andreas visited AQRL. A

short meeting involving Director General of EIAR, Dr. Fentahun Mengistu was held at the DG

office after the visit of Dr. Andreas to AQRL. Dr. Dessalegn Lidetu, officer in GIZ-NQI; Mr Abdi

Duga, certified assessor and consultant in GIZ-NQI; Dr Girma Mamo from GIZ project; Mss Gelila

Asaminew, head of AQRL; and Mr Solomon Abate, Director of Quality Agricultural Research

involved in the discussion. Area of possible further collaboration with the project was raised and

agreement reached.

[8] April 21: Emeritus Prof. Ermias Dagne of Addis Ababa University

visited AQRL. During his visit, discussion on how agricultural

chemistry could be framed in the arena of EIAR was made. After his

visit and discussion, Prof. Ermias, expressed his appreciation of the

whole initiative of EIAR towards focusing agricultural chemistry and

nutrition, and pledged to contribute in the process.

[9] MoU signed with NutrAfrica: EIAR with the intention of expanding its

research into nutritional development and fortifications, has signed

memorandum of understanding with NutrAfrica Agro Industry and

Food Processing PVT.Ltd.Co. Ethiopia. According to the agreement,

NutrAfrica will facilitate soliciting joint projects towards enhancing

nutrition research in EIAR. In addition facilitation of post harvest

management system will be studied using factory facilities in the


[10] May 16: A national workshop on soybean product development, as

part of an ongoing project entitled "Enhancement of Agricultural

Technologies through Development of Alternative Products" held at


the head quarter of EIAR. In the workshop researchers from Ethiopian Health and Nutrition

Research Institute (EHNRI), Ethiopian Science and Technology, Pawe Agricultural Research

Center, and AQRL involved.

[11] May 18: In collaboration with NutrAfrica, Dr. Michelle Grant

Executive director of Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich,

World Food System visited AQRL. During the visit, possibility of

linking the Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research with the

university was raised on major areas of capacity building. Accordingly

draft concept note of collaboration developed and communicated to

the university.

[12] July 2-6: Micronutrient Forum Global Conference of 2014 held at the

United Nations Economic Commission for Africa Conference Center

(UNECA/CC) in Addis Ababa with the theme of “Bridging Discovery

and Delivery”. As a vital partner in efforts to reduce micronutrient

malnutrition, EIAR was invited and Bilatu Agza, Food Science

Researcher in Quality Directorate, participated in the forum.

[13] June 05: Awareness creation about the quality directorate and status

of laboratories with respect to accreditation process explained to the

research community in a one day visit program. The visit program

was mainly scheduled to involve EIAR management members,

researchers and some partners. Around 400 people visited AQRL

during the visit program, where explanation of one year progress of

quality directorate, calibration status, technical requirements

followed by selected laboratories in EIAR was made. Dr. Fentahun

Mengistu, Director General of EIAR has opened the visit officially,

and deputy director general, directors of research centers, research

programs, national caseteam, project leaders, center process

representatives and senior researchers in EIAR were involved as part

of the institute.

In addition, researchers and leaders of FRG II, ILRI, universities and

other partners attended the visit program. Majority of comments

received from the participants encouraged the progress made by the

directorate and commented to widely create the awareness and

involve other research centers, and systems in the NARS.

[14] June 06: The first application for accreditation of laboratories in EIAR

made for AQRL of the head quarter. Three parameters were

requested; moisture, fat and fiber content determination. Ethiopian

National Accreditation Office (ENAO) has taken the national


responsibility of accreditation as third party body. Laboratories which have applied for the

accreditation following AQRL are bacteriology and biocontrol laboratories of Ambo, dairy

chemistry and microbiology and soil, plant and water analysis laboratories of Holleta; and

Natural products laboratory of Wondogenet.

[15] June 09: World Accreditation Day was celebrated at Ililly

International Hotel, Addis Ababa with a motto "Accreditation Deliver

confidence in the provision of Energy". Ethiopian National

Accreditation Office (ENAO) was the coordinator of the event and

various organizations involved in the program, including medical

laboratories, metrology institutions, nutrition laboratories,

universities, etc. Three lead papers were presented for the audience

as a landmark of accreditation concept and application. Among the three papers, EIAR took part

in presenting its experiences in upgrading research laboratories and bringing in to an accredited

entity. The presentation was made by Solomon Abate, Director of the quality directorate of

EIAR, and the title for presentation was "Accreditation in Agricultural Research Laboratories".

[16] June 18: World metrology day was celebrated with the theme of

“Measurements and the Global Energy Challenge” at Ililly

International Hotel, Addis Ababa. Being involved in the calibration of

many laboratory equipments and taking responsibility to establish an

internal calibration mini laboratory, Quality directorate of EIAR has

involved in the event. The official opening of the day was made by

H.E. W/ro Demitu, Minister of Science and Technology Ministry.

[17] June 19: The Second Spice, Herbs and Aromatic Plants Producers,

Processors and Exporters Platform organized by Addis Ababa

Chamber of Commerce held in Addis Ababa, Jupiter International

Hotel. Representing EIAR, Quality directorate took part in the

occasion as one of the panelists.

[18] June 26: David Roche, executive director of Coffee Quality Institute

(CQI), USA visited Agricultural Quality Research Laboratory (AQRL).

His visit to the laboratory was part of a two days discussion on

quality flavor profile mapping of Ethiopian Coffee, possibility and

application. Experiences of other countries such as Guatemala was

raised as best example of such mapping in the coffee industry. Major

research process and Jimma Research center directors, deputy

director of extension department of MoA, leaders of coffee exporters

associations, researchers and coffee project coordinators of Jimma,

delegate from Ethiopian Biodiversity Institute have participated the


meeting and visit program. Deputy Director General of EIAR, Dr. Adugna Wakijira chaired the

meeting and visit program.

[19] June 23: The Ethiopian parliamentary committee and Nigerian members of parliament paid

visited to AQRL of EIAR. Two members of parliament from Nigeria

and agriculture standing committee of the Ethiopian parliament were

involved in the visit program. During their stay relevance of quality

agricultural research, laboratory enhancement, accreditation, etc

were discussion points. Finally they have expressed appreciation of

the movement of EIAR towards improving the laboratory status and

looking for accreditation program. Both parties urged the institute to

push further the quality system in the agricultural sector in general.

[20] July 11: Review of research activities on milk and milk

products made involving responsible researchers in Quality

Agricultural Research Directorate. In the one day review

program, adulteration of butter, flavored yogurt making,

determination of quality parameters of milk and milk products

were major topics. Bilatu Agiza who is temporarily appointed

to coordinate product development project of the quality

directorate, has managed the review workshop. Attendees

were Alganesh Tola, Mebrat Hailu and Zerihun Assefa from

Holleta dairy laboratory; and Legesse Shiferaw and Bilatu Agiza

from AQRL.

[21] Soybean product development is one of the activities planned to be executed in the project

called "Enhancement of Agricultural Technologies Through Development of Alternative

Products". To implement this activities, as a followup of the workshop held on the subject on

May 16, research team brought from AQRL, Pawe, Melkassa and University reviewed the details

of activities to be implemented. In this review detail proposal development and associated

works to be done were distributed among team members

[22] Two consecutive national workshops held on the main theme of strengthening the National

Nutrition Program which is being nationally coordinated by MoH. Agricultural and Nutrition

Research Laboratories Directorate participated by its four researchers these workshops. Besides

being the steering committee members of the two separate components of the national

program, which separately being managed by Public Health Research Institute and Industry

Ministry, EIAR through ANRLD is nominated as a co-chair of one of the components.
