3D Printing with Graphene & Ceramics: Michael Petch Keynote Paris, May 2016

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3D Printing with Novel Materials Production, Processing & Performance

Michael Petch – Black Dog Consulting

Inside 3D Printing Conference, Paris. 26th May 2016

michael@michaelpetch.com @michaellpetch



















MICHAEL PETCH Author, analyst, & consultant.

Image Credit: Gyges 3D


Material Discovery & Development

1886 Aluminium $1,200 / kg

2016 Aluminium

$2 / kg.

2015 US 100% reliant on

imports for 19 critical minerals

Image Credits: AP Photo, UT Library, Compound Chem, US Geological Survey.

Smartphones contain half elements in

periodic table. Av. Life = 3

years (Bakker, 2014)


“Over the long term, actions to increase resiliency may include the development of new methods of extraction, processing, and manufacturing that promote the efficient use of materials; increased recovery of materials from waste and scrap; and research and development of alternative materials and new product designs to reduce the demand for limited materials.”

Testimony to Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee on May 12, 2015 by Richard Silberglitt, RAND

6 Ceramics: What?

Image Credits: Petr Novak Wikipedia , Engineering Civil, Empa

50% of everything made this year will be made from ceramics (Purnell, 2013)

Post-hard machining incurs up to 80% of the overall manufacturing costs of a ceramic product (Travitzky et al., 2014)


Ceramics: Materials Ceramics vs Fine / Advanced Ceramics

Chart Data Source: Fine Ceramics World

Ceramic paste Ceramic powder Liquid binder (for binder jet) Photo-curing ceramic composite resin Preceramic paper

Materials for AM

SiC preceramic paper for LOM (Travizky, 2014)

UV curable monomers & UV photo initiator.

(Schaedler et al., 2016)

8 Ceramics: Processing

Image Credits: Laurens van Lieshout, Sandia National Laboratories/Randy Montoya, Heraclitus by Hendrick ter Brugghen, HRL Laboratories LLC, Schaedler et al., 2016.

AM techniques for working with ceramics.

1 Foil supply. 2 Heated roller. 3 Laser beam. 4. Scanning prism. 5 Laser unit. 6 Layers. 7 Moving platform. 8 Waste.

Laminated Object Manufacturing with preceramic paper

Robocasting with hydrogels & ceramic


UV Stereolithography with silicon oxycarbide

9 Ceramics: Performance

Image Credits: Özkol et al., 2012, Feilden et al., 2016, Schaedler et al., 2016, HRL Laboratories/Dan Little, General Electric GE9X , Joannopoulos et al., 2011.

Biomedical, aerospace, electronics & semiconductors. Complex geometry, low porosity, high strength & thermal resistance.

10 Ceramics: Future?

Image Credits: NASA, Carpenter, J.

11 Graphene: What?

Image Credits: Nobel Museum, Alexander AIUS, Tian et al. 2006, Novoselov & Geim: Roadmap for Graphene 2015.

A two-dimensional, atomic scale, monolayer, polyaromatic hydrocarbon. A single sheet of graphite.


Graphite: Production Graphite demand to increase by 200% within 4 years.*

Image Credit: USGS, 2016, *Benchmark Mineral Intelligence

China: 72% installed capacity worldwide, 55% total flake graphite production.

3 ton natural flake graphite

= 1 ton spheroidal graphite

800 million tons =

World recoverable graphite


Graphene: Production Graphite must be intercalated to render it susceptible to exfoliation.

Image Credit: Garg et al., 2014, Ben Mills

Sulfuric acid

Potassium permangate

Sodium nitrate

Potassium persulfate

Phosphorus pentoxide

1. Oxidation of graphite Brodie Method (1859) Hummers Method (1958) Modified Hummers (Kovtyukhova, 1999 & Tour, 2010)

2. Exfoliation 3. Reduction 4. Dispersal or Nanocomposite

14 Graphene: Processing

Image Credits: Griffiths, 2015, Dul et al. 2016, Jabari & Toyserkani, 2015.

AM & fabrication techniques for working with graphene.

“Gbot” UV curable 3D printable graphene ink

Extrusion with thermoplastic polymer nanocomposite (PNG)

Aerosol jet printing for graphene interconnects

15 Graphene: Performance

Image Credits: Zhu et al., 2015, Zhu et al., 2016, Hersam et al., 2015

Super capacitors, electronic & biomedical applications

16 Graphene: Future?

Image Credits: Nokia, Volvo, Columbia University, Pacific Water

17 Other Materials & Applications

Image Credits: Molybdenum, John Rogers, Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics, Drexler & Pamlin, 2013



michael@michaelpetch.com @michaellpetch


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