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DOI: 10.1126/science.1246249, 512 (2014);343 Science

et al.Simon GélinasPhotovoltaic DiodesUltrafast Long-Range Charge Separation in Organic Semiconductor

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Ultrafast Long-Range ChargeSeparation in Organic SemiconductorPhotovoltaic DiodesSimon Gélinas,1 Akshay Rao,1 Abhishek Kumar,1 Samuel L. Smith,1 Alex W. Chin,1 Jenny Clark,1

Tom S. van der Poll,2 Guillermo C. Bazan,2 Richard H. Friend1*

Understanding the charge-separation mechanism in organic photovoltaic cells (OPVs) could facilitateoptimization of their overall efficiency. Here we report the time dependence of the separation ofphotogenerated electron hole pairs across the donor-acceptor heterojunction in OPV model systems.By tracking the modulation of the optical absorption due to the electric field generated between thecharges, we measure ~200 millielectron volts of electrostatic energy arising from electron-hole separationwithin 40 femtoseconds of excitation, corresponding to a charge separation distance of at least 4 nanometers.At this separation, the residual Coulomb attraction between charges is at or below thermal energies, sothat electron and hole separate freely. This early time behavior is consistent with charge separation throughaccess to delocalized p-electron states in ordered regions of the fullerene acceptor material.

Organic photovoltaic cells (OPVs) consistof a nanostructured blend of donor (D)and acceptor (A) semiconductors (1, 2).

Photons absorbed in either material create mo-lecular excitons, which can dissociate at the D-Aheterojunction into holes onD and electrons onA(3, 4). The hole and electron are still subject totheir mutual Coulomb interaction and can self-trapat the heterojunction (5–8), giving rise to chargetransfer (CT) excitons. However, in efficient OPVblends that use fullerenes as the acceptor, elec-tron and hole escape from the heterojunction and

long-range charge separation is efficient (9, 10)(Fig. 1A). The motion of charges away from theheterojunction had been generally attributed to dif-fusion (11, 12); however, recent results havesuggested that delocalized states may play a role inthis process (9). Here we directlymeasure the electron-hole separation process at the heterojunction andfind that the Coulomb barrier is surmounted at timesas short as 40 fs, suggesting that rapid charge motionaway from the interface through delocalized bandstates is necessary for long-range charge separation.

To temporally resolve the electron-hole sep-aration process, we require a probe that is sen-sitive to the distance between these charges. Theelectric field generated as the charges separate(Fig. 1A) (13–15) serves this purpose by shiftingthe energy levels of neighboring molecules,

causing a change in their electronic transitionenergies and an associated optical electro-absorption(EA) (16) signature, represented schematically inFig. 1B (17). Wemeasured these EA signals withsub–30 fs precision, using transient absorption (TA)spectroscopy. This allows us to calculate the energystored in the electric field as the charges separateand hence the mean electron-hole distance as afunction of time, as we can calibrate the time-resolved data against steady-state EAmeasurements.

We studied two high-efficiency model sys-tems. The first consists of blends of a solution-processable small molecule (18), p-DTS(FBTTh2)2,((7,7'-(4,4-bis(2-ethylhexyl)-4H-silolo[3,2-b:4,5-b']dithiophene-2,6-diyl)bis(6-fluoro-4-(5′-hexyl-[2,2'-bithiophen]-5-yl)benzo[c][1,2,5] thiadiazole))),as electron donor with PC71BM, (phenyl-C71-butyric acid methyl ester), as acceptor (19). Thesecond system consists of blends of the polymerPCDTBT (20), (poly[N-11W–henicosanyl-2,7-carbazole-alt-5,5-(40, 70- di-2-thienyl-20, 10, 30-benzothiadiazole)]),as electron donor with PC61BM, (phenyl-C61-butyricacid methyl ester), as acceptor. Figure 1, C to E,shows their molecular structure and absorptionspectra.

The small-molecule fullerene blend system[p-DTS(FBTTh2)2:PC71BM] was chosen as itexhibits sharper optical transitions than literature-standard polymer-fullerene blends. As we de-velop below, this property leads to a strong EAresponse that enables us to separate this fea-ture from the other excited-state absorptionfeatures. We investigated two blends with dif-ferent donor/acceptor composition, 60:40 and90:10. Blends containing a 60:40 weight ratioof p-DTS(FBTTh2)2:PC71BM, processed fromchlorobenzene with 0.4% diiodooctane (DIO)as a solvent additive, achieve very high internalquantum efficiency (IQE) and power-conversionefficiencies (PCEs) above 7% (19, 21). They

1Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, Cambridge,UK. 2Center for Polymers and Organic Solids, University ofCalifornia, Santa Barbara, CA, USA.

*Corresponding author. E-mail: rhf10@cam.ac.uk

Fig. 1. Schematics of inter-facial photophysical processesinOPVs(andmoleculesstudied).(A) Overview of charge photo-generation at a heterojunction.Light absorption generates ex-citons in the bulk (1a) and atinterfaces (1b). When next toan interface, excitons undergorapid charge transfer into anelectron-hole pair (2), generat-ing a dipole-like electric fieldin its surroundings (E

→). The elec-

tron and hole then separate fur-ther and form free charges (3).(B) Stark shift of the absorptionspectrum (S) due to an electricfield E

→(dark blue) and the re-

sulting electro-absorption signa-ture (red) calculated from thedifference between the shiftedand unshifted spectra. The EAamplitude is proportional to jE→j2. (C) Chemical structure of PC61BM (gray) and PCDTBT (red). (D) Chemical structure of PC71BM (gray) and p-DTS(FBTTh2)2 (blue).(E) Absorption spectra of the molecules presented in (D).


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have been shown to comprise crystalline regionsof p-DTS(FBTTh2)2 and PC71BMaggregates (21).We contrast this system with the 90:10 blend,processed from chloroform, which shows muchlower quantum efficiency and for which the low-fullerene fraction precludes aggregation of thefullerene (see supplementary materials) (22–24).

PCDTBT is a widely studied noncrystallinepolymer, which when blended with PCBM givesIQEs close to 100% and PCEs as high as 7%(25, 26). As has been discussed previously,PCBM effectively intercalates into the polymerside chains. Thus, at low fullerene loading thePCBM is mainly unaggregated, forming a mixedphase with the polymer (23). As the fullerenecontent is increased, the excess fullerene beginsto form aggregates (27). Here we contrast a lowPCBM loading, 20% (4:1), which does not showfullerene aggregation, to the optimized 80% (1:4)loading that shows high quantum efficiencies andgives rise to aggregated fullerene domains.

Figure 2, A to C, shows TA data for the 90:10and 60:40 p-DTS(FBTTh2)2:PC71BM blendscovering the visible and near-infrared spectrumfrom 100 fs to 2 ns. The positive features be-tween 600 and 700 nm are due to bleaching ofthe ground-state absorption features. The nega-tive signal peaking at 1230 nm (extending up to1500 nm) is due to the photoinduced absorption(PIA) of singlet excitons, in agreement with mea-

surements on pristine films of p-DTS(FBTTh2)2(fig. S2). The negative signal that peaks at 800 nmis due to the PIA from positive charges (polarons)on the donor. Its amplitude is similar for bothblends, indicating that the density of photogener-ated holes is comparable. However, the subse-quent behavior is very different. In comparison tothe 90:10 blend, the 60:40 blend shows a morecomplex behavior around 710 nm. The strengthof the bleach is reduced at early times, and anegative response is observed beyond 10 ps. Thisis clearly seen (Fig. 2D) in the spectra at 100-ps delayof the twoblends, of a neat filmof p-DTS(FBTTh2)2(100:0), and of the steady-state EA spectra ofp-DTS(FBTTh2)2 (measured independently; seefig. S7).When compared to the neat film, the 90:10blend shows a reduction in stimulated emission atwavelengths >720 nm, indicating efficient ex-citon quenching. In addition, the 60:40 blend alsoshows a large negative signal peaking at 710 nm,which matches the measured steady-state EA spec-trum in this region.

From the data presented in Fig. 2, we identifytwo time scales for charge generation. We con-sider that the early subpicosecond dynamics aredue to the dissociation of excitons photogeneratedat the heterojunction, whereas the later evolu-tion is due to excitons photogenerated in bulkp-DTS(FBTTh2)2 domains that diffuse before reach-ing heterojunctions where they dissociate. We use a

global analysis to separate spectral features that havedifferent time evolutions (see supplementarymaterials). Figure 3A shows the separation ofthe different features in the 60:40 blend over thetime range 30 to 2500 fs. The evolution of thesinglet exciton and hole absorption spectra is de-scribed by two time constants of 82 T 5 fs and22 T 0.1 ps (with 70% weight to the 82-fs com-ponent); the exciton component decreases andthe charge component grows with time (Fig. 3B).Our global analysis reveals a third feature withdistinct temporal dynamics. This feature close-ly resembles the steady-state EA spectrum (Fig.3A), confirming the presence of an EA signa-ture in the 60:40 blend. The singlet spectrum inFig. 3A is in good agreement with that of neatp-DTS(FBTTh2)2 films in Fig. 2D, where the sig-nal is due only to singlet excitons. The signatureof the hole polaron matches the spectrum of the90:10 blend (Fig. 2D) but differs substantiallyfrom the 60:40 blend, where features due to bothholes and EA are present. This comparison in-dicates that charge generation occurs in the 90:10blend without inducing an EA signature, in con-trast to the 60:40 blend.

Turning to the dynamics of the EA feature(Fig. 3B), we note that some oscillations arepresent within the first picosecond, which aredue to a nonresonant artefact, and this limitsour reconstruction of the EA kinetics to delays≥300 fs. At 300 fs, we already observe a largesignal, more than half of the value at 2 ps, beyondwhich the signal saturates. At low temperatures(4 K), the early time response is the same, but thelater growth is delayed (fig. S4). As noted above,the EA feature is absent from the 90:10 blendswhere charges are generated efficiently but are un-able to separate away from the heterojunction. Thisimplies that theEAof a barely separated charge pairis negligible, and hence the large EA signal occursdue to longer-range charge separation. The EAsignature in the 60:40 blend thus allows us to re-solve the separation of electron-hole pairs.

Figure 3D shows the spectral signatures ofsinglet and charge features in 4:1 and 1:4 blendsof PCDTBT:PCBM. The spectral signatures ofcharges in the two blends differ substantially,with the 1:4 blend having a more pronouncednegative feature at 640 nm. This is qualitativelysimilar to the behavior of the p-DTS(FBTTh2)2:PC71BM blends where the 60:40 blend, whichshows EA, has a more pronounced negative fea-ture at 710 nm than the 90:10 blend, which doesnot show EA. Using the difference between the4:1 and 1:4 PCDTBT:PCBM blends allows usto extract a third spectral component for the 1:4blend (purple line in Fig. 3D; see supplemen-tary materials for details) that matches the steady-state EA spectrum. The dynamics of the blendsare shown in Fig. 3C: The singlet exciton israpidly quenched (86 fs) by charge transfer inboth the 4:1 and 1:4 blends, with correspondinggrowth in the charge population. There is noEA response for the 4:1 blend (Fig. 3D), but the1:4 blend shows a large EA signal at 40 fs. For

Fig. 2. Transient absorption spectra of excited states in p-DTS(FBTTh2)2:PC71BM films. (A andB)Visible and near-infrared measurements of a 60:40 film prepared identically to the active layer of anefficient OPV device. The samples were excited with 700-nm laser pulses at a fluence of 2 mJ/cm2. (C)Measurement of a 90:10 film, where PC71BM aggregation is prevented and charge separation isinefficient. (D) TA time slices of the 100:0, 90:10, and 60:40 films normalized at 640 nm. The steady-stateEA signature, obtained from a device using a steady-state electro-absorption measurement (CW), isproportional to the first derivative of the absorption spectrum.

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this system, the nonresonant artefact is not aspronounced as for the p-DTS(FBTTh2)2:PC71BM,allowing accurate EA detection at delays as shortas 40 fs.

By performing quasi–steady-state electro-absorptionmeasurements, whichmeasure the EAsignature induced by an oscillating electric field onp-DTS(FBTTh2)2:PC71BM and PCDTBT:PCBMdiode devices, we can calibrate the EA ampli-tude to the electric field present in the semi-conductor layer (see supplementary materialsfor details). Using this calibration, we convertthe transient EA amplitude of Fig. 3 to a spatiallyaveraged value of the square of the electric field.We calculate the root mean square field strength,and hence the energy stored in the electric field,as ∫ ee02 E2dV .

Figure 3E shows the energy stored in theelectric field per charge pair as a function oftime for the various blends studied (taking avalue of 3.5 for e and modeling half the field tobe present in the donor phase). For the 60:40p-DTS(FBTTh2)2:PC71BM, the energy per chargepair reaches more than half its maximum valueby 300 fs, and for the 1:4 PCDTBT:PCBMblends,it attains its saturation value by 40 fs. The ener-gies involved are substantial, well above kBT(where kB is the Boltzmann constant and T is

temperature), and provide direct evidence thatconsiderable work must be done to overcomethe Coulomb attraction between the separatingelectron hole pairs in these low–dielectric constantmaterials. Crucially, most of this work against theCoulomb interaction is done on ultrafast timescales. This requires that charges undergo rapidspatial separation on these time scales.

With simple electrostatic modeling and theassumption that the initial step of photoinducedelectron transfer just across the heterojunctioncauses an average separation of electron and holeby 1.5 nm in the absence of fullerene aggrega-tion, we find that charges reach a separation of4 to 5 nm in both systems at the earliest timesmeasured (see supplementary materials). Thefurther growth for the 60:40 p-DTS(FBTTh2)2:PC71BM blend on time scales greater than 300 fsis most likely due to the diffusive motion of thehole within the crystalline p-DTS(FBTTh2)2 do-mains. For PCDTBT, this is not observed, as thelarger fullerene domains lead to an increased initialseparation, resulting in the saturation of the EAsignal. (This occurs when the separation reaches 5to 6 nm; see supplementary materials for details.)

The length scales being considered here forthe separation of charges, ≈4 to 5 nm, are con-sistent with known OPV morphology in efficient

systems, where the presence of pure domains offullerene, 5 nm in length (28, 29), is strongly cor-related with suppressed geminate recombinationand improved device performance. In our mea-surements, the presence of fullerene aggregates leadsto large EA signals and electrostatic energies atshort times, strongly suggesting that they are keyto enabling ultrafast long-range charge separation.

Our measurements are particularly sensitiveto the early-time separation of charge carriers atheterojunctions, due to our direct measurement of|E2|, which is insensitive to the initial direction ofcharge separation with respect to charge collec-tion electrodes (which we expect to be randomlydirected, given the bulk heterojunction morphol-ogy of these materials). This initial process is notdependent on the presence of an external electricfield. By contrast, other time-resolved techniques,such as electric field–induced second harmonic(EFISH) (30), are sensitive to a change in |E|. Insuch experiments, this change in |E| arises whencarriers drift in the field set up by the electrodesand the external circuit. This necessarily buildsup at later times. For example, Vithanage et al.(30) used EFISH to measure net charge motiondue to drift toward the electrodes of 2 nm at 1 psand 5 nm at 100 ps. This provides complemen-tary information to our measurements of the first

Fig. 3. Excited-state and EA dynamics of p-DTS(FBTTh2)2:PC71BM and PCDTBT:PC61BM blends. (A)Spectral signatures present in the p-DTS(FBTTh2)2:PC71BM (60:40) blend. The signals are obtained from aglobal fit spanning the entire visible range (see text for details). The data set spans 30 to 2500 fs, and thesample was excited with broadband (525 to 625 nm) laser pulses compressed to 30 fs at a fluence of 8 mJ/cm2.The reference EA is obtained independently (see Fig. 2D). (B) Dynamics of the S1, hole, and EA amplitudesobtained by fitting the data set with a linear combination of the excited-state signatures shown in (A). Theyellow zone indicates the region over which artefacts prevent accurate measurement of the EA. (C and D) Spectral signatures and their associated dynamics forthree different compositions of PCDTBT:PC61BM blends (see supplementary materials for details of the analysis). The samples were excited at a fluence of 2 mJ/cm2,and the reference EA spectrum was measured on a device. (E) Total energy stored in the electric field per electron-hole pair (at room temperature and 4 K). TheEA is converted to a spatially integrated electric field square using a calibration from steady-state measurements (EA ¼ CEA∫jEj2dV , where CEA is the calibrationconstant for a given system (see supplementary materials for details). The time-resolved energy per hole (12 ee0∫jEj2dV) is obtained assuming that half of the field isin the donor phase. The low temperature (4 K) measurement grows continuously up to 1 ns, where it saturates at ~200 meV (see supplementary materials).

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steps in charge separation (see supplementarymaterials for details).

Based on the above results, we propose asimple phenomenological model of the hetero-junction interface. Films without aggregatedfullerene domains do not exhibit a substantialEA response, which implies that the mobile com-ponent of the charge pair is the electron at earlytimes. We model the electron motion on a nano-scale face-centered cubic lattice of acceptor sites,consisting of localized single-electron energy lev-els that are coherently coupled to their nearestneighbors (a tight binding model), giving riseto a band of delocalized eigenstates with band-width B. We include a Gaussian distribution ofacceptor-site energies to introduce disorder. As ex-pected, we find that when the static disorder of theon-site energies is within the bandwidth, disorderdoes not localize the states. The initial excitationis a single exciton on an adjacent donor site.

We include a Coulomb well, of depthW, sur-rounding the donor to model the presence ofthe hole, which we assume does not move dur-ing the first 200 fs of charge separation. The welllowers the energies of electron states in the localvicinity of the donor (Fig. 4A), introducing aset of bound states and narrowing the energeticwidth of delocalized states to ≈B-W. Typical struc-tures of the emergent eigenstates are illustratedin Fig. 4A (ϕ1-2), with corresponding examples ofthe actual states given in fig. S11. We emphasizethat our model is only valid for a few hundredfemtoseconds after exciton dissociation whendelocalized states are briefly accessed; after this,polaron formation will localize the electronic states

and holes and electrons will move via incoherenthopping with comparable mobilities.

If the energy of the electron on the donor sitelies within the spread of fullerene eigenstates atthe interface, the electron can undergo resonanttransfer. When this energy lies below the con-duction edge (CE, Fig. 4A), the initial electronwave function can only mix with bound stateslocalized near the hole (ϕ1), forming a boundcharge-transfer state. However, if the initial elec-tron energy lies within the conduction channelabove this edge, then the initial state is mixedwith states that are fully delocalized across thefullerene lattice (ϕ2), enabling long-range chargeseparation to occur.

The model described above assumes spatialcoherence between acceptor sites (delocaliza-tion). To describe the dynamics of the system,we consider two cases: (i) incoherent transitionsbetween a localized donor site and the delocal-ized acceptor eigenstates, or (ii) a fully coherentcase where the initial electron is described asphase-coherent superposition of these delocal-ized eigenstates.We perform simulations for boththesemodels on a 5.25 nmby 5.25 nm by 5.25 nmlattice of acceptor sites and for a range of cou-plings and disorder strengths between 30 and50meVand 0.1 and 0.2 eV, respectively (31, 32);all parameters are described in full in the sup-plementary materials.

Incoherent transitions arise from a perturba-tive treatment of the D-A coupling [case (i), seesupplementary materials]. This generates a setof Fermi golden rule transition rates from thelocalized donor site into the delocalized states

described earlier. Results are shown in Fig. 4B,yellow curves. We find that charge separationoccurs via a single hop of ~4 nm. For case (ii),we evolve the coherent superposition under theSchrödinger equation, which generates a wavepacket that rapidly propagates across the Cou-lomb well and into the acceptor crystallite (seesupplementary materials for details). Resultsare shown in Fig. 4B, red curves. Again, for allparameter values considered, electron and holeseparate by 3 to 5 nmwithin 300 fs. For both cases,the separation distance is determined primarily bythe size of the acceptor aggregate in our model.Currently, our experiments cannot differentiate be-tween these two separation mechanisms.

We also consider charge dynamics under fullyincoherent localized dynamics (Marcus theory)—i.e., in the absence of delocalization—for the sameparameters (see supplementary materials for de-tails). This leads to rapid exciton dissociation,with hole and electron on nearest-neighbor sites(Fig. 4B, blue curve), to form tightly bound CTstates that are not expected to dissociate rapidly.

Our demonstration and model of short-timecharge delocalization and coherent motion isvery different frommodels for exciton coherenceand delocalization that have been suggested asbeing key to efficient OPV performance (33).Within our study, we find no need to invoke suchexcitonic processes (see supplementary materialsfor details).

Our results rationalize the apparent asymmetrybetween efficient electron-hole capture in organiclight-emitting diodes (34) and near-unity photo-conversion quantum efficiencies in OPVs (25) byrevealing that ultrafast charge separation throughdelocalized band-like states in fullerene aggregatesis key to efficient charge separation. Moreover,the fast time scale for this process indicates thatefficient charge separation requires no excess en-ergy beyond that needed to overcome the Coulombinteraction. This is in contrast to Onsager-likemodels that require excess energy in hot states.Our results suggest that the real energy loss duringcharge separation lies elsewhere—for instance, inlater energetic relaxation of charges through polaronformation or the presence of defect-mediated gapstates—and that such energy losses are notfundamental for efficient charge separation.

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Acknowledgments: We thank the Engineering and PhysicalSciences Research Council, and the Winton Programme(Cambridge) for the Physics of Sustainability for funding.

S.G. acknowledges funding from the Fonds québécois derecherche sur la nature et les technologies; A.R. thanks CorpusChristi College for a Research Fellowship; A.K. thanksNational Research Foundation Singapore for a scholarship;J.C. thanks the Royal Society for a Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowship;and T.S.v.d.P. acknowledges funding from the Center forEnergy Efficient Materials, an Energy Frontier Research Centerfunded by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science,Basic Energy Sciences under Award DC0001009.

Supplementary Materialswww.sciencemag.org/content/343/6170/512/suppl/DC1Supplementary TextFigs. S1 to S14References (35–44)

20 September 2013; accepted 25 November 2013Published online 12 December 2013;10.1126/science.1246249

Sound Isolation and Giant LinearNonreciprocity in a CompactAcoustic CirculatorRomain Fleury,1 Dimitrios L. Sounas,1 Caleb F. Sieck,1,2 Michael R. Haberman,2,3 Andrea Alù1*

Acoustic isolation and nonreciprocal sound transmission are highly desirable in many practical scenarios.They may be realized with nonlinear or magneto-acoustic effects, but only at the price of high powerlevels and impractically large volumes. In contrast, nonreciprocal electromagnetic propagation iscommonly achieved based on the Zeeman effect, or modal splitting in ferromagnetic atoms inducedby a magnetic bias. Here, we introduce the acoustic analog of this phenomenon in a subwavelengthmeta-atom consisting of a resonant ring cavity biased by a circulating fluid. The resulting angularmomentum bias splits the ring’s azimuthal resonant modes, producing giant acoustic nonreciprocity ina compact device. We applied this concept to build a linear, magnetic-free circulator for airbornesound waves, observing up to 40-decibel nonreciprocal isolation at audible frequencies.

Reciprocity refers to the symmetric wavetransmission between two points in space.It is a basic property observed in many

wave phenomena because it is directly associatedto the symmetry of physical laws under time re-versal (1). Reciprocal transmission is not alwaysdesirable—for example, when one wants to iso-late or protect a region of space allowing wavetransmission in one direction yet blocking it inthe opposite one. For electromagnetic waves,several approaches are available to break reci-procity and achieve isolation by using both linear(2–10) and nonlinear (11–14) techniques, the mostcommon being based on magnetic biasing. In con-trast, nonreciprocal isolation of acoustic waveshas so far been based on nonlinear mechanisms(15–17), which introduce inherent signal distor-tions and limitations on the amplitude of opera-tion. Recently, proposals to achieve unidirectionalsound propagation in linear components havebeen discussed (18–24), but they rely on devices

that are strictly symmetric to time-reversal, beingtherefore completely reciprocal (25, 26) and notattaining the highly desirable functionality of anonreciprocal linear acoustic isolator. However,nonreciprocal acoustic wave propagation can occurin linear media, by using magneto-acoustic effects(27), or in moving fluids (28). These possibilitiesare typically associated with weak effects that areonly observable over large volumes and often re-quire bulky and impractical biasing equipment.

Inspired by the way magnetic bias produceselectromagnetic nonreciprocity inmagneto-opticalmedia based on the electronic Zeeman effect, weintroduce here an acoustic meta-atom able torealize a nonreciprocal, linear, compact acousticisolator. In magneto-optical media, such as ferro-magnetic materials or atomic vapors, an appliedstatic magnetic field B

→0 splits the energy levels

corresponding to countercirculating electronic or-bitals (Fig. 1A), inducing different refractive pro-perties for right- and left-handed circularly polarizedwaves that depend nonreciprocally on the direc-tion of propagation. An analogous phenomenoncan be obtained for acoustic waves in our macro-scopic meta-atom (Fig. 1B). Imparting a circularmotion to the fluid filling a subwavelength acous-tic resonant ring cavity splits the degenerate counter-propagating azimuthal resonant modes and, for a

proper velocity and cavity design, induces giantnonreciprocity via modal interference. In this sce-nario, the angular momentum vector imparted bythe circular flow takes the role of the static mag-netic bias, and the proposedmeta-atom experiencesthe acoustic analog of Zeeman splitting and there-fore displays a nonreciprocal response.

It is possible to qualitatively explain this phe-nomenon by considering the effective wavelengthchange for sound propagating in a moving me-dium.We assume that the azimuthally symmetriccavity is filled with a fluid on which we apply acircular motion with velocity v along the azi-muthal direction e→ϕ (Fig. 1B). In absence of ro-tation (v ¼ 0), the ring resonates when its averagecircumference approximately equals an integernumberm of wavelengths, supporting degeneratecounterpropagating eigenmodes with azimuthaldependenceeTimϕ and frequencieswm ¼ mc=Rav,where c is the speed of sound andRav is the meanradius. For v ≠ 0, the sound effectively circulateswith different velocities cþ v and c − v in themoving fluid, depending onwhether it travels withor against the flow.As a consequence, the resonantfrequencies of the eTimϕ modes split according to

wþ−m ¼ wm þ−



The splitting is linear with respect to the biasingflow velocity, in perfect analogy to the electronicZeeman effect (29)—an analogy that becomesevenmore apparent when the phenomenon is morerigorously studied with the quantum-mechanicalapproach developed in the supplementary mate-rials (30). If the circulation is right-handed (RH),the RH mode eimϕ shifts to a higher frequency,whereas the left-handed (LH) mode e−imϕ shiftsdown by the same amount. In order to validate thismodel,we numerically solve the eigenvalue problemfor the dominant mode m ¼ 1, for which the ringdiameter is smaller than the wavelength, for a rangeof biasing fluid velocity. The cavity,whose geometryis detailed in (30), is designed to resonate around800 Hz, and the corresponding eigenvalues (Fig.1C) are found in perfect agreement with Eq. 1.

To demonstrate the possibility of getting largenonreciprocity through the proposed concept, we

1Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, TheUniversity of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712, USA. 2AppliedResearch Laboratories, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin,TX 78758, USA. 3Department of Mechanical Engineering, TheUniversity of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712, USA.

*Corresponding author. E-mail: alu@mail.utexas.edu

31 JANUARY 2014 VOL 343 SCIENCE www.sciencemag.org516

