Qstream/Sales Management Association Webinar: Refocusing Sales Enablement Investments…On Sales...

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Sales enablement solutions – even successfully implemented ones – don’t always improve salesperson effectiveness. Instead, they improve Marketing’s ability to reliably deliver content into the hands of prospects and customers. Along the way, actual selling activity often gets lost. Nearly 1/3 of enterprise sales reps arrive at sales calls unprepared to apply the information and context needed to drive buying decisions. So how do firms prevent enablement tools from dumbing down reps? This webinar will help you move beyond content management processes, and share new approaches for knowledge reinforcement and behavior change that are proven to enhance sales performance.

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© Copyright 2014 The Sales Management Association.

Sales Management Association Webcast

1 October 2014 Presented by

Refocusing Sales Enablement Investments…On Sales Enablement!

About The Sales Management Association

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A global, cross-industry professional association for sales operations and sales management. Focused in providing research, case studies, training, peer networking, and professional development to our membership. Fostering a community of thought-leaders, service providers, academics, and practitioners. Learn More: www.salesmanagement.org

Today’s Presenter

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idea #1 idea #2 Results from your SE investments

Ask yourself…

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1.  Does your SE content anticipate every sales conversation?

2.  Do you expect your sales people to do more than simply deliver content?

3.  Should reps exercise skill in crafting compelling customer- and context-specific solutions?

What are we enabling?

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Where does SE reside?

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SE budgets are getting bigger!

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Follow the money…

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All the right stuff

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Buyers expect more

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And change happens…

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Ends must justify the means

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Are our reps more “enabled” than they are successful?

Sales enablement broadly speaking

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•  Sales technology •  Client-facing content •  Sales skill training •  Product training •  Account management

IDC: One in three deals lost

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1/3 of our reps not ready to win! But which ones are they?

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Spend more, grow more…

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Results.. Way better results?

Big Idea #1

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Get focused on a very specific business goal

Which silver bullet?

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Forrester SE Execution Landscape

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•  Develop •  Position •  Locate •  Align •  Engage •  Assemble

Big Idea #2

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To be successful, you must change behaviors

Sales is about relationships

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CRM systems don’t close deals, your people do…

New name, same old gig?

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The Solution Sale

Formula Selling

Pyramid Selling

Mood Selling Barrier Selling

Agile Selling

Needs Satisfaction Selling


Customer-Centric Selling

Brain science

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The “Forgetting Curve” People forget up to 79% of new information within 30 days

Hermann Ebbinghaus

Harvard Research

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Most learning is not conducive to how we actually store info in memory

Interval Reinforcement

Active Recall

•  “Spacing and testing” approach

•  Clinically proven to boost retention by up to 170%

•  Durably changes behaviors

Measuring strengths

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Regulated# Unregulated#



% of incorrect responses

Reclaimed Revenue Opportunity?





Real-world example

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68% 92% Sales skills baseline improvement

Real-world example

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Real-world example

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Real-world example

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Time to refocus our investments

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Less focus on content and tools… More focus on people and ways to enable productive, value-added conversations

Questions and discussion

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Enter your questions in the “Questions” box on the right hand side of the webinar application window.

Did we run out of time before we got to your question? Presenters can follow-up with you via email. Feel free to submit more questions if you’d like an offline response.

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