From the Experts: Inbound Sales Tips for Closing Leads

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Interviews with the ExpertsInbound Sales Tips for Closing Leads

Kyle Porter, CEOSalesLoft

1. Connect with the decision maker & understand their objective.

2. Tie your solution to their objective.

3. Create a burning platform of urgency.

3 Inbound Sales Tips

Aaron Ross, CEOPredictable Revenue, Inc.

1. Make sure your inbound leads go to inbound sales specialists.

2. Focus on becoming an expert in your area.

3. Start specializing or start planning to specialize.

3 Inbound Sales Tips

Sean Alpert, Director of Product

1. Be upfront about your role.

2. Ask the right discovery questions.

3. Always use the prospect’s words.

3 Inbound Sales Tips

Andrea Sittig-Rolf,

1. Anticipate the objection.

2. Handle the objection.

3. Ask for the appointment.

3 Inbound Sales Tips

Matt Heinz, President Heinz Marketing

1. Know the prospect so that you can ask very specific questions.

2. Tailor your questions and discussions to their specific role.

3. Be specific about next steps you’ll take after the conversation.

3 Inbound Sales Tips

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