Cinch Horizon Distributor Presentation

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We are finally here . . .

Cinch Horizon is not your ordinary alternative energy company. We create products that revolutionize the way consumers look at electricity.

Our solar and power storage solutions are the best of their kind. We don’t focus on cost. We focus on quality.

If you are looking for products that can change the power industry in more ways than one then we are the company you have been waiting for.

Be our accredited country distributor and experience the difference of being in business with us.


Our PurposeWe are an energy company that despise electric bills. We believe that power should easily be accessible, abundant and free.

Our goal is to provide game-changing solutions that revolutionize the power industry.

We are market disruptors. We make electricity free.

Our HistoryDavid Goldenberg and Bruce Johnston are American, visionary entrepreneurs who founded Cinch HorizonIncorporated in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A. The company was formed with the purpose of providing free andabundant energy to everyone. These industrialists wanted to power the planet by using the richest energysource available to mankind: the sun. They firmly believe that if we can find effective ways to store solarenergy, all of the world’s power issues will be gone.

In 2014, this vision was transformed into a reality. Cinch Horizon created advanced solar panels and powerstorage solutions for the U.S market that changed the perspective of consumers about the industry as a whole.The solutions they produced were so revolutionary that they decided it was time to bring the technology tothe international market as well. They aim to have more people in the world experience the advantages ofharnessing the power of the sun with the right technology and maximizing the full potential of clean energy.

Our Brands

We systematically crafted our brands to capture the needs of both our Customers and Consumers.

Cinch Horizon brand line up. . .

• Category Segments: A. Rooftop Solar PanelB. Portable Solar Panel C. Power Storage Solution

• 26 Product SKU’s• Brand of the wise homeowner

2 KW, 3 KW & 4 KW PANELS

45 Ah AGM, 90 Ah AGM, 20 Ah Li ION, 40 Ah Li ION, 100 Ah Li ION, 180 Ah Li ION

45 Ah AGM, 90 Ah AGM, 20 Ah Li ION, 40 Ah Li ION, 100 Ah Li ION, 180 Ah Li ION

• Category Segments: A. Power Storage Solution B. Portable Solar Solution

• 12 Product SKU’s• Brand of the smart entrepreneur

110 Ah AGM, 153 Ah AGM

110 Ah AGM, 153 Ah AGM

• Category Segments: A. Portable Power Series B. Mobile Device Charging Solution

• 4 Product SKU’s• Brand of people always on the go.

50 Ah Li ION

13 W Foldup USB Charger

• Category Segment: High End Portable Solar Solutions

• 10 Product SKU’s• Brand of the extreme value hunters

20 Ah Li ION, 40 Ah Li ION, 100 Ah Li ION & 180 Ah Li ION

• Category Segments: A. Home Series – Solar Panels B. Business Series – Solar PanelsC. Home & Business Series – Power Storage D. On the Go Series – Mobile Panels &


• Brand for the picky home & business owner

• Category Segments: A. Medical B. MarineC. MilitaryD. Hospitality E. AgriculturalF. Industrial G. Energy

• Brand of the clever CEO, Executive or Business Owner

Key Branding Strategy

Integrated Digital Marketing Programs

Trade Marketing ProgramsCountry Specific

Marketing Programs

Brand Communication Strategy


Consumer Benefit Mindset versus Technical Feature











Power Produced No. of Hours Running Charging Time

Usage Matrix

Inverter Size Solar Panel Size

Different appliances can be powered: Air Conditioning System, Refrigerator, Television, Lighting, Electric Fans, Computers, Radio, etc.

Running time depends on Inverter and Battery Size. Higher Capacity means longer hours of usage and more appliances to run.

The bigger size and more solar panels used the shorter the charging time.

The biggest challenge of consumers worldwide has always been the rising electricity cost. Energy Production isbig business and global electricity costs are projected to increase by an average of 5% annually. The onlysolution to correct this phenomenon is the growth of the alternative or renewable energy sector. However, itremains to be underdeveloped driven by the lack of mainstream information, limited product distribution andthe fact that majority of the solar companies are enthralled in the low price game. In the alternative energybusiness, manufacturers have to choose: Product Quality or Product Cost. Most select cost just to eliminatethe purchase barrier leaving consumers dissatisfied in the end.

It is also important to note that solar products have a unique premium. The effectiveness of the productdepends on the type of parts used and the design of the system. This is why it has become too technical withseveral companies hiding behind the veil of complexity so that consumers won’t be able to fully understand it.

This is currently the biggest business opportunity: Effective Distribution of Solar Technology.


Cinch Horizon Distributor Program

• Cinch Horizon is looking for distributor partners that will cover the markets we are targeting to develop and sell the energy brands in our portfolio.

• Cinch Horizon primarily serves as the manufacturing and marketing arm while the assigned distributor will focus on selling the product to the different trade channels in the assigned Country or State.

• Cinch Horizon will always provide the operational guidance and business direction to ensure brand development in the assigned market.

CH Distribution ModelCINCH HORIZON

Country Distributor

Retail Trade Channel

Specialized Channel

Consumers Customers

E-Commerce Servicing ModelCinch Horizon Online Orders

Country Distributor


Key Mechanics for Distributor Activation1. Distributor entity needs to purchase

$500,000 worth of product inventory in order to be activated and assigned as the sole distributor of Cinch Horizon brands in the assigned country.

2. Distributor entity needs to have the logistical infrastructure and selling organization that can cover targeted retail stores and industrial channels.

3. Distributor entity needs to have an assigned point person that will regularly engage Cinch Horizon Distributor Managers.

Distributor Compensation Package

1. Distributor Acquisition price will be set by Cinch Horizon at a global standard rate. 2. Total Distributor Margin will be at 25% which includes all tax and import duties. 3. All online orders going through the Cinch Horizon website will be served through the

country distributor assigned with the 25% margin protected.4. All transactions will be cash through wire transfer.5. Delivery time of orders sent will depend on the destination country but will take

between 3 to 4 weeks.

Benefits of Becoming an accredited Cinch Horizon Country Distributor1. Energy Industry Trend – There is a rising global demand for alternative energy products like solar driven by the rising

electricity cost and unstable power grid. It is the perfect time to realize this business opportunity.

2. Cinch Horizon Brands – No brand or company truly owns the solar industry. We are the only solar company with a robust branding strategy. We have brands that address all consumer segments. This is our company’s biggest competitive advantage.

3. Products – Cinch Horizon prides itself on the quality of its products. We do not have a low price business model. Our goal is to provide the best solar products in the market.

4. Leverage on Latest Technology – Cinch Horizon is a company that sells premium and state of the art solar technology. All our products are manufactured and designed in the United States.

5. Truth behind Solar – Cinch Horizon’s main thrust is to inform the world of the truth behind solar technology. Our primary focus is simplifying the message so that our consumers can fully understand what our solutions can and can’t do.

NEXT STEPS1. Set up a conference call with the Cinch Horizon Officers.

2. Agree and sign the distributor agreement.

3. Activate the distributorship by sending the funds required for the business.


