Accelerate Sales with Marketing Automation

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2 out of 3

most innovative companies 123

And as I was thinking about this, I ran into an HBR articleAnd I realized its YOU the Marketing Nation that is leading this innovation2

most disruptive companies 50


Half marketo users4

INFORMATION SCARCITYWE USED TO LIVE IN A WORLD OFOur #1 secret is that we believe that buying has changed forever, and that marketing and sales need to change as well.

Not that long ago, there were few 3rd party sources of information information scarcity which meant that a buyer had to get most of their information from sales.

In this world, it made perfect sense for marketing to pass all leads over to sales. It also meant we lived in a world of attention abundance, with fewer channels competing for a buyers attention. Traditional marketing, characterized by Mad Men-style marketing, grew up in this era.


ABUNDANCEINFORMATIONChanged the way we workChanged what was expected of usChanged our careersChanged everything to what it means to be a marketer7Changing buyerMARKETINGSALES



Buying decisionLots of research available that supports this shift.10


Whymarketingautomation?Why Attract visitors to your content w/ SEO and social. Nurture them at MOFU. Focus though, is on 11

1 AttractContent discovery. Build your audience through content, great, but they need to find it.12


Why Attract visitors to your content w/ SEO and social. Nurture them at MOFU. Focus though, is on 13


Why Attract visitors to your content w/ SEO and social. Nurture them at MOFU. Focus though, is on 143 the handoff

Scoring and Lead ManagementSales and marketing alignment

16Demographic Fit ScorePositive Demographic ScoreJob title, industry, company size, region

Negative Demographic ScoreGeneric or bad email address, no company (unemployed, self, looking), job title17+1 Click email+1 Visit webpage / blog+3 Early stage content+5 Attend webinar-10 Decay inactivityBasic Engagement+15Free trial or contact request+10Pricing pages+10Demos+12Late-stage content+8 Searches for specific keywords: marketo reviewBuying IntentPage # 2014 Marketo, Inc. #mktgnation14Heres how Marketo does it.

Latent behaviors interestActive behaviors buying intent18

4 the conversation

Joe Smith Opened EmailBeth RayFilled out FormGlen Gary 4 Page ViewsJen Harvey 2 Page ViewsLisa Zhang3 Page ViewsHarold SamuelDownloaded FileLori FrancisClicked Email Link

5 sales automation

A LeadsB Leads

Add leads to campaignEmail 1Email 2Email 3

statsEmail OpenClickedAuto-Touch Email 344%21%Industry Average22%3%LinkClickedClicked1. Going to purchase6%52%2. Investigating solution9%3. Reach out next month37%Not interested48%48%


No Lead Left Behind: SLAs

Day 0NotificationDay 1If untouched, reminderDay 2If untouched, reminder cc bossDay 3If untouched, alert executivesDay 7If stale, reminderDay 8If stale, reminder cc bossDay 9If stale, alert executives33ATTRACT NEW LEADSENGAGE PROSPECTSTHE HANDOFFTHE CONVERSATIONAUTOMATED SALES FOLLOW-UP

