Secrets LinkedIn Doesn’t Want You to Know to Improve Your Hiring Process - Shanna Landolt


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Shanna Landolt

I’ve Also Been Featured on NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX and City TV as a

LinkedIn & Career Expert

I’m going to be speaking with you today about a completely brand new way for you to

recruit Referral Talent.


The Best Referrals Hiring System ™

The statistics say it all…

Referral Hires are the Best Hires!

Referral hires perform 3%-15% better

than hires from other sources.

Source: Jennifer Taylor Arnold; “Employee Referrals at a Keystroke :Your Employees

Could Be Your Best Source of Job Candidates — Especially If Your Computer System

Efficiently Handles and Tracks Their Referrals”; HR Magazine

On Average, it takes just 10.4 referrals to lead to a hire.

Source:John Zappe “Employee Referrals May Be Even More Effective Than We Think”


Only 7% of applicants are referrals!

Source: Jobvite Index


Other Sources

Top performing Companies hire Referrals at a

rate of 1 out of 3 applications.

Source — Dr. John Sullivan and Associates research 2008-2011

Average firms hire at a rate of 1 out of 10

referral candidates.

Source — Dr. John Sullivan and Associates research 2008-2011

Referrals are the #1 FASTEST Way to Hire.

• 29 days for referrals

• 39 days for job boards

• 45 days for career sites.

Source:Jobvite Index 2012

LinkedIn Message with a Link to

Details About the Role

Please forward if you know of

someone that might be interested…

>> <<

Video of Hiring Manager discussing the role

Make it Real!

When a referral candidate is hired,

your employees get rewarded!

Celebrate & Reward

There are 5 Stages to the Best Referrals Hiring System:

Stage #1 – Get Your Referral Technology & Internal Systems Set Up

Stage #2 – Envision, Map Out and Categorize your future Hiring Needs

Stage #3 – Create an Employee Brand For Your Company.

Stage #4 – LinkedIn: Learn How to Create a Great LinkedIn Profile.

Stage #5 – Recruit & Reward

If You Are Interested In…

• Saving up to 50% on your hiring costs

• Having a hiring process that is 67% faster

• While getting rewarded at the same time for

impacting your company’s bottom line.

I have a Social HR Camp

Discount Incentive for you! E-mail me at for more information.

Thank You!
