performance appraisal of singer bd ltd


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Performance appraisal of

Singer Bangladesh Limited

Name IDJafar Md. Abu 14-97729-2Shohanuzzaman Md. 14-97734-2Mansura Kaniz 14-97735-2Maha Sharaban Tahura 15-98478-1Sharmin Nafiz 14-98019-3

Shohanuzzaman Md. 14-97734-2

COMPANY OVERVIEWSinger Company Limited born in 1811 in

USA.It was started its business by sewing

machine.Singer Company Limited started its business

in 1905.The main products of Singer Company

Limited are electronics products, like Sewing Machine, AC, Television, Motorbike, Fridge, etc.

Performance appraisal methods The company follow several steps in performance appraisal forms -PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES & ACCOMPLISHMENTS: MUST

BE CLEAR & MEASURABLEDEVELOPMENT REQUIRESMENTSSPECIAL ASSIGNMENTSPERFORMANCE FACTORSOverall performance evaluation. The company is following four methods in their performance

appraisal forms. Those are – MBO Critical Incident Method Checklist method Graphic ratting method.

Management by Objectives (MBO)

Jafar Md. Abu 14-97729-2

Critical Incident MethodThese critical incidents represents the

outstanding or poor behavior of the employee.

The manager periodical records critical incidents of employee's behavior.

Managers prepare lists of statement of every effective and in effective behavior of an employee

Advantage and disadvantage of Critical Incident Method

Advantage LimitationsHelps specify what is “right”

and “wrong” about the employee’s performance; forces supervisor to evaluate subordinates on an ongoing basis.

Difficult to rate or rank employees relative to one another.

negative incidents maybe more noticeable than positive incidents.

Mansura Kaniz 14-97735-2

Checklist Method


A checklist is a predetermined list of criteria against which the recorder answers yes or no

Checklists are highly selective, only giving the recorder the opportunity to record decision concerning the criterion.

There are no details to check the recorder’s decision.

Advantages of Checklist method The checklist is time and labor efficient.The checklist is comprehensive (it may cover

many developmental areas)The checklist is a documentation of


Disadvantages of Checklist method It is difficult to make actual ranking for

employees.Standards may be unclear.The checklist loses details of the event.The checklist may be biased by the recorder.The checklist may have many items to check

making it time consuming.Can cause disagreements among employees

and may be unfair if all employees are, in fact, excellent.

Maha Sharaban Tahura 15-98478-1

The graphic rating scaleThe graphic rating scale method is the simplest

and most popular method for appraising performance.

Graphic rating scales demonstrates a particular trait, behavior, or performance result.

Rating forms are composed of a number of scales, each relating to a certain job or performance-related dimension, such as job knowledge, responsibility, or quality of work.

Graphic rating scales may or may not define their scale points.

Advantage of Graphic Rating ScaleSimple to useEasy to communicableEasy to understandProvides a quantitative technique for each employeeStandards may be unclearHalo effect, central tendency, leniency, biasStandardization of content permitting comparison

of employees. Ease of development use and relatively low

development and usage cost. Reasonably high rater and rate acceptance.

Disadvantages of Graphic Rating Scale

Graphic rating scales also fail to provide a good mechanism for providing specific, non providing specific, non-threatening feedback threatening feedback.

Possible rating errors include halo effect, central tendency, severity, and leniency.

Sharmin Nafiz 14-98019-3

Recommendation The singer Bangladesh ltd using four method for

employee performance appraisal . If they follow four method all together it will be time consuming as well as costly so we suggest to follow only bars method that will be perfect cause it's takes less time and give accurate result.

Here is some advantage of BARSIt’s easy to use. It’s equitable. It’s fully individualized.It’s action-oriented. 

CONT…It is more clear and standard.It provides immediate Feedback.It is independent dimensions.It judges employees’ performance

consistency and doesn’t make biasness.

Thank you
