Endouble Whitepaper scrum


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SCRUM - Let’s make it simpleKnowledge Session

Scrum knowledge session

About this knowledge session


» Quick recap of yesterday

» Different roles in Scrum for Endouble

» User Stories

» Putting it to use

Scrum knowledge session 3

What is Scrum?

Scrum is a software development

framework in which a product is

developed in fixed time periods, in

which an improved version of the

product is released in predefined


Quick recap

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Scrum knowledge session

What’s the big difference?


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The Scrum process

Scrum knowledge session

The pillars of Scrum


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Scrum stakeholders

These are the stakeholders within the Scrum

process at Endouble:

- Development Team

- Product Owner

- Scrum Master

- Project Manager

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Product Owner

The Product Owner is the stakeholder in the

Scrum process who shares his vision and wishes

with all the other stakeholders in the Scrum

process. He manages the backlog.


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The Project Manager in our Scrum process takes

over communications with developers, manages

the backlog and helps optimise ‘user stories’ and

their priorities.

Project Manager

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The backlog

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What is a user story?

User stories are short, simple

descriptions of a feature told from the

perspective of the person who desires the

new capability, usually a user or

customer of the system.

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What does a proper ‘user story’ look like?

As a ____________ , I want _________ , so that ____________. ________________________ (optional)

As a <type of user>, I want <some goal> so that <some reason>. <limitations & priority are optional>

Scrum knowledge session

“As an applicant, I would like to be able to generate a CV (Curriculum Vitae) based on my LinkedIn profile,

because I don’t have a proper CV of my own. We (Endouble) are not a LinkedIn-partner. This ticket has the

highest priority.”

I (as a role/user) want to be able to (functionality/action), because (goal/value for the role/user). (optional


An example of a proper user story


Scrum knowledge session

But… why should I care?


» You know your target audience best

» User stories are easily understandable by all stakeholder

» User stories allow Endouble to suggest solutions based on our own expertise

Scrum knowledge session

Real life examples (1/2)


I, as an applicant, want to be able to quickly identify the

company’s tone-of-voice & online presence.

Scrum knowledge session

Real life examples (1/2)


Scrum knowledge session

Real life examples (2/2)


I, as an applicant, want to read company blogs, so I can learn

more about the company’s culture & activities.

Scrum knowledge session

Real life examples (2/2)


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What defines a good ‘user story’?

» The stories need to be complete

A ‘user story’ should define the target audience, explain the desired result and the reason behind it.

» Conditions / limitations

In case there are limitations as to how the problem might be solved, it is important that they are mentioned

as well.

» Priorities

A user story is only as important as its priority. Always specify the priority.

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Let’s try it out!

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What does a proper ‘user story’ look like?

As a ____________ , I want _________ , so that ____________. ________________________ (optional)

As a <type of user>, I want <some goal> so that <some reason>. <Limitations & priority are optional>

Scrum knowledge session

» jacco@endouble.com

» +31 (0) 20 240 0 240

» www.endouble.nl

Questions? Don’t hesitate to ask!

