Being the innovative recruiter


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2. Host engaging


4. Call for


Outside industry

5. Arrange informal

speed dates

6. Ask your applicant

to get ‘unconventional’.

This can help you connect better with candidates and increase brand awareness. A game cleverly devised to enforce your company values and culture can attract lot of passive candidates too.

Host entertaining contests to bring out the best in candidates and to get more attention & involvement due to the rewards.

This is a more interactive and e�ortless way to shortlist a few good candidates from a heap of resumes. This will bring in a lot

of advantage when you are looking for senior positions and it will even benefit your company as will get a candidate with a di�erent perspective and experience.

3. Have open house



Don’t take this point literally, the idea here is to call in random candidates to meet your employees. This helps in networking and knowing prospective candidates better.

Ask candidates to submit something about them in a very unconventional way. This makes the recruiters & candidates life easy and it can be a really good way to learn more about the candidate at a personal level.

All you need to remember is:

1. Highlight your company culture.

2. Showcase your happy employees.

3. Mix the position goals with something engaging.

4. Most importantly make it a fun activity for the applicants.

1. Gamify the

