3-2-1, Hire! Hiring with LinkedIn Jobs: The candidate journey and beyond


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The candidate journey andbeyond

Stephanie JacobsenCustomer Success Manager


467,000,000 + Members

2 New Members per second7200 New Members per hour100M+ Unique Visitors per month57% Mobile Traffic75% Passive Candidates25% Active Candidates

The talent landscape

Activetalent Opentalent Passivetalent

• ActivelylookingfortheirnextroleASAP

• ‘Explorers’opentolearningmoreaboutyourcompany

• Notlookingforanewrole,butcanbewarmedupforaconversationiftouchedthoughtfully

Touch points along a prospect’s journey

1. Receives InMail

2. Visits your profile

Visits your company page

4. Views a job opportunity

5. Opts in or out

Touch points along a prospect’s journey

1. Receives InMail

2. Visits your profile

3. Visits your company page

4. Views a job opportunity

5. Opts in or out

Touch points along a prospect’s journey

1. Receives InMail

2. Visits your profile

3. Visits your company page

4. Views a job opportunity

5. Opts in or out

Touch points along a prospect’s journey

1. Receives InMail

2. Visits your profile

3. Visits your company page

4. Views a job opportunity

5. Opts in or out

Touch points along a prospect’s journey

1. Receives InMail

2. Visits your profile

3. Visits your company page

4. Views a job opportunity

5. Opts in or out

Job seeking

The job search journey

Assess ApplyDiscover

Meet Jenny Jobseeker

Passive discovery on LinkedIn

Casual discovery with LinkedIn

Recommendations- Education- Experience- Skills- Preferences- Network- Activity

People who can connect you to opportunity

Job Home: discovering jobs

Search discovery

Edge and Fit

• Network connections

• Hiring from your company

• Educational Alumni

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Whether someone is an active or passive candidate, they want to know about your open jobs. We saw tremendous growth in job activity in the past year

of professionals say they are interested in hearing about new job


1 LinkedIn, Global Talent Trends, 20162 LinkedIn, US & Canada Talent Trends, 2016

3 Job Slots Data on the LinkedIn Network

Increase in job applicants in Q4 2015 and Q1 2016 compared to the same time

period previous year3


© 2016 LinkedIn Corporation. All Rights Reserved. |

Based on research 66% of job switchers knew about the company before they heard about the job opportunity1

1 LinkedIn, Global Talent Trends, 20162 LinkedIn, US & Canada Talent Trends, 2016


of professionals say “not knowing what it’s like to work at the company”




Culture & Values

Perks & Benefits

Office Locations

What candidates want to know about2 Biggest Roadblock when Changing Jobs2

Assessing a job

A typical job posting

Your “In”

Your Fit

Your Edge

A candidate’s fit

Reach out your connections

Meet the team

Humanizing the jobs experience

Apply with LinkedIn: ease andconvenience

What does this mean for you?

From postings to possibilities

Bringing your LinkedIn jobs to life with your people & culture

Connecting the right seekers with the right opportunities

An even more engaging jobs experience on LinkedIn
