Will robots run your facility soon?


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Will robots run your facility soon?

Things are changing…Faster

“Some very smart people claim the human brain will be reverse engineered within the

next 10 years” Ray Kurzweil, well known American author,

inventor and futurist

“Artificial Intelligence (AI) will drive our economy and change the way we live.”

Ray Kurzweil, well known American author, inventor and futurist

5 reasons why you should you care

1. Cost increases worldwide causing shift Higher container rates Higher wages in China Competitive domestic manufacturing is hot

2. Manufacturing is changing Almost 40 percent of U.S. manufacturers are using some sort of robot

on production lines. Source: Manufacturing Institute

From 1980 to 2013 advanced industries expanded at a rate of 5.4 percent annually—30 percent faster than the economy as a whole. Source: Brookings Institute

3. Robots are getting cheaper The cost of owning and operating a robotic spot welder, for instance,

has tumbled from $182,000 in 2005 to $133,000 last year, and will drop to $103,000 by 2025. Source: Boston Consulting

4. Robots are smarter & more versatile

More than heavy automotive – Now robotics in food, beverage, distribution, pharmaceutical…

Signs point to a dramatic increase in robotics capabilities and usage - helping even smaller business gain an advantage. Source: Manufacturing Institute

5. Labor cost up – Talent harder to find Young people have little interest in low skill factory jobs. Need less people but higher skilled for an automated facility


Is your facility ready for robots and automation?

6 simple tips that will save you money in the long run

1. Plan now for future growth Automation leads to growth and profitability. Do you have

the space for the equipment you will need?

1. Equipment selection & layout Determine how much space you need

2. Plan now for future growth Automation leads to growth and profitability. Do you have

the space for the equipment you will need?

Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3

3. Elbow Room Know your robot and automation envelope

4. 36’-40’ Ceiling heights Older facilities have 14’-16’ ceilings Plan and use 3D space from floor to ceiling

3. Smooth and level Automated moving equipment needs smooth floors Amazon has 15,000 robots spread over 10 warehouses

5. Clear flight paths Drones are being tested by Walmart in a warehouse the size of

21 football fields It takes workers about a month to scan the inventory for the

entire building, something the drone can do in 24 hours.

6. Allow for education Need highly trained internal and external support Need area at facility for training Use technology not just to replace workers, but instead to

augment them so that they can do things that were previously impossible.

7. Connect your equipment, robotics, employees, suppliers, and systems

Source: Yaskawa Motoman

Connect: Build in a fiber optic connections, + fully

test WIFI network connect your equipment,

robotics, employees, suppliers, and systems.

Improve Quality: Monitor size, thickness &

strength continuously.

Multitask: Some newer robots can do welding,

riveting, bonding & assembly. (Tesla)

Lower Cost: Predictive maintenance. Your robotics

supplier is connected and ready to help.

7. Connect your equipment, robotics, employees, suppliers, and systems

Source: Yaskawa Motoman

Will robots run your facility soon?You can still be the brains.

Robots and automation are driving cost down (and profit up)

Are you and your building ready?
