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Working Title: la muerte de Cristo nuestro Salvador


Wide Shot: The house and its grounds, with a slow zoom in. (12 seconds)

Mid Shot: The camera follows Lori at a mid-wide shot angle as she walks through the kitchen. (15 seconds)

C/U: Upper body of Zander peering through the kitchen door whilst he speaks. (4 seconds)

mid shot: Lori turning around to throw keys at zander ( 7 seconds)

w/s: stairs. (5 seconds )

Tracking shot: Zander walking up the stairs. (8 seconds )

Realization shot: Zanders face zooming in as you see the fear. (5 seconds )

C/U: The cross above the gun cupboard. (5 seconds)

C/U: Lori as she talks. (8 seconds )

Tracking shot: following zander as he walks to the barn. ( 13 seconds )

Extreme close up: Zander’s face (7 seconds)

Above shot. Lori on the phone (8 seconds)

Side angle W/S: Taxi pulls up, C/U of the priests as they leave the taxi. (15 seconds)

Side angle M/S: Preists emptying brief cases, removing bibles and C/U of rosary beads. ( 8 seconds)

Diegetic speech from lori “What is that noise coming from the barn, has a wolf got our masiey, Zander go have a look.”Non-diegetic sound of a loud growl.Diegetic speech. “Yes mother, pass me the shotgun just incase i have to fight off the wolf.”

Diegetic speech, with non-diegetic sound effect of keys jingling. “For god sake Zand”

Non-diegetic: footsteps

Diegetic speech: Hurry up zander, i can’t afford to lose another cow.Non-diegetic: gun cocking with the growling in the background getting louder.

Diegetic speech: mierda!

Diegetic speech: Hello, is this? This is Miss Lori……

Non-diegetic sound of wind blowing and cloaks flapping in the wind. Diegetic speech: I can sense the devil here…

Non-diegetic sound of brief cases opening and books being put down.