EXIT Realty Nexus Connection Newsletter


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Dec 2009 31 2010 WILL BE A GEM…... 1

INSIGHTS .............. ……..2



BUSINESS OF REAL ESTATE The activities you have and are putting into place, will determine your results for 2010.

2010 WILL BE A GEM! A message from Frank D’Angelo


Nov. ‘09 Listings


One-Year Change:

- 7.4%

Nov. ‘09 Pendings


One-Year Change:

+ 10.2%

6.69 Homes on the Market Per BUYER (Jan ‘10)

Affordability Index:

207 (Dec. 09)

I’m so happy and grateful to be with a group of connected people in the real estate industry. Can’t imagine what it would be like to be in business for myself and by myself anywhere else. This past year was another learning experi-ence for all of us with respect to keeping up with the changes in this industry. Some of our agents generated alterna-tive income opportunities by incorporating our BPO training and leveraging our office leads. Renee, Dennis, Jodi, Patti Ann and now Chris are all supplementing their income with consis-tent BPO production. More importantly, they’re probably more in tune with the REO inventory and soon-to-be inventory than most agents.

I would like to congratulate all who have success-fully closed busi-ness in 2009. Closed business in this type of a mar-ket is a success. Special acknowl-edgments again go out to Donavon DesMarais who

continues to lead EXIT Realty in sales for con-secutive years. What do I see happening in 2010 for our industry in general? Regarding the REO business, I’m seeing more Asset Management Firms beginning to spread their inventory around due to poor performing REO Brokers/Agents. What of the Short Sale inventory? Bank of America has already aligned themselves with Equator (Formerly REO Trans) to set up a loss mitigation department and work their short sale assets like REO’s. I forecasted that last year and continue to believe that the Short Sale industry will evolve more like the REO model. Agents need to be aligned with the appropriate people who will help them get their foot in the door with the miti-gating attorneys handling the files and/or the Asset Management Firms servicing the files. Time for ‘One-to-one’ meetings! You already know everybody you need to know. Reflect on who they are and set up your ‘One-to-One’ meet-ings ASAP! What will happen with the regular real estate industry? The people who need to move are raising their hands right now and have been waving their arms the past few months. What

we’re discovering in our data is that people who have expired or cancelled 30 or more days ago are more open to a new agent listing in the NEW YEAR. Time to launch your 30+ Day expired campaign. Patti Ann and Sheldon have been utilizing the REDex database manager to save the time and energy to produce and scrub with the MLS database and effectively generate list-ings from Expired and Cancelled listings across the metro. Speak to them about how to get in-volved with REDex. For 2010, I’ll go out on the limb and forecast 30 to 40% of closed business will still be lender mediated transactions. I will also confi-dently say that 2010 will have a significant in-crease of closed Non MLS transactions for those agents wanting to working with investors, flip-pers and short sale buyers. Finally, as most of you know, I’m always looking for evolving opportunities, in-cluding our exclusive and unique web lead generating system we have coming on board early in 2010. Helping our agents grow their business and helping them build/invite team members is my ultimate goal. Happy New Year to all and I pray this will be your best year with us.

Insights With Patti Ann Kasper

A look at EXIT REALTY NEXUS’ Mastermind Program

and still didn’t find what I was looking for until I went to the 2009 EXIT Convention in Wash-ington DC. When Bob Proctor took the stage at the convention and explained how the minds work and how the conscious and sub-conscious minds are linked – it hit me like a ton of bricks! This was just the informa-tion I’d been searching for. Now I know why I wasn’t getting the results I wanted and I have the tools to improve my results in both my private and professional

lives. Since the convention, several of us have been putting these tools to good use. Based on Bob Proctor’s Thinking Into Results, the Nexus

Mastermind training program has been a tremendous help to me. I encourage everyone to get involved with this program. One of the basic laws you’ll learn

is that the images you hold in your mind most often materialize in results in your life. Call it mind over matter or the hand of God or whatever you like; it is why my phone has started to ring!

– it hit me like a ton of

bricks! This was just

the information I’d

been searching for.


Complete vs. Compete

2010 Tuesday Business Briefings will be better than ever. Each week we will offer innovative and tested techniques to help you grow your business. We will also continue with our MasterMinds series which enhance every aspect of your personal and professional live as we work in unison to reach our individual goals and dreams. “Amateurs compete. Professionals COMPLETE”



January 5th:    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!  Shaun Ahmad!  January 7th:    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!  Patti Ann Kasper!  January 8th:    NEXUS HOLIDAY GATHERING @ Roxanne’s!       6:30 pm  Bring something to share!  January 14th:  Need a Photo?  Headshots at EXIT REALTY METRO.  $35+ Tax                  Email Holly Lervik for details  holly.lervik@ermetro.com  January 20th:   NORTH METRO BOARD FREE CLASS:  How to Close a 203K Loan                            9:00 am– 11:00 am  Register at www.northmetro.com    January 21st:   WCR Seminar and Luncheon  ‐ Park Place Hotel, Edina/Bloomington Area                               11:00 am ‐1:00 pm  Register at www.twincitiesWCR.org 

For most of my life, I searched for some sort of “instruction manual” for the mind. In my real estate career, I tried to improve my sales and results by taking more and more classes, but my phone still wasn’t ringing. Even though I am well educated and intelligent, I knew I was missing something. I took philosophy courses, studied many different religions, read the writ-ings of many different teachers from Aristotle to Deepak Chopra,

Looking Forward Donavon DesMarais was born and raised in a real estate

family and has been a integral part of the NEXUS family

Well, 2009 proved to be another sensational year in life, health and business! How it came and went so fast is beyond me, but life is definitely fantastic. We're officially into 2010 and I am im-mensely excited about the year ahead. It's been my experience that the more a person can get out and actively engage people in con-versations about real estate the more one can expect in directly correlated referrals. I don't ever claim or pre-tend to think I'm the best in any regard at what I do, but dang it, I'm out there and in it eight days a week thirteen months a year. Haha! I live and breathe real estate and everyone who knows me knows I'm making

things happen for my clients. I proactively get the pulse of the market out to the masses on a regular basis through social spheres on sites such as

Facebook, LinkedIn and most re-cently Twitter. Since knowledge is power...I figure the more I can pas-sively keep the masses informed of significant develop-ments in our industry the more I become their "Go-To-Expert" for when the day comes when they do need my help. I don't do anything fancy as I don't do mail-ins for self-promotion or direct marketing of my services of any kind. My motto has always been never to be the "naggy" friend or family member that is in real estate instead I passively make sure every-one and anyone that knows my

name automatically thinks "Real Estate" when they think of me. This simple tactic is achieved through social networking, distribution of my business card to a minimum of five people/strangers per day (gas station attendants, gro-cery store checkout person, fast food drive-thrus, etc). Before you know it

the phone is ringing off the hook and the refer-rals and appointments roll in. I'm swamped right now as a result of it and the wonderful mentoring and support

I get from Frank and by attending our office trainings with our great group. Looking forward, I'm beginning to interview for licensed agents to help me form and grow my own real estate team. Theme of 2010 for my business plan: First Time Home

...anyone that knows my

name automatically

thinks "Real Estate"

when they think of me.



Buyers, Short Sale Sellers and INVESTORS!!!!! All the best to everyone in 2010. God bless!





Donavon DesMarais   ‐  Multiple Closings 

 Frank D’Angelo ‐  Multiple Closings 

 Sheldon Berquist  ‐  Multiple Closings 

 Roxanne Skeie Hillard  ‐ Multiple Closings 

 Chris Kornberg  ‐  Multiple Closings 

 Renee Johnson  ‐  Multiple Closings 

 Dennis Dorman 

 Mike Berglund 

 Rick Gullickson 

 Brian Watson 
