5 Essential Commercial Real Estate Tips from Brian Fielding of Fielding Investments



When considering investing in commercial real estate here's what you need to know from the commercial real estate experts at Fielding Investments.

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5 Essential Commercial Real Estate Tips

From Brian Fielding of Fielding Investments and Fielding Companies

1. Maintenance Costs

1. Maintenance Costs

• When renting out a property, you must include the maintenance costs in order to figure out your finances.

• You should have a “rainy day” fund for maintenance expenses.

• Things happen: air conditioners break, storms happen and cause damage, etc. Be prepared!

• Setting aside a monthly amount into a designated place will help you to always be prepared for anything!

2. Taxes, Taxes, Taxes

• You need to always be aware of the cost of takes in your area.

• If your area’s tax rates are too high, you might end up with a negative cash flow.

• Make sure that you consult with a professional in order to establish whether you need to invest at home or somewhere nearby with a lower tax rate.

3. Advertisements

3. Advertisements

• Having a sale on your goods or want to have a sale to get rid of some old stuff?

• Some property managers won’t let you post signs, so be aware shares Brian Fielding.

• Always ask if there is an option to have a building-side advertisement to get more exposure for your business!

4. Build Strong and Lasting Relationships

• More than likely, you’ll need a partner to go in on a commercial real estate investment.

• Build relationships with the influential people in your community…you never know when it might benefit you!

5. Seek Out Help if You Need it

• At the end of the day, your best option might be to ask a professional to help guide you through the process.

• For more information, visit http://fieldinginvestments.net.
