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Issue 13 | Year 03 | January | 2015


There is nothing more solid and sustainable than developing a winning mindset, individually, in teams and organizations. Of course that rewards, praise, training, a good work environment, career development or allowing a good work-life balance are important ways of keeping employees and teams motivated and engaged. Nevertheless, the most robust factor to make of us true winners is that each of us feels motivated and energized, that we develop the right mindset, possessing the strength and the energy which enables us to act, to focus, to give our best to achieve our goals and be resilient in face of turbulence and difficult challenges. Being so, developing a winning mindset must be a priority for organizations. That’s why Winning Mindset: High-Achievers in Business and Life is the theme of Happy Conference 2015. A subject that encourages the development of winning cultures, the achievement of great results and a positive growth. The conference takes place on March 18th, at Teatro Tivoli BBVA, in Lisbon, and the guest speaker will be Ian Robertson - a psychologist and a specialist in neuropsychology - who will conduct an impactful and intense two-hour session where he will deconstruct what underlies success – our motivations and drives, our focus as well as the neurochemicals that are involved in this whole process – and how each of us can be in control of our behavior, develop a mindset and an ability to act which ultimately leads to a series of victories, both individually and collectively. If you want to be a high-achiever and make of those around you high-achievers too, be sure not to miss Happy Conference 2015.

What is a Winning Mindset?

Who is Ian Robertson?

Ian Robertson is Chair in Psychology at the Trinity College Dublin, author of several books and leading international researcher. He focuses on behavior change, on brain plasticity and its ability to adapt and change throughout adulthood. Robertson is also a visiting Professor at University College London and Bangor University, a Visiting Scientist at the Rotman Research Institute, University of Toronto, and the director of the NIEL program (Neuroenhancement for Inequalities in Elder Lives). He is a trained clinical psychologist, by Institute of Psychiatry, London, and holds a Ph.D. in Neuropsychology from the University of London.


The Biochemistry Behind the “Winners” Effectby Ian Robertson

4 Easy Steps to Unleashing “The Winner Effect”by Ian Robertson

WIN World Insights