Value Of Life Lesson


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Founder & Creator by: Buffy Pribble

Empower your Mind & Soul to be a Better Person & Teach others your Secret to Life (Copy Right 2015)

Value of Life Lesson: Fundamental

The Presentation is about you and how you can Change your life to the Fullest with your Own Distantly.

This will Empower your Mind & Soul of being a Better Person and Change your Self Image as it is up to you or not…

You have more right to yourself then anyone for you to Make Your Mind set of who you Want To Be & Encourage Others.

You will get an inside of Your Founder on a Personal Level Stay Tune for that to come.

Encouraging Message to Remember

Be Positive Do Not Down Grade Your Self You are More Powerful & Valuable to be here on Earth.

God sent you here for his Mission you have for us to learn your Life & What you have to Offer.

You are the most Smart & Intelligent Person you know your own Self better then Any One.

Most all there is no such word (I CAN’T) Say yes I Can Do All Thing that I Put My Mind Too.

When you say I CAN’T it’s a set up to Fail Your Self. Keep that in mind when you have not tried to make Judgment About Your Self. Try before you say I CAN’T in your Future to come. Change Attitude in Yourself that you Can Do It.

Keep in Mind of Others Hearts Before You Hurt Them & Your Heart. Be Kind to Others.

Everyone has Inspirations or Hero in there Life time. Here my 2 Hero


Starting the Lesson: Value Life Lesson

There are 10 Steppes but not limited too as they

will give you better Clarity to your Life

Lesson for years to come.

Please Stay Tune for the Bonuses Lesson to come. That will be Revealed after the Lesson 10. Thank you for your time to View all Lesson to be Inspired with the 10 Lesson Plus Bonuses.

The Following 10 Things to know that Help your Value Life Lesson: Self Esteem: Strong Respect Being Used or

Being Taking for Granted

Determined Success

Spirituals: Love Romantic Dreams Compassion Faith and


Frist 5 Lesson is Self-Esteem or Self Confident

Strong Respect Being Use or Be Taking for Granted Determined Success These are Day to Day Bases of what our life

to Achieve and Build your Self Confident Level to Empower your Mind to keep going Forward Never going Back.

Second 5 Lesson Are your Spirituals Zone

Love Romanic Dreams Compassion Faith and Strength These are your Mind and Soul and you are the

One can change your Faith in all thing and who you Spend you Life with as your Share your Heart to Others and Let in your Life too.

Number 1 Lesson: Strong

There is all kind of being Strong. Be strong Emotionally and Physically. Mind and

Soul that is your Body to Protect to your Heart from Hurt.

Being Strong does not mean how much you Lift at the Gym but use your Mind to see How Much you Lift and to Endure as well.

Being Strong is a Gift to have. Please see more Inspiring photos to help your Mind to Understand yourself better.

The Overview of: Strong Lesson

When you Establish your Ability to be Strong and when you know your Limit of what you Plan to do on your Challenges.

It is up to you to stay Positives or Negatives. We all have Good Days and Bad Days. But it is

up to us to Change that Mood what bring us Down to look on the Up Side.

Most all it is up to you to see how Strong you are with in your Self and Drive your Self on.

Number 2 Lesson: Respect

You must Respect yourself before you Respect others.

You must Respect others as you Respect yourself Full Circle Always.

When you have given your time to your love ones or Co-Workers and so much more. Make sure your time is Valued.

Always help others and put first never be Greedy about your time as there is no Regrets Attached.

The Overview of: Respect Lesson

Over all you should always Make Time for all your love ones and Everyone you work with as There Is One Chance in Life to Make Thing Right and Never get it Back Again.

If you Treat Others Bad then They Will Treat you Bad. If you Call Them Names then They Will Call You Names.

If you Flake on them Then They will Flake on you. If you Invite them to your Events and come Then You

Should Pay Back that Favor to Them. If you Help Them and They Help You. If you Do Not Help others then Expect Others Not Help

You at all. Always be Kind to Every one and they will be Kind Back.

Number 3 Lesson: Being Used. Or Being Taking For Granted.

You have the Power to Say NO to Anyone if you are Not Comfortable.

It is your Right to your Journey to all the Right Kind of People or Bad Kind of People come into your Life.

Never Let Anyone Used you or Take Advantaged of your Soul.

You should also Not used Anyone in Return or Take Advantaged there Soul too.

Continue Lesson 3:Topic

If you Do Not like to be used then you have the Right & Controlled Not Allow it to Happen to You or Other you Care About.

Never Allow to be Talked into Something you are Not Assure of if your Inter Feeling Don’t Feel Right then Don’t do it Until you do Your Research and so on. And get the Insurance for your Self Always.

Our Heart is to Preciouses to be Used and Do Not let other take your Soul and Allow them to Take Charge of your life Without your Permission.

Never Let Anyone Bully you or Abuse you in All Kinds of Level.

Overview of: Being used or Being Taken for Granted Lesson

Remember If you Do Not want to be Hurt or Use then Do Not Do unto Others as they Will Do unto You.

Remember everyone has Feeling and it can be Hurt as is Hurt is never Easy to Regain that Scare that is Made in the Person Heart by Words, or Action.

Remember you are In control of how you want to Live your Life and allow them to you use you or not. Never be afraid to tell your feeling to them too.

You Have the Right to Not Be a Victims of Anyone Account. If they Really care they will not.

Continue Overview For Lesson 3.

Remember Truest is the Key to life if you Use someone and they Use you too.

When the Trust is Broken it is always hard to Regain there Trust from them or from you if you break any Ties and Bone to them.

When it come to Money to give it away is okay but when you Borrow then should always be Kind to Repay back and if the person do not pay there party interest back then to expect not to get any back or to borrow again.

Always please keep in mind Do Not use others if you want to Be Used yourself too.

Number 4 Lesson:Determined-Nation

We all can Fail in our Life. If we Fall then we Get Back Up and Try Again.

We are own Mentor We Teach others and others learns from us come in full circle.

We are Dedicated to our Project and Daily Duty. We have the Right to put our Mind to what We

Want and Dream About. We are Determined and Unique Individual that

Can Do Anything we Want Too.

Overview of:Determined-Nation

The word Determined is your Mind that is set to your Expectations with in Your Self.

You are so IN Control with your Plan of Action of who you Want to Be and where you Become after Failure.

Always Remember Never Give Up. You never know what Opportunity Opens to your Mind and Soul to Future to come.

Achieve Your Goals. One Door Close and Another One Opens NEVER GIVE UP.

Number 5 Lesson:Success

Success come in all Sizes it can be Small to Big of what you Desire.

Success is not about how much you put into your Wallets or how Wealthy or Poor you are.

We have every right to our Success Level of what we Plan to do in Presents to the Future.

Overview of: Success When you Succeeded in all thing you put your Mind

to it. Then you are Successful. Take Praise in your Hard work and Reward yourself

when you Hit your Goal. Success is also how much you do for others and others

will do for you. Take part in the Community Project also will make

you Successful. When you give your time, and Money to Support the Charity's that will come back Ten Fold to a Better Success in all things.

Remember never think only for you and think of others that will follow you.

Overview in 1-5 Lesson:

When you Established the Five Lesson of: Strong, Respect, Being Used or Being Taking

for Granted, Determined, and Success. Each Lesson has Cover all Points that are

leading to your Self Esteem or Self Confidant. As you take Mental Notes of what make you a

Better you and Empower your Mind and Think for Others Feelings too.

Continue Overview Lesson 1-5

Every Lesson is based on the point you can use every day Routine.

You can use these Methods to your Family, Friends, and on the Job site you are working for. Or as yourself Business owner to Treat your Employees with Better Respect and Gain there Self Confidents on the Job.

We have a Choice to make our self a Better person and other will Appreciate you Better too and Full Circle on Everyone around you.

The next 5 Lesson is about all about Spirituals Mind & Soul of

what you give to yourself and other to treat you with every

moment you give is Dear to your Hearts. This Lesson Include:

Love, Romantic, Dreams, Compassion, & Faith and


Number 6 Lesson:Love

To Love is to Love Yourself for Who You Are. To Love Others for Who They Are. Never Change them for Anything or Yourself to.

Love is the number 1words we say every day every minutes, and None Stopped it is always Everlasting thought is on our mind all day.

Never take Love for Granted for any Contact you Come Across.

Love is the most Powerful Word and Hard to Replace with any Other Word.

Continue Lesson 6: Love

L is for the way you look at meO is for the only one I seeV is very, very extraordinaryE is even more than anyone that you adore

The Perfect Example of a song that is sing by Nat King Cole^ He has done a great out line of what is Love about. But it is Not About Your Partner is about you too.

Overview of:Lesson LOVE

I love the comment that was made by RuPaul’s Closing thoughts on her Show. If you Cant love your self how in the Hell can you love anybody else. Can I get a Amen? Amen!!

We should Love all Creatures on Earth and Our People who live on Earth and passed away for us.

Love is a like a plant it needs Water, Fuel to keep it going and Stronger Love that bind together.

Remember Be Kind, Have Courage, Love your self, Love others like you will never see them again. LOVE IS POWERFUL KIND and Never Hurt Upon You and All of Us.

Number 7 Lesson: Romantic-Romance

This is about how much Love you give to your Partner of all Kind of Any Relationship in Everyone Desires and Needs.

The Romance you put out in your Desire Relationship is what you do to keep it Strong.

You should keep it Very Strong, Committed to One Partner at a time.

When you say your Vowels on the Wedding day keep them Whole and Not Break the Vowel to each others. Keep your Romance Alive.

Continue Lesson 7: From the day you say I do to your Spouse is

what you Joined as One. Keep your Romance Alive by what you do for

each other and even with kids you can still keep it Alive by going on a Date Night, or Minnie Vacation for Two Only.

Most Important part is Never Cheat on Each Other. Work all Thing out Until there is NO Option to Lead into a Shatter Heart upon the Two Souls and Family & Friends too.

Overview of:Lesson Romantic or Romance

In a Perfect Romantic Relationship need Two Heart to make One Joined Heart.

We Cannot Tango to Dance if you don’t have a Partner to Keep Dancing On Going.

Each Heart is Very Valuable Never should be Hurt or Damaged. In a Romance there is a need to Keep Both Heart Breathing is to Keep Working Together as NO Love is Easy to Keep but Pure Dedicated Heart’s to Keep Going.

Number 8 Lesson:Dreams

Dreams can come in all Size and Shape. Dreams come in all kind from Sleep to a wake

in the Daily Activity. Dreams can be of Who you Want to be and

Who You Are to this day. Dreams come in 3 kinds, that is Dreams We

Sleep, Day Dream, and Make Dreams to Reality of What You Put Your Mind to it to Complete your Desire.

Overview of:Lesson Dreams

The Reason why we have Dreams is our Goals in life we Want & Desire to come True.

We say Dreams the words in our Daily Vocabulary and Even we have them when we Rest every time.

We Have High Stander Dreams that are need to be check of like a Bucket List we want to complete before we go as our time is up. So we want to Reach for our Dreams and make it all Possible to Come True. Right?

Number 9 Lesson:Compassion

Having Compassion is an Inter Gift that hold us to since of others Feeling and Sympathy that tie into Compassion.

It all come to the 3 words. Compassion Feeling for other and you. Sympathizing other as the Experience is

Happening to you as well. Add Condolences for Someone Loss too.

Overview of:Lesson Compassion

If you have No Compassion in your Heart and Soul then you do not have Feeling for Others Love One or a Strangers come into your Life.

Having Compassion is a Gift to Fully Understand yourself & others, and if they are Grieving you Feel for them at Heart. If something Tragic Happened to anyone you loved, and Kids or Someone that is Pure Pain and Suffering so much if you Can Feel that then you have Compassion at Heart.

Take Compassion Very Serous as you have One Time to Impress how Thoughtful you are to your Love Ones and not about Gift that you give will show your Compassion but your Time make a Huge Difference too.

Number 10 Lesson:Faith and Strength

Having Faith is the Hardest to do in Life. We want thing Now we are Impatient Humans do not want to Wait Until it Happen.

Having Faith is all thing is so hard if your Belief is in a Religion Point of View or you are not in that kind of person but is not What Fate. Most Important to have is that we have our God is all we need to keep our Faith in all thing to have our Prayers Answer or how you Perceive your Destiny.

Continue Lesson 10:Faith and Strength

Having Strength is the Most Powerful Points in your Life. We may think that nothing is worth waiting for or to Achieve in what Goals we Desire.

Remember you may think Today I want to Give up then Tomorrow you will not. But in your time you will get to a Point that Enough is Enough and I will Not Give Up Until I Can Do Tt All. Faith and Strength are you Most Powerful Tools to keep Your Mind Much Stronger then you think.

Overview of:Lesson Faith and Strength

If you do not have these to in your life then you will fail yourself to disappointment to you and your Soul.

There is never a thought in your mind that you can not do it but you can do all thing that put your mind to it.

Never say Never. One Door Open and One Door Close to a Better and Brighter Future to Come.

You have one life to live then live it to the best in your life. Make Mistake is Common but that make you much more Stronger in your life Now.

Overview the Next 5 Lesson is about Spirituals and when you

know in your Heart you Give your Time and Love to your self and all who are around you will see you Happy and then they are Happy

too. Always Remember Never GIVE UP ON YOUR DREAMS or

Don’t Let someone Bring you Down. YOU CAN DO IT. Move on


Now that we have Complete 10 Lesson. Here is the Bonuses Lesson.

Are you all ready now to know what I have in store for your Bonuses Lesson?

Please Move on to the Next Slide to find out.

Thank you for your time.

Bonuses Lesson:Inspirations

I have felt the need to Added this to the Presentation as we are all Teacher to Each Others and Help Each Other Out as well.

We Inspired Everyone who Walking Into Our Life or Media of what is on TV we view or look Up to our Supper Hero in the Movie or TV show we watch every day every one need a little Pick Me Up and Inspired and Motivation to Keep Going on in life and can do it all just have Faith and all the Lesson 1-10 plus other thoughts. To Keep in Mind you are a Teacher as well. We all Learn from Each Other and we do not Need a Collage Degree to Prove We Are Better Then Anyone We are all Equal as God made us to be.

Overview of:Bonuses Lesson

Inspired each other is the best gift to our self and Always Remember Be kind to one another.

We are here on earth to complete our Mission that are given to our self and need to have others to follow your Steppes of what make you the best person in the world. SAY I CAN DO IT…

We have Good and Bad People her on Earth but even Bad People are Inspired by the Good People can show a Better Life if they Follow Wisely not Repeat Mistake of many. NEVER GIVE UP…

As that Conclude all Lesson for now. But in hope you will learn Greatly of Something that can

help you with a Better and Brighter Life to come and all Best Future to Come. Always

Remember you are never a lone and You can do All Thing if you

Put Your Mind to it…

Note From Your Founder:I am Buffy Pribble

I am not a Teacher, Professor, Or have a Psychology Degree or Even a Doctor of any kind.

I had an moment in my time to come up with this Unique Presentation that has inspired me to help others of what I have over come and what make me so strong and how I got through in life to over come all Negative and turn it into Positive to this day.

Continue about the Founder:

I am a Single Mother of 3 Girls are my Blessed Angels and a child with Autism my Youngest Girl.

I am going through a Hard Divorce as I have feel the need to put this Pretention together as my Healing source to my Mind, Body and Soul.

I have Endure all kinds of Pain in my life Including all kinds of Abuse from past that made me much stronger person to this day. I had a hard past Yes but also I am a survivor too.

I have big family of many Homes I have been in and great Family Support and Friends as well. I could not have made it with out them all my life to come & My Love of my Future life to come God bless me with. My Hero's is all who has Inspired me and Love me.

Final Thoughts I have put this Powerful Message together is to Insure

myself and other we can make it. Just stay Strong to Strength that keep us to have all over Power Faith in our Hearts to go on and Keep Going on.

We take our words as much personal to our Heart and joy to life that we can put our mind to it we can do it.

Always remember that All good thing come to those who waits and Many Surprised will arise above your Wildest dreams to come.

Remember two thing I CAN DO IT. AND EVER GIVE UP. Your Destiny Defined your Ability of what your can do in all thing if you put your mind to it. I have faith in you can do it and I can do it right along with you.

Overview Final Thoughts:

Two main thoughts to Remember… NEVER GIVE UP. SAY I CAN DO IT. When you say those every day then you will

Empower your Mind and Soul. You will have the Enriched your Mind by say

something Nice about your Soul and others. One word goes along way. Always remember all your love ones that are need in your time and Heart.

Be thankful to each other and other will thank you too.

The Presentation by: Buffy Pribble (2015)

Thank you for your time and Effort to read this from Top to Bottom. Please See my other Pretention I have here on SlideShare.NetIt is my Great Pleasure and Honor to do this with all my Heart and Soul to share my thoughts to you all have a Better Understanding of the Value of Life Lesson.

Reference: All Photo are from Yahoo Search, Are Perfect Tools to help all Lesson.

COPY RIGHT 2015 By Buffy Pribble.