Transitioning Publications from Print to Web



Presented at the 2014 PRSA Midwest District Conference on June 20, 2014. We all know that digital technologies are great at creating significant disruption in our workflows and processes. Although there are undoubtedly challenges in transitioning from a printed publication to any new digital publishing format, there are countless opportunities available as well. In this session, you will learn how to establish a digital publishing presence on websites, mobile and apps. The challenges of design, implementation and strategic content delivery will be covered, as well as new opportunities in digital distribution, social media integration and reader interactivity.

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June 20, 2014 2014 PRSA Midwest District Conference

Transitioning publications from print to web



Pros of digital publications •  Printing and distribution

costs much lower than conventional media

• Greater circulation and subscription potential

• Greater advertising potential with capacity for interaction and web traffic referrals

• No technical experience required to create and distribute

• Bring your content to life with photography, video, audio and interactive links

• Make your entire back catalogue available

Cons of digital publications

• Hard to read if not optimized for mobile (zooming in and out, etc.)

• Can add layers of confusion for readers if not designed correctly

• Multiple devices, operating systems, browsers, app engines to keep track of



Process • Evaluation of content • Design • Coding/building

Missouri State Magazine

Mind’s  Eye  

Research  page  

Online  magazine  


Social  sharing  

Web-first approach •  Interviews and written story • Photography and video • Publish one story a month on Mind’s Eye site • Publish printed piece in September



Lessons learned

Software & Platform Resources • WordPress • Readmore • Google Currents • Treesaver • Baker Framework • Adobe Digitial Publishing Suite

The future
