Social media interconnectivity


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Benefits of Social Media Interconnectivity

Julie Press

Social Media Campaigns

Dr. Theresa Russell-Loretz, Winter 2016


• Define key terms

• Explain benefits of social media interconnectivity

• Provide specific examples

• Q&A

Key Terms

Social Media Interconnectivity

“Platforms that coexist in the social media landscape allowing them to reinforce and support each other in

unprecedented ways”


Social Media Interconnectivity

Experience Economy

“Businesses staging experiences for

consumers with end goal of receiving

economic offering due to experience.”

-Pine and Gilmore, 1998

How does social media interconnectivity and the experience economy relate?

Social media interconnectivity is an element of an effective staged experience. This element

provides a virtual experience for the consumer, in return, builds a mutually beneficial relationship by keeping them engaged.


Benefits of SM Interconnectivity

• Provides consumer exposure to business’ SM

• Creates a richer post by adding other media elements

• Adds to the overall experience by creating a persona for consumer

Consumer Exposure • Provides another SM

outlet for consumers to engage with

• Alleviates time loss on businesses to connect posts

• Shared posts can increase double the engagement

Richer Content

• Provides a personal, unexpected, visual, or visceral experience

Strengthens Brand • Adds personalized

elements to business’ page

Best Platforms to Link

• Facebook and Youtube/Instagram/ Spotify

• Periscope and Twitter

• Instagram and VSCOcam

• Blog and Pinterest

Instagram & VSCOcam


• Coupling #VSCO in an Instagram makes post more accessible to non-followers

• Targets demographic that uses Instagram and VSCO

• Allows for broader range of users to engage and discover post.

Wrap- Up

• Definitions

• Benefits

• Takeaways

• Q & A
