Prentice hall ch 18 french revolution section 2


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The French Revolution

Part 2: The Moderate Phase


• Describe the 1st Estate• Describe the 2nd Estate• Explain the divisions of the 3rd Estate• Why was the Nation in such financial trouble?• What was the primary cause of failure for the

Estates General?• How did the National Assembly get started?

Revolts Continue

• Failure to compromise coincides with famine

• People spend as much as 80% of income on bread

• ‘Great Fear’ spreads rumors that troops were seizing crops

Revolts Continue• Famine and fear pushes

peasants to attack nobles

• The Paris Commune replaced the royalist government in the city, mobilizing large numbers for protest or violent action

• Marquis de Lafayette heads a middle-class militia called the National Guard in response to royal troops in Paris—first to wear the tricolor

The National Assembly

• Nobles vote to give up their special privileges, abolishing feudalism

• Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen based on American Declaration of Independence

The National Assembly• Olympe de Gouges wrote

Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen

• Louis XVI didn’t want to accept the reforms of the National Assembly

• Women march on Versailles, forcing the king to return to Paris wearing the tricolor, virtual prisoner in the Tuileries

• The National Assembly moves there as well

The National Assembly• Put Church under state control,

seizing lands and making clergy elected and salaried—many peasants disagree

• 1791 Constitution—constitutional monarchy! Legislative Assembly made laws, taxes, declared war. Suffrage to tax-paying males over 25

• Moderates happy—all males equal under law, Church brought under control

Pope Pius VI

Louis XVI Runs

• Louis attempts to escape disguised as a servant—proving himself to be a traitor

Radicals Take Over

• European kings attempt the spread of the “French plague”

• Émigrés report attacks on life, property, religion

Radicals Take Over• Declaration of Pilnitz issued

by Prussia and Austria threatened invasion

• Urban poor call for a republic. Within Legislative Assembly they find support with the Jacobins

• National Assembly votes for war against European monarchs—Austria, Prussia, Britain


Open your textbooks to page 584:

Read the excerpt from the Declaration of the

Rights of Man and Citizen—

• What is special about the title of the document?• Choose three items that manifest Enlightenment

thought and name the philosophe.
